Marvel Vs Capcom 3

I'm not sure I agree with that.

The learning curve is far shallower than SFIV, with respect to how well you can do with just a b c e a b c super and random full screen beam supers. The combo timing is also childs play in comparison and generally a lot less dextrous ability and timing is needed.

But I accept that the whole system is vastly more complex with various supers, DHC, 3 characters to learn, snap out's, game play methods (only 1/2 ways to play most characters in SSFIV), team dynamics, sjc, aerial combat etc...
The easy combos and random hypers (and team hypers :rolleyes:) along with x-factor does mean a lesser player is more capable of 'fluking' a win against a better player than in some other games, but I don't think that makes the game easier to learn in general.

The way to play the game is totally different to most other fighting games. You pretty have HAVE to use assists to attack and defend effectively, so you need to choose the right one, and learn the right time to use it. The assist you use also changes your point characters strategy. That depends on your team of course, the building of which is a learning experience in itself (for the reasons you listed).

I'd imagine most mvc3 players came from SF4 (like myself) and that makes it seem more difficult since some of the stuff from sf4 doesnt work in mvc3. Anti-airing isn't as effective because of air blocking, and jumping at an opponent just as they're throwing a fireball doesnt necessarily mean a free combo for you.

Then there's stuff like switching your point character, and when to x-factor. Making a wrong decision on either of those can easily cost you the game.

If I had played Vs games before, I might feel differently, but there seems to be far more to learn in mvc3.
i think this game can be won and lost when you are picking your team and assist. but overall, its really noob friendly, even more so than ssf4. comboing is too easy and xfactor does too much damage, even on block

although quick decision making can be much more important than ssf4 against a good or at least a decent player that can finish a combo (NOT random aerial assist like the noobs are doing), because one simple mistake can lead to game over, especially against strong rush down characters, namely wolverine and dark phonix (both my most hated characters) or teleporters like wesker and dante, and finally sentinel....

although hard technical fighters like blazblue and vf5 takes too long to learn, hence you dont get much people playing them. even i cant be bother to play them seriously.

EDIT: oh yeah, kreeeee sorry to disappoint you with my failure to land the super long tron combo on you. the funny thing is, arth got a taste of it as soon as you lefted:D
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Finding it hard to motivate myself to play this game, I want to play it at a high level because it doesn't have magic throw BS and whatnot, but can't be bothered to put the time in.

Plus, no ****in way am I buying each (or any tbh) DLC char. Gutted that MK9 is doing the same thing.
I'm really struggling with this game. I was pretty good at sfIV (I'd win about 70% of games online) but I haven't been able to win 1 on this so far.
I can complete the game on normal pretty easily (which I know is probably a bit crap in itself) but as soon as I go online I get mashed. I just can't seem to get my combos started.

Any tips on team setups and general beginners strategies? I've tried to look online but all I've found are basic mechanics, which doesn't really help.
I'm really struggling with this game. I was pretty good at sfIV (I'd win about 70% of games online) but I haven't been able to win 1 on this so far.
I can complete the game on normal pretty easily (which I know is probably a bit crap in itself) but as soon as I go online I get mashed. I just can't seem to get my combos started.

Any tips on team setups and general beginners strategies? I've tried to look online but all I've found are basic mechanics, which doesn't really help.

pick sentinel? he and hulk are the best character for smashing noobs around
You need to find out what is 'cheap' for your character of choice.
For example, for small fast chars like x23 and wolverine..

with x23, jump, do the air dash attack, and then do the down+H dive attack. frame advantage on block if i remember right. Every x23 ive played does that constantly.

with wolverine, abuse the crossup berserker slash. use it with an assist that keeps them in guardstun so that you're safe if it gets blocked.

You can do a similar thing with an assist and x23's crossup hop.
With Wolverine spamming dive kicks into a 640+ damage combo without DHC or XFactor makes him an amazing easy mode character.

Dirty tricks like A B C+P1 (Dante is great for this) B.slash into whatever combo you desire is also great.

Great newbie characters are Wolverine, Dante, Sentinel, Hulk, Wesker, Amaterasu, Super Skrull, Zero and Trish as they all do huge damage via incredibly easy setups or are very easy to play well.
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I do use wolverine, i'll try using the crossup.
Something which someone (who was also playing as wolverine) was doing to me was doing a standard combo>air combo then finishing the air combo with that downward kick which allows them to launch me one more time. What combo can you use in the air to setup that kick? Everything I tried makes the downward kick miss.
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