Marvel Vs Capcom 3

15 Mar 2006
Why not post it here? I loved building new teams.

Or was there some extra personal stuff between you two on the side also? ^.~
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1 Nov 2007
Well in all honestly it was a bit of a mouthful and I'm not entirely sure 100% of it made sense so I thought it was better going in an email. The short version is basically problems with Akuma, as much of an animal as he is with level 3 x-factor I have a lot of problems getting in when he's left on his own. I don't want to move him to point because then I miss his tatsu 'get off me' assist for escaping pressure. I'm running Nova on point right now and I'd like to move him to center or anchor because I've found his centurion rush assist really useful on some setups and combos.

I've recently started using Doom, he's a very good all round character and I really love his plasma beam assist it just seems to blow everything up. I was using Super Skrull a little bit and I like him also, again though like Akuma I find it very difficult getting in with Skrull without an assist. I don't see much use for Skrull outside of point because his assists are average at best. A team that makes good sense to me in theory is Skrull (Orbital Grudge) // Doom (Plasma Beam) // Nova (Centurion Rush) although I could switch Nova with Doom for a better thc combo with inferno into nova force.

The above team looks good the only problem is Akuma isn't in it, I'm really weird with character loyalty I know it makes more sense to drop him but I'd like to make him work somehow. I could run Doom/Nova/Akuma or Doom/Akuma/Nova but I feel like Doom would be wasted on point as his assists are so good.

*Breathes* ... There, bet you wish you hadn't asked now :p
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
i see your message in trust and this post and i understand your problem, filling a hole as big as wesker is hard. although i think doom is a good choice. i would try and run the order of nova, akuma, doom. if you finish your nova combo on the ground with light rush in to super nova, you get a good dhc into akuma. doom's hypers are not very good for dhc. with this order, you can maximise nova, and you can use doom assist to help akuma. doom is a decent anchor, he has underrated mix-ups and his s foot dive basically gives you a free kill in xfactor or in the corner, also it will only take a few plasma beams to make your opponent change his mind and come to you. the only hard thing is learning to move around with him freely. to be honest i think your team is fine any order, it is up to you to be able to play all 3 characters well. any character getting left on his/her own with no xfactor against multiple characters is always very hard, just dont get discouraged by it.

for example, i think doom can get a lot out of akuma tatsu lock down and set up unblockables with nova, but also akuma can use doom assist to get in and use air demon flips and teleports to create mix-ups.

a note on super-skrull, he doesnt get much from nova assist. but he is a very dangerous character even on his own, you can play him very well as long as you dont mash and be good with random meteor smash and full screen grabs. in lv2-3 xfactor, he is almost impossible to block
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15 Mar 2006
I used to play a lot of Doom when MvC3 was new, and I've played a hell of a lot of Akuma; I don't think the two go well together. Maybe if one was on point, and the other was the anchor. Akuma 2nd with Doom missiles as anchor would work, but I'm not a huge fan of missile assist, because against some teams, it destroys them, but against others, that assist is either useless or gets Doom killed.

I'm testing some combinations between the four characters you mentioned, and I'd probably go with Skrull, Nova, Akuma (or Doom rocks anchor you really want Doom).
Rocks can help skrull do random special dives (generally) safely, and centurion rush sets up near unblockables with skrulls down+H dive (not a true unblockable, assist always hits first, but by a fraction of a second) although you need to be near corner to continue the combo. Rocks are a bit slow for Nova if he's rushing down, but tatsu assist is great with Nova. It's also good for skrull who can also easily dash forward for launch combo if tatsu assist hits. It locks them down for command throw mixups, or can help protect command throw attempts.
Helps Nova in a similar way, locks them down for instant overheads or lows, he can airdash from midscreen when calling tatus assist and end up behind the opponent.

It depends a lot on how you play each character. Who are you most comfortable with as an anchor if they didn't have xfactor? Unless the assist is REALLY good, I think this is pretty important.
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10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
anything i could do to improve my doom arth? your nova is pretty good, not as good as mine, but pretty close. you should more slide for getting in and mix-ups. i like your team synergy of nova, magneto, akuma. i think you should work on some dhc combos.
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15 Mar 2006
Based on yesterday..
If you're losing a beam war, you can do SJ finger lasers, and chase the laser with H foot dive, which combos if the laser hits. You can still cancel the foot dive into plasma beam or fly for mixup/safety.
When you're doing his (old?) BnB, after you do the launcher and SJ, hit M as quickly as you can. This makes the ground normals after the air dash connect a lot more easily.

I'd probably use laser gun a bit more when half screen away also.

You made good use of S foot dive, without overusing it.
Apart from that though, it seemed like you found it difficult to open people up when up close.
J/SJ then double tap L + M is good, as is triangle jump air M, and triangle jump then crouching L.
I'm sure you know about those, but just forgot you could do it when you started an actual match.
1 Nov 2007
ggs Hyv, I'll be workin' hard on Skrull over the next few days along with Akuma. Nova I'm not doing too badly with but obviously I'll try to come up with new stuff for him too, thanks for the tip on the wall with tatsu assist.
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
are you still rocking wolverine and sentinel? ghostrider is like sim is sf4 but with strong damage and life, but he will struggle against fast characters with teleports, plus small characters can duck under his chain. his assist is good as well, hits really far and fast.

wolverine is still good, but harder to random people out now because of swiss cheese, berserker slash nerf and general xfactor nerf.

sentinel just sucks now. he can still dish out the pain but really hard to open people up and he is massive with low life. the only good thing about him is his assist, but you will struggle to call him in some match-ups like zero, wesker, dante, hawkeye, ryu, etc.

dorm is godlike. he does a lot of damage and he is pretty fast. he can be hard to hit switching between zoning with flame carpet, dark hole, pillar and rushing in with teleport and air dash attacks. on top of that he has very good normals.
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