#MeToo - is it just different for men and women?

30 Mar 2010
It sounds more like he believed his girlfriend about the 17 year old, paid him off (which was apparently half his net worth), found out she was a liar and then offed himself upon realising this could ruin him. She's a despicable woman.

You could be right. I read his friends were worried that he was completely infatuated with her, so I think his judgement was well and truly skewed. The way she said she hadn't slept with the boy, and that it was Bourdains idea to pay him off, proves she is a complete ****.
19 Jan 2010
Lol no, but we met earlier this year at a family funeral, she gave me her number and said, “Text me sometime, we can fill in some blanks after all these years.”
After one or two texts, I’d told her of my kids and grandkids, and she’d told me of her kids and grandkids, and two husbands, one who died, the other she divorced.
Then, out of the blue, when that really hot weather was around, she texted to say that she could murder a chilled glass of wine.
I sent back, “My wife’s in Lisbon for a couple of days, come over, I’ll put some wine in the fridge.”
She replied, “You haven’t changed have you, you dirty *******, what do you take me for, don’t ever contact me again.”
After years of experience, I still can’t fathom them out.
This is hilarious!!! She was testing you by the way, women do that kind of underhand testing all the dam time to try and catch us out. Basically they wouldn't believe us if they just asked the question so they have to do this kind of thing
Man of Honour
14 Apr 2017
I'm genuinely not sure if its a wind up or if you just tried to have an affair with your first cousin. Norfolk is lovley this time of year btw :p

If you check out my post # 592, an affair was a fait accompli in our twenties, at our ages now, I wasn’t seeking to rekindle that.
Not that it’s something that I ever wanted to do, but marriage is perfectly legal between first cousins, so sexual congress is no big deal, it’s certainly not incest, although I’ll agree a lot of people wouldn’t dream of it.
Banging your cousin, although quite possibly frowned upon by the rest of the family, doesn’t make you a redneck from West Virginia or The Ozarks, but maybe someone with “out there” tastes, who cares little for society’s norms.
1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
Lol no, but we met earlier this year at a family funeral, she gave me her number and said, “Text me sometime, we can fill in some blanks after all these years.”
After one or two texts, I’d told her of my kids and grandkids, and she’d told me of her kids and grandkids, and two husbands, one who died, the other she divorced.
Then, out of the blue, when that really hot weather was around, she texted to say that she could murder a chilled glass of wine.
I sent back, “My wife’s in Lisbon for a couple of days, come over, I’ll put some wine in the fridge.”
She replied, “You haven’t changed have you, you dirty *******, what do you take me for, don’t ever contact me again.”
After years of experience, I still can’t fathom them out.
It’s quite obvious that she may have wanted you to just take her to a pub or something for a drink and a catch up. You have blatantly inferred by inviting her over and saying your wife is away, that you want her in the sack. I’m sure her reaction would have been different if you’d have just said “I know a nice pub nearby, meet me there at eight and we’ll have a drink and a chat”.
30 Jun 2007
If you check out my post # 592, an affair was a fait accompli in our twenties, at our ages now, I wasn’t seeking to rekindle that.
Not that it’s something that I ever wanted to do, but marriage is perfectly legal between first cousins, so sexual congress is no big deal, it’s certainly not incest, although I’ll agree a lot of people wouldn’t dream of it.
Banging your cousin, although quite possibly frowned upon by the rest of the family, doesn’t make you a redneck from West Virginia or The Ozarks, but maybe someone with “out there” tastes, who cares little for society’s norms.

It's a pretty big problem in Birmingham lol.

Sam's I meant affair as in cheating on your wife
27 Jan 2009
marriage is perfectly legal between first cousins, so sexual congress is no big deal, it’s certainly not incest, although I’ll agree a lot of people wouldn’t dream of it.
Banging your cousin, although quite possibly frowned upon by the rest of the family, doesn’t make you a redneck from West Virginia or The Ozarks, but maybe someone with “out there” tastes, who cares little for society’s norms.

I suggest you aqauaint yourself with the stats for birth defects in communities where first cousin marriages are common...

First-cousin marriages, which are are legal in the UK, are practised within Britain’s Pakistani community, as well as among some Arab and African families.Medical data previously suggested that while British Pakistanis were responsible for 3 per cent of all births, they accounted for 30 per cent of British children born with a genetic illness.

First cousin sexual relations may not currently be illegal in the UK but I suggest they should be.... As the fairly wide spread public revulsion to such union's is well founded
Man of Honour
14 Apr 2017
I suggest you aqauaint yourself with the stats for birth defects in communities where first cousin marriages are common...

