#MeToo - is it just different for men and women?

There are definitely double standards.

#MeToo - I have been ass rubbed, boob rubbed, grinded, groped, kissed and lap danced by women without consent. I have even been **** grabbed whilst asleep by a friend, I know because it woke me up.

I have been in situations where I knew I was being setup. Teased, rubbed up against, but knew if I reciprocated I'd be ridiculed and/or slapped.

I was stopped at a set of traffic lights on the motorbike one night out side a busy pub at letting out time. A women climbed onto the back of the motorbike and start rubbing me up while being egged on by her friends. The police watched and did nothing until the lights went green and I waved them over because I couldn't legally drive off with her on the back. She dismounted when they eventually started to make a move.

All innocent fun?

For me it's not really worth complaining about and to be honest, part of me liked it, especially retrospectively.

So it's clearly different for women. I think a lot of that comes down to society and it's artificial monogamy which applies significantly more to women due to "knowing who the dad is". This leads to **** shaming. Not just by men, but within women social circles even more so. Men on the other hand have much less consequences and are biologically wired to be more polygamist.

This disparity and the "eye of the beholder effect", sometimes called the "target audience" aspect where women would be fine being groped or whatever by the hunky guy they like, but not the undesirable guy they don't, makes me wish people were just more honest with each other.

Women do need to understand that men are hard wired to look at their bodies, it's virtually uncontrollable. They complain that men should be more restrained, but don't even realise that men ARE incredible restrained the vast majority of the time. The high sexualisation of pop-culture leading to skimpier and more sexual centric clothing is being countered by shunning guys for even looking and admiring. This is unfair. The free-the-nipple campaign is arrogance, "Here look at my titties, but you can't do anything about it, nah, nah, n', nah, nah!", it's disturbingly dishonest. When pointed out the triggered feminists usually go straight for the strayman arguments or appeal to extremes like, "Are you saying because I wear a short skirt I'm asking to be raped?", which is also dishonest. Of course nobody believes that, or at least shouldn't.

So I think people need to be more honest with each other and stop playing such complicated games where they can change the rules without notice and then complain when there are infractions.

Also lets stop wasting societies social justice on one off drunken gropes and focus our efforts on catching and locking away there real monsters.

I believe we should all get on free pass for "MINOR" sexual approaches. All it should take is a "NO!" and it's done. When I was a teenager/twenty something going out looking for a partner this is basically how it worked. You made a pass, sometimes it was physical contact, though hardly ever a grope, if you got a negative response you moved on or apologised. The same worked the other way. (As an example, while DJ'ing a girl came into the DJ booth and sat on my lap and started rubbing her self into my crotch. I told her it wasn't a good idea as I had a girlfriend, she tutted, pouted and got off with an "Aww well, your missing out." and left.) This is how is should work..... I can understand for some women it might happen a little too often, so I don't know the solution there.

It's a difficult situation and always will be. Especially while there is dishonesty and double standards.
Is Asia Argento and the rest of the #metoo movement having pause for thought as to the consequences of the automatic presumption that allegations of a sexual nature are true?

I always thought that Ms Argento was one of the more bizarre #metoo proponents..... Being a female who, by her own admission, went on to have a (consensual) sexual relationship with her 'abuser' after the alleged sexual assault....

But don't worry you can always rely on a feminist (whoose actually surprise surprise a Socialist/Marxist) to make excuses saying its all about systemic power....

(alleged) Women child sex offenders = 'bad behaviour"

(alleged) Male sex offenders = omg its the patriarchy! It's structural oppression of wamen!

The thing Asia Argento and Weinstein had in their respective cases is power over the person making the allegations.... Gender was pretty much irrelevant
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They've got to tear down the structure of society somehow since the working class never rebelled against Capitalism like they hoped they would, even with the brand of crony Capitalism they've pushed sending all of the jobs to Communist China and flooding countries with migrants so that there's more workers than jobs etc.
Is Asia Argento and the rest of the #metoo movement having pause for thought as to the consequences of the automatic presumption that allegations of a sexual nature are true? [..]

Not when the targets are men, obviously. They're only opposed to automatic presumption of guilt if the target is a woman. They might have slightly misjudged how sexist they could make the campaign, but overall it's been a great success in promoting sexism.
Alex Salmond now suing the Scottish government. His case sounds similar to the labour MP who topped himself, where the allegations have been made but not communicated to the accused person therefore he has no way to defend himself.

