#MeToo - is it just different for men and women?

6 Jan 2013
But how can they say that? His letter implies it’s not about about the knee but about several incidents which people would find unacceptable. These are oncidents which we are yet to know about.

So will these women be saying the same thing if it comes out he abused his position as a senior MP and sexually assaulted several young researchers? Not saying he has but clearly you don’t resign from the cabinet unless there are a few serious things

People can't make a judgement unless they have the detail. The only detail available right now is the complaint from the lady who posed in The Times in a corset and then took offence at a text message regarding it. Apparently his hand had briefly brushed her knee when they were out for lunch together previously. This incident has been portrayed as sexual harassment and he apologised for it. We have no reason to believe that any other incident could be much different until we get the actual facts.

If she had actually wanted to sleep with him, then that brush of hand on knee would have been met with a smile. It's a very thin line indeed, and apparently careers can be destroyed if the recipient isn't feeling quite as horny as the instigator.

A lot of women can recall a subtle brush of hand on bum, and they can also recall how much they enjoyed the sex that it led to. Because this is how adults move from a conversation to a sexual encounter, and that's why a lot of women can't grasp what the issue is in a case like Fallon's.
19 Dec 2013
Newbury, UK
Hey cool, a thread where some forum members seem to readily believe a powerful man over an accuser, and brush off sexual harrasment as something innocent.
22 Nov 2006
Hey cool, a thread where some forum members seem to readily believe a powerful man over an accuser, and brush off sexual harrasment as something innocent.

As above, the system is so abused these accusations should be taken with a pinch of salt.
22 Nov 2006
So make a complaint against her. They will have to treat it the same. If they don't, make a complaint against the company :p

You gotta play them at their own game.
6 Sep 2016
So many a complaint against her. They will have to treat it the same. If they don't, make a complaint against the company :p

Only if I can make valid complaints, because if they're false, then I bet they'll see it as "revenge" grievence.

However I don't think could find something that is gross misconduct, but I'll bide my time- if she says anything racist/homophobic/sexist then I'll put grievence in.

I guess making comments that management are useless/incompetent is not gross misconduct?
22 Nov 2006
Only if I can make valid complaints, because if they're false, then I bet they'll see it as "revenge" grievence.

However I don't think could find something that is gross misconduct, but I'll bide my time- if she says anything racist/homophobic/sexist then I'll put grievence in.

I guess making comments that management are useless/incompetent is not gross misconduct?

But obviously their policy is guilty until proven innocent. So go for it :)

She made something up, so you can too lol
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
I know from first hand pal, the system is used and abused.

So that means it should be scrapped entirely?

If only 5% of benefits claimants claim fraudulantly, does that mean benefits should be scrapped?

And to those that say women should just brush it off, I take it most of you don't have a girlfriend/wife/daughter, or do you believe they should just shrug it off too?
28 Nov 2003
Women demanded equality in this country and are now present in workplaces where they would never have had access not very long ago. They need to accept some banter, even if near the knuckle, is a facet of the real world and either learn to deal with it in a professional manner or consider taking the veil and staying at home unless chaperoned. The situation is totally out of hand and wasting valuable time of those who would be much better employed bringing real criminals to justice. that dreadful Leadson woman claiming a risqué remark is akin to true sexual harassment is an insult to women who have suffered genuine trauma from a genuine sexual predator. if a woman hasn't had a remark like "I know where you could warm your hands" a few times by her age, from different red blooded males she should consider just what's wrong with her looks or personality. Women should have a few months job experience in a factory where ribald comments abound and see if they have the necessary social skills to deal with them before burdening our government with their precociousness. This trend will make employers even more loathe to take on young women, what with the cost to the company when they decide to have children but expect to have a job to come back to months later, and the potential legal costs fight specious claims of trauma from unguarded comments or the odd bit of ribald bawdiness. If you can't stand the heat, stay in the kitchen.
12 Sep 2012
TL : DR the above post:

Some women are now doing what was a mans job, so they should just get over it, especially if they keep in mind that they're burden to everyone else when they decide to pop out a baby.
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