First cousin sexual relations may not currently be illegal in the UK but I suggest they should be.... As the fairly wide spread public revulsion to such union's is well founded

While I agree that the medical research on the subject is no doubt correct, and that inter-marriage between cousins is perhaps not wise, having a sexual relationship with my cousins never bothered me as a much younger man, we made damn sure that no pregnancy would result from it, and if the public are repulsed by sex between cousins, it causes me no lack of sleep.

It’s quite obvious that she may have wanted you to just take her to a pub or something for a drink and a catch up. You have blatantly inferred by inviting her over and saying your wife is away, that you want her in the sack. I’m sure her reaction would have been different if you’d have just said “I know a nice pub nearby, meet me there at eight and we’ll have a drink and a chat”.

Wise words rob, but too late for me, I tend to speak first, and wince and regret later, but as much as it must have appeared that “getting her into the sack”, was my intention, it emphatically wasn’t, but I'd be lying if I said that if she’d made a move, then I’d have made my excuses and said no.

It's a pretty big problem in Birmingham lol.

Sam's I meant affair as in cheating on your wife

I assume Sam’s was a typo for same’s, as in same as, but as I said, the affair, and cheating had happened ages ago, when I wasn’t even married, but was in a relationship, I wasn’t actively seeking round 2 when I texted her to come over.
7 Aug 2003
Alex Salmond now suing the Scottish government. His case sounds similar to the labour MP who topped himself, where the allegations have been made but not communicated to the accused person therefore he has no way to defend himself.

He should start his own hashtag.

#meTay :(
It's an odd case. Salmond isn't even a sitting MSP anymore, so even if the investigation finds against him I don't believe they have any powers that they can use.

My gut feeling is that this is potentially a smear campaign with an eye to the potential for Indy Ref 2, which you could bet your top dollar on Salmond coming out of retirement for. I don't think anyone thought he would end up taking the government to court about it though. Either way the procedure that is being used by the government is a total sham. If what he's been accused of is true (and I mean what the nature of the allegations are rather than his guilt/innocence), the victims should have reported it to the police, even if they only did it now, 4-5 years later.
6 Jan 2013
Salmond has now resigned, which was inevitable I suppose.

Nicola Sturgeon's 'huge sadness' as Alex Salmond resigns - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-45350594

There's also some interesting language around the reaction to Salmonds approach. He's launched a crowdfund appeal in order to raise money to cover his legal costs, and it surpassed a £50k target within a few hours. This has attracted "heavy criticism" with one labour MSP claiming that it was sending a signal to his accusers that he has "the upper hand" and another former MSP claiming that those who have contributed to the crowdfund should have donated to sexual assault charities instead.

This seems to follow the theme that when a man is accused of a sexual crime, he should roll over and accept his punishment else he will only discourage other women from putting men forward for prosecution in the future. I understand that women should feel empowered to report a crime of sexual violence, but surely a man should feel empowered to defend himself against any accusation?
7 Jul 2011
I was reading the text messages that Asia Argento's friend Rain Dove has sent through to the po-po as evidence in this case and I've got to say these people don't appear to live in the real world. The texts were subsequently leaked to TMZ and honestly the way they speak to each other confirms every outdated stereotype I've ever heard about the nature of Hollywood types, it's all so theatrical.

I can't link at the moment but if you google Asia Argento texts they're out there on almost all the gossip sites.
22 Nov 2006
I'm not a fan of Salmond, but it sounds like a load of ********.

This seems to be becoming the way to get a man you don't like out of the way, accuse them of some sex crime without evidence.
10 May 2012
Lol no, but we met earlier this year at a family funeral, she gave me her number and said, “Text me sometime, we can fill in some blanks after all these years.”
After one or two texts, I’d told her of my kids and grandkids, and she’d told me of her kids and grandkids, and two husbands, one who died, the other she divorced.
Then, out of the blue, when that really hot weather was around, she texted to say that she could murder a chilled glass of wine.
I sent back, “My wife’s in Lisbon for a couple of days, come over, I’ll put some wine in the fridge.”
She replied, “You haven’t changed have you, you dirty *******, what do you take me for, don’t ever contact me again.”
After years of experience, I still can’t fathom them out.

Lmao. I love how she was up for some some casual cousin sex and her line in the sand was that she'd be sleeping with a married man. As if that's some how worse for her than the fact you're blood relatives.
Man of Honour
14 Apr 2017
Lmao. I love how she was up for some some casual cousin sex and her line in the sand was that she'd be sleeping with a married man. As if that's some how worse for her than the fact you're blood relatives.

