*** Nintendo Switch ***

Struggling to decide which second controller to get. I will played Zelda which I suspect will be a better experience on the Pro, but I also play a lot of local multiplayer and don't want to lose any functionality from the Joy-Con.

What is everyone else getting then?
I'm fairly certain now that in the long run, I'm better off buying a set of (neon) Joy Cons and the Charging Grip. It's going to be a family console when all said and done and I think I'll get more mileage out of having 4 potential controllers, considering 4 of us could play. Not going to buy until Mario Kart though.
xaldub;30496698 said:
If the Switch gains traction and has a good release I'd be surprised if Nintendo persist with the 3DS in the medium-to-long term.

If the switch is popular I can see Nintendo releasing a cut price switch without the dock for the same price as the 3DS in a year or so's time. I think they're just biding their time to see how the switch sells and the tech to drop in price. Right now the switch is too expensive to replace the 3DS with it.
Nah, they're legit, just don't get anything on account for longer than a month as the APR is horrendous. I believe they're part of Littlewoods.
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