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Ian McNaughton goes out against The Way it's Meant to be Played

7 May 2006
London, Ealing
I just wanted to point out that ATI disabled OCCT too.
FurMark and OCCT overheated and crashed some ATI 3xxx and 4xxx cards because they do not have hardware overcurrent protection. ATI then purposely stopped these programs from running.
The 5xxx series finally have overcurrent protection.

It would be possible to write a power virus for ATI cards, that runs something similar to FurMark or OCCT, and causes a computer with older ATI hardware to crash.

Just ran both OCCT & Furmark on my 3870 without a hitch so they are not disabled.

But that's besides the point as its nothing like what the topic is about.
7 May 2006
London, Ealing
Did you rename the furmark exe. And it was the 4*** cards that got hot. Please try to read the thread.

No i did not rename the exe, nether does it matter to this topic.

Here is the thread you should be in http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17997995

I know all about the 4*** problems with both programs & the reasons why.

FurMark and OCCT overheated and crashed some ATI 3xxx and 4xxx cards because they do not have hardware overcurrent protection. ATI then purposely stopped these programs from running.

Notice the 3xxx being mentioned in that quote which i was replying to.
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29 May 2007
So how does this work in practice? Do Nvidia give free graphics cards and support etc. to developers?

It makes Nvidia look a bit sly and sneaky alright but that's just business. I'm more surprised at a developer basically allowing their game to not work properly on other hardware. No in-game option for AA on an ATI card? Does than make the game better or worse? Obviously worse.

I suppose I could stick in my 8800 GTX just for the game but TBH I'm more likely to just not buy the game.
7 May 2006
London, Ealing
So how does this work in practice? Do Nvidia give free graphics cards and support etc. to developers?

It makes Nvidia look a bit sly and sneaky alright but that's just business. I'm more surprised at a developer basically allowing their game to not work properly on other hardware. No in-game option for AA on an ATI card? Does than make the game better or worse? Obviously worse.

I suppose I could stick in my 8800 GTX just for the game but TBH I'm more likely to just not buy the game.

Giveing free hardware is normal practice in support.
If because of that games run better with less bug on that hardware then there is not problem.
17 Nov 2005
I have nothing against nvidia helping tuning a game to work on their cards better but if they got the designer to put a piece of code in to stop/slow ati cards then that is wrong.
8 Jul 2003
In a house
They have said it doesnt matter at this point in time. Not that it doesnt matter at all.

Of course it doesn't matter at this point in time, as they are not ready with Dx11 yet, it will only matter when they get their Dx11 cards out, so what they are basically saying is, we don't have Dx11 ready yet, so it doesn't matter, when we do, it will matter then, its a tactic of getting the developers to hold off from using it, until they are ready with it.

They done the same with Dx10.1, that didn't matter when ATi brought it out all those months ago, but now in about 2 weeks time, they are finally going to release Dx10.1 cards, so again, that will matter in about 2 weeks, they will tell Ubiport to get Dx10.1 added back into Ass Creed etc...

Things do not matter that Nvidia don't do, or are late in doing, its why everythings getting held up, as everyone has to wait for them.

Do you think they would be saying Dx10.1 didn't matter all them months ago if they could do Dx10.1 cards back then, and release them, course not, they'd have had them out on sale, and wouldn't be getting developers to remove it from games, they'd actually be pushing it to be used through their TWIMTBP program, same for Dx11, if they didn't have the yield problems and what not, so could release their Dx11 cards now, would they, or would they just say Dx11 doesn't matter yet, so we'll hold onto our GT300's until it does matter, of course not, they'd be on sale, you would be able to buy them this very minute just like ATi's 5 series, and they to would be throwing money at the developers to add it in to their upcoming games just like ATi, thye'd be signing them up to their TWIMTBP, and so we would actually hear about more Dx11 games coming, instead of just Battleforge, Dirt 2 and the new Stalker.
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