Marvel Vs Capcom 3

I doubt he goes through jam session once it's active. Jam session may be difficult for Nova to combo from - have you tried following up with a ground bounce move (S or dp.m)?
I like weasel shot; Dante comes on screen behind the point character, it shoots far, pins them down, and easy to combo from. There's obviously little vertical space control though.

ground move is too slow. i tried the wall bounce move but the jam session bounce them too high. this is one of the reason i consider the switch. i use nova to control vertical space and i just need something to limit their movement when i am recovering.

need to practice the bold cancel dp m after the stringer though. i can do it very easily in training mode but i have only hit it a few times in a match. and what is the timing of bold cancel teleport after the wall bounce stringer? i never seems to get that.
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After Jam session connects, you can do several followups.
If you're at mid-max range, do wave dash, H.
At close range, you can air dash H, (M), H
or J.S
or dash H
I'd love to but I'm getting married a year actually from this exact date so I'm saving everything I can, only locals in the foreseeable future it looks like for me. I'd love to set some money aside and get to a tournament with all you lads though, if it doesn't happen in 2012 definitely in 2013.
good luck on saving money and marriage mate. manchester is not really local for me, but i would love to see if my online warrior skills are complete against real people. and i would love to meet people here!

for anyone interested in playing wesker just to skip the the wesker mix-up bit, viscant's phoenix and ironman are bad. and try to do the corner options. ideally you want to pick a multi hit assist or one that leads to a knockdown(the most effective ones i find in umvc3 for the corner vortex are ryu tatsu and frank west shopping cart) to do give yourself a chance to pick them up again after a teleport mix-up in the corner.
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Hyv cheers for the games and advice tonight, it's a little difficult to take in everything you're saying with all the things that happen at once in a game of umvc lol but you definitely showed me a few things to work on so thanks a lot for that. As I said I'd love to maybe sit in and watch a set between you and Art sometime and pick up a few things, I'll be on tomorrow night again if you're around.

ps. Your Wesker is mean, I don't like him -_-
ps. Your Wesker is mean, I don't like him -_-

i learn from the evo champ lol, who has by far the best wesker in the world. but he is a lot worse now. without the crazy lv2 xfactor power boost, full screen gun juggle, hagger assist, tron assist or akuma assist that knocks down, and dhc glitch. i am getting too predictable with him, hence i want to switch to dante.

btw, you can extend wesker's combo with the nova overhead assist. your nova is alright, he is better than your wesker and akuma. akuma is probably your weakest link right now. just remember to finish your combos, mash air h and spam gun shot with wesker and you will be fine. you are not as bad as you think you are.

depending on the team he picks, arth will bodied me for free. but i know he is working on vergil (probably the cheapest character in umvc3 imo) so maybe i will have a chance with my crappy dante.
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Think you got lucky with that guide Hyv, play have now changed the item status to 'awaiting stock' and book depository has changed to 'currently available' and neither have dispatched anything to me. Going to be annoying finding this now on amazon or ebay, will probably have to pay quite a bit for it versus it's retail price.
Think you got lucky with that guide Hyv, play have now changed the item status to 'awaiting stock' and book depository has changed to 'currently available' and neither have dispatched anything to me. Going to be annoying finding this now on amazon or ebay, will probably have to pay quite a bit for it versus it's retail price.

amazon is cheaper. i might have got lucky with the guide as i got it two days before the actually release date.
i am getting too predictable with him, hence i want to switch to dante.

I think you should give Wesker more of a chance in Ultimate (as part of your strongest team, although I appreciate having to play against him less :p). He is still top tier, and is dangerous when he kills someone in the corner while xfactor'd.
I got caught a lot less in his mixups now, but simple stuff like blockstring followed by high teleport repeatedly would catch me out again since i've not seen it for a while, and I don't think I can throw you after the teleport because of blockstun?
Plus, we've played a hell of a lot against each other, so it's expected that we can predict what the other will do.
He's easily your best character, although your Nova is catching up to him nicely.
amazon is cheaper. i might have got lucky with the guide as i got it two days before the actually release date.

I just checked about 5 different retailers and they all show the release date as today but that there is no stock available so something has gone wrong somewhere, I don't think Bradygames anticipated how popular this guide was going to be. I don't know if anybody else on here is looking for it but I'll update in here if I find anything.
Went 3 - 1 on ranked tonight, lost the first one out of complete stupidity. You're right Hyv people on ranked really don't know what they're doing, wasn't very many people on but I suppose it is 3am and most normal people are socializing or sleeping =) Offered elrasho on for a game but he wasn't having any off it and went off to play AE instead booooooo!!!
yeah you have to get to 6th lord or above to start finding people that knows what they are doing. although in the last game i fought a few 4th-6th lord and surprisingly a cosmic lord who were only slightly better than a noob.

i went 3-2 yesterday taking my dante online to a random lobby. that guy i played against was really bad. he was relying on the felicia roll move because i didnt know how a punish it. all he had was that, random hail storm, and mash lows. i was so annoyed at myself to even dropped two games against this guy.
I won my first set against some random noob, took it 5-3, pretty chuffed with myself :)

Couldn't join your party or game vian :(

dont worry, gone off watching motd. i was just going to give you some dante mirror practice.

what team did you play and play against? if he played wesker and vergil, you should be be very pleased with yourself. these two are the cheapest characters in the game, even in the hands of noobs.
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