He should start his own hashtag.

#meTay :(
You'd not find it weird shagging a woman you'd known since you were 7 and who played your mum lol

I have no desire to make light of the matter, and I readily acknowledge that the alleged offence took place in California, where the age of consent is apparently 18, but casting my mind back to when I was 17, (many moons ago), I don’t think that having known the woman in question since I was 7 would have made the slightest difference to me.
To my recall, at 17, I was banging any female that was willing.
By the time I was in my twenties, I’d even carved my way through 2 of my cousins, much to the chagrin of my mother, as the girls were the daughters of two of her sisters, and one of them had told my mother that she hoped that we’d marry, as she’d established that marrying your cousin was legal.
This sent my mother through the roof, and my aunt wanted to have me castrated.
I have no desire to make light of the matter, and I readily acknowledge that the alleged offence took place in California, where the age of consent is apparently 18, but casting my mind back to when I was 17, (many moons ago), I don’t think that having known the woman in question since I was 7 would have made the slightest difference to me.
To my recall, at 17, I was banging any female that was willing.
By the time I was in my twenties, I’d even carved my way through 2 of my cousins, much to the chagrin of my mother, as the girls were the daughters of two of her sisters, and one of them had told my mother that she hoped that we’d marry, as she’d established that marrying your cousin was legal.
This sent my mother through the roof, and my aunt wanted to have me castrated.

Just the old fashioned Gallic sense of humour. In reality she'd probably have settled for the guillotine ;)
I have no desire to make light of the matter, and I readily acknowledge that the alleged offence took place in California, where the age of consent is apparently 18, but casting my mind back to when I was 17, (many moons ago), I don’t think that having known the woman in question since I was 7 would have made the slightest difference to me.
To my recall, at 17, I was banging any female that was willing.
By the time I was in my twenties, I’d even carved my way through 2 of my cousins, much to the chagrin of my mother, as the girls were the daughters of two of her sisters, and one of them had told my mother that she hoped that we’d marry, as she’d established that marrying your cousin was legal.
This sent my mother through the roof, and my aunt wanted to have me castrated.
but you married her and lived happily since right.
but you married her and lived happily since right.

Lol no, but we met earlier this year at a family funeral, she gave me her number and said, “Text me sometime, we can fill in some blanks after all these years.”
After one or two texts, I’d told her of my kids and grandkids, and she’d told me of her kids and grandkids, and two husbands, one who died, the other she divorced.
Then, out of the blue, when that really hot weather was around, she texted to say that she could murder a chilled glass of wine.
I sent back, “My wife’s in Lisbon for a couple of days, come over, I’ll put some wine in the fridge.”
She replied, “You haven’t changed have you, you dirty *******, what do you take me for, don’t ever contact me again.”
After years of experience, I still can’t fathom them out.
I think we should be all pushing for the same punishments whether its a male or female sex offender, otherwise its reverse discrimination and saying a female abuser is allowed to get away with more things because they are female.

If this had been a male actor with an underage girl I think there would be more outrage on all sides.

Also, the photo that as been seen in the media of the boy and Argento from the shoulders up, obviously naked.. I'm surprised the police haven't looked in to that either. The photo seems illegal.
Looks like poor old Harvey is putting up a stout defence to the charges against him, as The Mail said this morning the case could be the next O J Simpson. He might be sending this Argento bints lad a nice Christmas present ;)
Lol no, but we met earlier this year at a family funeral, she gave me her number and said, “Text me sometime, we can fill in some blanks after all these years.”
After one or two texts, I’d told her of my kids and grandkids, and she’d told me of her kids and grandkids, and two husbands, one who died, the other she divorced.
Then, out of the blue, when that really hot weather was around, she texted to say that she could murder a chilled glass of wine.
I sent back, “My wife’s in Lisbon for a couple of days, come over, I’ll put some wine in the fridge.”
She replied, “You haven’t changed have you, you dirty *******, what do you take me for, don’t ever contact me again.”
After years of experience, I still can’t fathom them out.

I'm genuinely not sure if its a wind up or if you just tried to have an affair with your first cousin. Norfolk is lovley this time of year btw :p
He killed himself a few days after she was pictured getting close (hugging, holding hands, dancing) with a French reporter.

It sounds more like he believed his girlfriend about the 17 year old, paid him off (which was apparently half his net worth), found out she was a liar and then offed himself upon realising this could ruin him. She's a despicable woman.
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