Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Call me Bret 'The Hitman' Hart now, cos I just completed all missions :D
Overall easier than SSF4 challenges though, and certainly took less time to complete.

impressive. i am only 60 something percent done, but i couldnt be bothered with some of the useless but harder combos

personally i thought the timing of some advance combos (like magneto up and down combo and ironman combos) are harder than ssf4.
I forgot about some of those.

There's nothing tougher than some of the Viper and Ibuki super jump cancel challenges, but there are a lot that are tougher than the rest.
SSF4 still gets most attention in big tournaments, I'm almost certain AE will dominate EVO.

I disagree I think mvc3 is the hype still at the moment.

Ae is so overrated it is after all just ssf4 with a couple of new characters and some balance changes I along with a lot of people are bored to death of sf4 ssf4 it's stale now and we need sf5.

People are just deep in to ssf4 so obviously they are hyped for AE because all their skill is based in that game and they aren't so good at mvc3.

AE will still be the best fighter followed by mvc3 but like I said sf4 is so played out now it's boring.
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Fixed - People still play SF2 Turbo to this date, SSF4 is not stale at all.

huh ? don't understand the logic ? so because a few hardcore people like a game they should please the minority and forget the masses ? Well I for one am not pumped for the 3S update as I played that out to death too years ago.Don't get me wrong I welcome any fighting games not a hater just wish capcom would concentrate maybe on a new fighting game IP ? or at least sf5 or whatever rather than fake HD updates ( it's just filters really) to old classics.

It just saddens me to think they are going to milk SSf4 AE with more updates and MVC3 for years to come rather than give us a new game.
As for more popular I know that mvc3 brought a higher viewer count on team spooky than ae or mk9 did so I expect the same at evo and the reason for this is because people are bored or getting slightly bored with streetfighter 4.
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ssf4 and st have their own complexity. but st definitely requires more reactions and executions(st reversal and combos is way harder to do compare to ssf4) play, not to mention its a lot harder to stage comebacks, because there is no revenge meter and easy reversals.

i still like mvc3 more though. there is a lot of bulls in the game (like xfactor, wolverine and phoenix) but its very fun to play.
He's in the top 8 with Phoenix, Sentinel, Wesker, She Hulk, Task Master, Dante, Magneto. He's not better than any of them but he is very simple. The Balrog of Marvel, a great character for those who don't want to think.
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