*** Nintendo Switch ***

What a nightmare. Those controllers look like they'd snap in half at the slightest bit of pressure. No to mention losing them down the back if the settee or something.
I can't see it being a 4K console myself. But who knows!

Didn't catch any glimpses of how games are loaded. Someone said something about it being cartridge based?

Not sure if the cartridges were the little SD looking thing he slotted in the top part way through?
Decent. First of all, you knew what it was and what it can do. Aesthetics looks nice as well. My interest is definitely growing.
I wonder what the dock does exactly, is it just a HDMI port? If so graphics could be pretty awful in comparison. I see it's cartridge based? No backwords compatibility? .

I'm going to bet money on it being something like an external graphics card and processor that the tablet piggy backs onto. So its the same console but gets a power boost for home gaming.

Backwards compatibility will be doable through the Nintendo store thingy they have.
So games we can make out from the video...

Skyrim Remastered
Mario Kart 8 (eShop wii U version)
NBA 2K17
Mario (looks like a new incarnation of mario 64?)
Splatoon (eShop wii u version)

Not a bad launch selection is it? It was heavily rumored to have 4 launch titles too (non wii-u ports) which it does.

Looks like you can just pause, yank the thing out of the dock and continue playing on the tablet.

I'm in. Another Scorpio or Neo console would be boring as hell anyway. At least Nintendo tries to do something interesting other than trying to emulate what PCs have done for years. I love the Wii U game pad and this is just an evolution of that. As for 4k, are people really that bothered if it's not supported?
What we didn't see and I was hoping for is the online element, I heard they're having an overhaul by some good development house. Achievements, friends lists, the lot
Really what is the point in that, its just an evolution of the Wii U. I wasn't expecting much and that's what they delivered.
my only concern is the when the controller is separated it looks absolutely tiny, not sure thats something you'd want to hold for any prolonged period

Might be optional as there looked to be another controller more akin to the Pro Wii U one.
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