If you hadn't noticed we're not talking about consoles and even if we were, are you aware that ATi has the dominance there? They make the graphics chips in the Wii and Xbox, both of which are doing better than the PS3, and before anyone starts, no I'm not an Xbox or Wii fanboy, I have a Wii and a PS3, I Just haven't bought an Xbox, yet.
This hassle free gaming non-sense is just a large lie, As Taken said, you've been conned and it's pretty funny I suppose.
All companies have issues, have a think what hassles are there? If there are some, nVidia are behind a few, like the Batman AA being disabled if an ATi card is detected.
Yeah, that's a hassle, but it's nVidia's doing, no?
What about all those people with nVidia based laptops? I'm sure they absolutely LOVE their hassle free experience, oh wait, their laptops don't work any more since the GPUs overheated and died.