It may be OK.No looks fine. Just obviously one of the pins is bent towards the other a little now as I tried to push them together...
And yep I've tried that, this so frustrating
I know bud - but i'll stick with it - I can finish my work later...
IT can wait - I know how this feels.Don't let me get in the way of your work mate.
Yes - it is fiddlyNot sure how to remove it.. it is the small silver circle right?
You can use a screwdriver/credit card to hold the retaining spring back - but I'm hesitant to suggest it.
Haha I'm hesitant to try anything now. Like I said before when you said damaging the motherboard, it would just be the CMOS pins damaged right?Look at YouTube videos on how to remove a motherboard battery - and pick one that would best suit your battery and preferred method.
I'm hesitant to describe how...
Does it not have a small metal retention clip holding it in? You just need to apply a little pressure to push it back and the battery sometimes flips out.How much pressure can it take? Can't lodge anything under it no?
Look at YouTube videos on how to remove a motherboard battery - and pick one that would best suit your battery and preferred method.
I'm hesitant to describe how...