missus found me looking at pron

6 Jul 2006
Would you rather your girlfriend caught you, or your mum?

Girlfriend, without a shadow of a doubt.

Although if you're being 'caught' that's like having something you're hiding, and if you're hiding the fact you masturbate then, jeez, think how much better it'd be if you were both comfortable enough with each other that you could both do things that are natural to do.

It can be a turn on for the other half, rather than a sordid secret if you're sensible about it :)
27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur

I wasn't involved in the way that you are obviously thinking lol, I ran a small business from home with a friend selling XXX videoCD's/DVD's advertised from the back of a local free-adds and a few pron mags, my dad on the other hand was involved in it on a more seedy level, he ran an escort agency from his apartment, was making some good cash, he had some nice girls on his books, he wasn't really pimping them out though, he worked more as an agent for the girls (I says girls, they where all pretty much 25+) and he made a percentage from their work, was a good little setup, anyway it all went down hill when one of the girls turned out to be an undercover reporter, next day my dad's Escort Agency (Tonys Modeling Agency) advert was plastered on the front page of the local news paper lol,

I remember my landlady waking me up with a coffee saying "your gonna need this" and then she dropped the newspaper in front of me, I was like, woooooaaaaaa :eek:, my boss wasn't too happy when I got to into work, gave me a massive lecture about morals and what not, funny thing was though everyone else was pretty cool, I could get into all my local clubs for free, people we're buying me drinks left right and center, made some good Friends, the good old days lol.
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7 Oct 2004
tell her to get a grip. blokes do it. if she doesnt like it tell her fair is fair and buy her a rabbit and tell her to get crackin :D

the best advice. its pretty unhealthy for you to be stifled into not doing what you want at your missus's behest.
4 Mar 2003
Assuming the original post isn't some kind of joke - because lets be honest, the OcUK forums fill up with such posts on a daily basis from some of the "younger" members, you really want advice?

As anybody who is actually in or has been in a relationship (minority of people on these forums it would appear) will tell you the keys to a successful relationship are communication, understanding and realising you are not always right - oh and being open & honest will help you too.

You want to look at pron?
Then you either need to do it totally in secrecy when you are sure nobody is around, keep your computer securely locked at all times and if ever asked say "No".
Then you can continue with this "Only natural" thing and nobody will get hurt.
You can feel good watching the pron, your girlfriend isn't made to feel unloved or inadequate and you can just get on with your life.

Your other option - realise you are in a relationship, grow up, get some balls and communicate.
Tell your other half that you look at pron and take it from there.
When she asks about why you do it tell her the truth (whatever that is).
When she explains that by you looking at that material she is made to feel inadequate and to be honest if you've got her why do you feel the need to look at such material, you can explain why.

Relationships can be hard work as it is and all you are doing is making yours even more difficult.
I'm assuming you've never been in any real long term relationship before - if you had then this thread shouldn't exist as you should be communicating with your partner enough to have either stopped looking at this material, agreed to disagree with her and although she isn't happy about it she knows you look but she never gets it rubbed in her face that you are looking at it or your exploring other options with the material.
2 May 2003
It wont help this time however she'll start check your history now so what you do is do normal surfing in IE and porn surfing in FF and hide the link!

Quoted for truth. Been caught out several times myself, though not actually knocking one out. Missus does indeed check my history, atm the IE/FF thing is proving effective.
28 Jun 2006
Somewhere in Bristol
I personally wouldnt have a problem with my other half (if I had one) looking at pr0n. The thing that would bother me is if they were doing it in secret and then I found out.

Like I said it doesnt bother me in the least, but I am slightly intruiged as to why men who are in relationships and already have sex on tap then indulge in self love as well. I understand if the bloke is single that certain "things" need to happen, but why do men who already have a real life woman bother looking at others on the net. Im really not complaining, im just trying to understand.
9 May 2007
So you got caught having a NatWest and your other half's taken it as a sign you don't love her?

To be honest, I don't think she gets* male "urges". Just explain if you went to her every time you fancied bumping uglies she'd be knackered!!!

1) CCleaner and Windows Washer can get rid of your cookies, address history etc.
2) Ad-Aware and SpyBot to clean up any nasties left by "iffy" sites.
3) Kleenex. ;)

* as in, understands. Of course she doesn't GET them...
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