Marvel Vs Capcom 3

15 Mar 2006
*restrains from mocking ravl for "a essay"*

I thought we agreed we'd try and get paragraphs of in depth information out of vian?
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
And yes, we should have some in-depth information from vian :p

i thought every one of my post is in depth. and i dont know how to play every character you know.

anyway, i have embraced the dark side and pick vergil. his combos does too much damage, easy dhc into dante and strider, and retardedly cheap. i hope it solves my problem of not having a fear factor on the team anymore.
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
anyone, watching this? jwong, clockwork, pr rog, yipes are in it, but other than those lot, it is mostly just random teams with wesker. i feel like these players are neither too crap and/or too lazy to play the game properly and is just hoping for wesker lv4 xfactor to random people out for them. i hope clockwork, yipes or jwong wins the whole thing because they actually play this game with skill and creatively.

EDIT: yipes, clockwork, and pr rog just got ocv'ed by a team of nemesis, sentinel, wesker. nemesis pretty much destroyed everyone and touch of death everything he hits.
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15 Mar 2006
Nope, looking straight at you, yes you...

Well I guess you're stuck with what I have to offer for now.

Generally, approach under the cover of an air fireball. SJ if they're full screen, normal jump if they're not, or if they're cornered and there's a chance they'll wave dash out. You can do dive kick instead if they try to escape from underneath you.
If it's a character you want to keep away, or if they're xfactor'd or Hyper buffed, neutral/back jump fireball works fine.

I'd say his main mixups once he's in close are left/right ambiguous light tatsu, his overhead attack (into full combo), and ambigous dive kicks, and divekicks in general (similar to wolverine)
When your opponent is cornered, it's not possible to jump behind them, but with Akuma, you can either teleport to get behind (I'd only do this if you have an assist to cover you, and aim for the teleport to land on top on the character so that it's ambiguous) or demon flip behind them (recommended).
So once you have them pinned in the corner, something like cr.M, cr.H cancelled into H.demon flip dive kick will cross them up, whereas M.demon flip dive kick hits in front.

You can abuse tatsu somewhat. You can catch someone that jumps a lot with jumping H.tatsu which you can easily hit confirm into Hyper. Mixup up M and H tatsu on the ground if you're going to throw them out randomly, and basically keep doing that if your opponent doesn't know how to punish it. You can throw them out with an assist too.

So, with assist holding them down, mix up lows with overhead, air tatsus that could land on either side, and ambiguous dive kicks (try both normal dive kick and demon flip dive kicks).

1. cr.L, cr.M, cr.H, (H.tatsu), S, SJ, (M), M, H

if they're midscreen, and you want/can spend meter go to 2.
if they're in the corner, and you want/can spend meter go to 3.
otherwise, go to 4.

2. L.tatsu, qcf.Hyper (don't hold H, mash L/M for more dmg), (H.air fireball), land, qcf.Hyper (hold H, mash L/M for more dmg), (xfactor), (qcf.Hyper (hold H, mash L/M for more dmg))

3. L.tatsu, qcf.Hyper (don't hold H, mash L/M for more dmg), S (mash S to hit them right after the hyper), land, L.demon flip dive kick, cr.H, S, SJ, H, L.tatsu, qcf.Hyper (don't hold H, mash L/M for more dmg), S (mash S to hit them right after the hyper), land, jump back, (fireball), air qcf.Hyper (hold H, mash L/M for more dmg)

4. S, H.demon flip dive kick (light version if in corner), cr.H, S, M, M, H, S, land, (normal jump, air qcf.Hyper (hold H, mash L/M for more dmg))

easier version of 4: l.demon flip palm, cr.H, S, M, M, H, S, land, (normal jump, air qcf.Hyper (hold H, mash L/M for more dmg))

Super fun combo: cr.L, H, f+H, L.demon flip palm, j.M, j.H, j.S, j.fireball, j.M, j.H, j.S, j.fireball, j.M, j.H, j.S, j.l.tatsu, S, M, H, L.tatsu, qcf.Hyper (don't hold H, mash L/M for more dmg), S (mash S to hit them right after the hyper), land, jump back, (fireball), air qcf.Hyper (hold H, mash L/M for more dmg)
12 May 2005
What are peoples thoughts about this? I didn't play the original MVC3 that much because xfactor and so on kinda annoyed me. But I've heard great things from the balance (and apparently there's another balance patch on the way...) worth trying?
12 May 2005
I heard Wesker is being nerfed (I saw a video from Maximillian mentioning this)... the only thing which puts me off is the xfactor and general online cheese.

I've started playing SF4 again casually... so I'm considering going back to MVC3.
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
lv1 and 2 xfactor isnt anywhere as powerful. wesker is slightly nerfed compare to old mvc3 (nerf lv1 and 2 xfactor boost and no more random full screen gun juggle combo), but as soon as he pop lv3 xfactor and glasses off, he is just as stupid as before while other top tier (aside from dark phoenix) doesnt get anywhere as powerful as before. i only play people i know online, but online ranked match is always a painful experience, just like in every other game.
1 Nov 2007
I've actually dropped Wesker, infact I changed my team about 3 times last night alone. I don't have a point character anymore, lol. I've got my center and anchor pretty much cemented but just need to find a point now.
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
What are the new characters like? I wanted to try out Nemesis? :p

some of the new characters are really good, namely hawkeye (best zoning character imo), nova (strong zoner, fast and hard hitting) and vergil (strong mix-ups, long range normals).

strider is good, got one of the best assist in the game and the stupid mix-ups plus xfactor orbs. but he does very very low damage without some hard to do extended combos and he has no life.

rocket raccoon is pretty good. it is small and hard to hit, reasonably damaging for a hit and run character, but it has no life too.

nemesis is the best big guy in umvc3, very powerful (probably second strongest in the game behind hulk), good zoning tools, and a inescapable reset in the corner against anyone without a air dash or double jump.

dr strange is hard to use. he has some good projectiles and a 1 frame tracking hyper that otg. but his normals are probably the worst in the game, so he cant push buttons up close against virtually anyone.

frank west has the best pinning assist in the game with the shopping cart. he is not very mobile but at lv3 or above, he is very strong. at lv4 and 5 his normals has crazy range, does chip damage and hits very hard. but at lv1-2 he is useless, although he life is still good and does have some decent normal.

fireband is very fast and has great air mobility. but he doesnt do much damage, although he build a lot of meter and has some of the best mix-ups.

ghostrider is slow but has a chain that hit almost full screen. i would say he is the dalhsim of umvc3 with above average life and damage.

phoenix wright is terrible. he is slow and has a little range on his moves. but once you can get turnabout mode, he has the best assist in the game, does a lot of damage and has a 0 frame hyper that does immense damage and hits everywhere.

iron fist is bad too. but he has probably the fastest wave dash and can pretty much touch of death most characters with only one combo. the problem is he cant hit low and he doesnt have good air mobility, so he will struggle to get in and open people up, and his combos are hard to remember and you cant always use the same bnb. his assist is decent, good for get off me and wall bonces for a free combo.
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