I have been suspended from work today.

I read it as he just tagged 4 mates at work on the post not during work time, or did he add the names to the video etc.

If he just tagged them in the post so they could see it, his employer should not really be involved still.
If he put his mates in the video itself and updated to youtube or social media, then maybe they have a case.

Either way, his mates he has banter with sound like douchebags.
So does the employer. Not really soemthing they should be involved in.

For example, if I was at the pub (outside of my working shift hours) and a colleague arrived at the pub and we fell out because I called him a [insert an rude word] would my employer be entitled to disipline me for it next week? NO, why should social media be any different?
Unfortunate, probably not enough to fire you, but I'd expect a warning based on what you've said.

Social Media can be an absolute ****er, I deliberately don't have anybody from work on my social media, and its as private as I know how to make it incase I fall foul of something similar - not that I post a ton of hilarious bants on there.
Jesus... what absolute CWORD's. Whoever they went to with this should have told them to grow the flump up and get back to work. They sound like utter salad ******s (I can say that right?), good idea with the CVs, time to move!

EDIT: Turns out I can't!
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Wait so they shown said video to upper management and cried to them and asked them to do something?

What sad secluded lives they must live.

Post the video. :D
I cannot see it as a big issue unless it was done in works time? Even then he could have been on his lunch? Still lets all do a petition so that we can see the video and judge for ourselves! lol
Make a new video and edit the subs to have hitler raging at the 2 butthurts for being pansies.
The video is been removed from social media. I did that, they also asked me why I felt the need to remove it. They had a copy anyway, as the meeting was adjourned for 5 minutes, 3 more video points were wrote down on their note pad, so I would imagine they watched it again.

I have it on my PC though. Definitely NSFW but if I was to link it to you would it best to do it via my google drive and give link to view only and not download. Or can it still be downloaded.
I'm confused, did you do this on work PC, or in work time?

If not, why should a comedy video you posted on your own social media wall affect your job?

I don't really understand.

For the record

I did it at home in my own time on my own PC. Comedy video that takes the **** and insults others like they insulted me over the years. Obviously my sense of humour is wrong.

The company does have a Social media policy that I have broken so it seems. However we do have a dedicated colleague page on social media that 10k staff members are on and the crap that is on there would get them the sack instantly.
And if they have a social media policy, do they have a record that they have made you aware of it?

Company can have all the policies it wants, but if it wasn't in the staff handbook when you joined the company / and they cannot prove via a completed training or something similar that they have made you aware of it they can't expect to hold you to it.
I would be interested in the exact wording of the social media policy

Social media is part of our daily lives, both for personal use on sites such
as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and also as a business tool for on the
Colleague Facebook Group, Google and Yammer. As a business, we
actively encourage the use of social media to share ideas and two way
discussions, and this policy outlines how we can use it smartly.
In short, let’s use social media for constructive conversations, and please
don’t post, comment or upload inappropriate content relating to company
your colleagues, customers, suppliers, shareholders or visitors. Doing so
poses risks to you, our reputation, confidential information and compliance
with the law.
Key Principles
 You are personally responsible for any content that you publish on
social media.
 This policy applies to all colleagues using social media sites in or
outside of work, for business and personal use.
 By social media sites we mean any blogs, wikis and other online social
networks. This includes internal or ‘closed groups’ such as Yammer,
Google and the Colleague Facebook Group.
 We do monitor sites and will remove or ask you to remove posts if you
post or upload serious, discriminatory or criminal comments or images
that offends our values, brings our name into disrepute, breaches
confidentiality or is deemed unacceptable to our customers and
 Breaching the policy can result in disciplinary action.
 We retain the right to withdraw access to internal sites at any time,
without notification and to remove posts classed as inappropriate.

Protect our brand
We all have a role in promoting and protecting our brand, and here are
some guidelines to help you do it on social media:
 Please don’t respond to a negative post unless it is part of your role.
 Please don’t post comments that undermine our business.
 Please help us protect you, our colleagues and business by escalating
any policy breeches of issues:
o external sites: flagging to the Social Media team by posting #social
or telephone 999999999 and ask speak to a manager
o internal Colleague Facebook: flagging to the Internal
Communications team by posting #admin or ‘Report Post’ in the top
right of the post.
Be smart, respectful and confidential
Smart: Your comments can affect our reputation and could be in place for
a long time.
Respectful: Let’s speak to each other as we would face to face. We
should respect others and behave in line with our Equality and Diversity,
Bullying and Harassment and Code of Conduct at all times.
Confidential: Let’s not disclose or upload commercially sensitive
information, identify a customer or supplier by name and respect our
values, copyright and trademark laws (including logos).
Internal and ‘closed’ groups
Internal social media sites allow us to have business related discussions,
promote corporate events and fundraising activities and discuss important
matters in a safe, confidential and professional forum; this is not the place
to raise personal or local issues or grievance and disciplinary matters.

Dos and Don’ts
In a nutshell, here are some tips when using social media – whether it’s in
your own time or on a private device at work:
Do Don’t
Think before you post – you’re
responsible for everything you say
Upload anything that could show
company in a negative light or
damage anyone’s reputation.
Avoid offensive or discriminatory
posts about anyone.
Pick fights; they never work out.
Keep confidential business out of
social media.
Post any defamatory, vulgar,
obscene or threatening material.
Use common sense and courtesy.
Apologise if necessary, and let’s
admit mistakes if we make them.
Talk about our customers,
shareholders or suppliers, unless
previously agreed.
Be respectful of others, their cultures
and their rights to privacy.
Access, download or forward
inappropriate or offensive material.
Post accurate and work relevant
information on internal sites.
Use our logo or any Company
images in a personal capacity.
Access social media only during
breaks or outside of working hours.
Give your opinion on behalf of
company unless it’s your job.
Raise concerns about the security of
your account with the relevant social
media site help function.
Raise grievances or complaints on
our internal sites.

I know about it. Its in handbook and in staff areas.
Granted, a Hitler meme / parody might be in bad taste, but it wasn't a direct attack on someone. What you do in your spare time (even if it's with colleagues), should have no bearing on work. If someone else recorded the video and the 2 special ********** pressed the 'report' button, I doubt Youtube would have removed the vid. The fact that the OP recorded that video should be irrelevant.
If i was you i wouldn't post anything as of yet. You never know who could be on here viewing things.
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