The fact that we were blood relatives didn’t bother either of us when we were a couple of horny 20 somethings, and I don’t think her line in the sand was that she’d be sleeping with a married man, apparently she wasn’t “up for some casual sex”, cousin or otherwise.
What allegedly boiled her ****, although we’d had wild monkey sex as youngsters, (albeit both of legal age), was that she took my invite to mean, “you know you loved it in our twenties, come on over, the coast is clear”, and took deep umbrage at my apparent belief that I only had to say the word, and she’d be on the way, no doubt commando style.
The underlying message was loud and clear, “Jean, your days of smiling, and planting a soft kiss on my neck, leading to a pop as my bra unsnapped, are way, way, in the past.”
30 Sep 2005
Here's a thought:

Do you think a politican has ever purposley paid someone to spread lies about an opponent? Sexual lies I mean.
Does seem a very easy way to get rid of someone, and I'm sure there's plenty of women out there who need the money.



13 Aug 2003
Here's a thought:

Do you think a politican has ever purposley paid someone to spread lies about an opponent? Sexual lies I mean.
Does seem a very easy way to get rid of someone, and I'm sure there's plenty of women out there who need the money.

It feels that way with Alex Salmond at the moment. Destroy his name so he cannot come back into politics.
22 Nov 2006
Here's a thought:

Do you think a politican has ever purposley paid someone to spread lies about an opponent? Sexual lies I mean.
Does seem a very easy way to get rid of someone, and I'm sure there's plenty of women out there who need the money.

Most definitely. We know some of these accusations have been BS and we have seen some of the things politicians get up to.

If it's an easy way to get rid of an opponent, then some would do it.
30 Jun 2007
so the Avital Ronell (a leading feminist academic) case where she sexually harrased a male grad student ( she has also had a case against her for racial discrimination in the past where she slandered the student who complained and tried to ruin thier carreer which is why this guy wated so long to come forward as she told him about doing that)

other feminist acedemics WITHOUT seeing evidence wroite a letter damning the university for suspending her, with some epic victim blaming.

now the evidence has been released theyre trying to back track but the letter from the prominant female metoo supporters is astonishing. if a man hadsigned this theyd be fired from any job they had

Although we have no access to the confidential dossier, we have all worked for many years in close proximity to Professor Ronell and accumulated collectively years of experience to support our view of her capacity as teacher and a scholar, but also as someone who has served as Chair of both the Departments of German and Comparative Literature at New York University. We have all seen her relationship with students, and some of us know the individual who has waged this malicious campaign against her. We wish to communicate first in the clearest terms our profound an enduring admiration for Professor Ronell whose mentorship of students has been no less than remarkable over many years. We deplore the damage that this legal proceeding causes her, and seek to register in clear terms our objection to any judgment against her. We hold that the allegations against her do not constitute actual evidence, but rather support the view that malicious intention has animated and sustained this legal nightmare.

We testify to the grace, the keen wit, and the intellectual commitment of Professor Ronell and ask that she be accorded the dignity rightly deserved by someone of her international standing and reputation. If she were to be terminated or relieved of her duties, the injustice would be widely recognized and opposed.

so her position should make it ok for her to use her power to force a gay student into accepting sexual harassment...Wienstein was pretty well respected in his field wasn't he before this came out?

What Happens to #MeToo When a Feminist Is the Accused?

http://leiterreports.typepad.com/files/butler-letter-for-avital-ronell.doc < link to the letter and signitory list, its a whos who of feminist acedemics..

oh and her punishment after being found guilty under title IX by the uni? 11 months suspension.

the student is now suing her and the university in proper court and rightly so

How would you feel receiving these emails from a powerful academic acting as your phd supervisor who would ruin your future prospects

“I woke up with a slight fever and sore throat,” she wrote in an email on June 16, 2012, after the Paris trip. “I will try very hard not to kiss you — until the throat situation receives security clearance. This is not an easy deferral!” In July, she wrote a short email to him: “time for your midday kiss. my image during meditation: we’re on the sofa, your head on my lap, stroking you [sic] forehead, playing softly with yr hair, soothing you, headache gone. Yes?”

one feminist acedmic is also complaing that title IX designed to stop this kind of thing and introduced largley because of feminsist to stop predatroy male teachers doing this says

Diane Davis, chair of the department of rhetoric at the University of Texas-Austin, who also signed the letter to the university supporting Professor Ronell, said she and her colleagues were particularly disturbed that, as they saw it, Mr. Reitman was using Title IX, a feminist tool, to take down a feminist.

yeah apparently the law shouldn't apply when its a woman doing the abusing
30 Jun 2007
oh and after her vehement public denial in the papers of sleeping with the under age actor Asia Argento has been dropped in it after her friend went to the police with tests she sent her admiting she slept with him when he was under age.

again her defenders in the metoo movement are saying that just because she publicly lied about raping a child this does not mean that this should cause people to question her claims about Harvey winestien because they are two separate cases and "should be treated individually"....


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