It depends on sales numbers for software really, you may have a nice amount of 3DS systems out there but if the sales figures don't reflect well i.e. a low attach rate then resource will be allocated to Switch.
It also depends on what Nintendo's end game here is, do they want to continue with 2 pillars or are they planning to Switch (pardon the pun) to 1? That's where I believe and want the ultimate goal to be.
Fire Emblem in 2018 on Switch is probably the first indication of the change of stance, I reckon 2017 will see the closing off period for 3DS in terms of the big 1st and 2nd party titles. You may well get the 3rd version of Pokémon Sun/Moon over on it, but if there's to be a next installment in the franchise which is fresh it'll be on Switch.
E3 will be our first true indication of what the future holds for both platforms and what direction Nintendo ultimately is going for.
Yeah, the 3DS software attach rate is decent still though, and the console is still selling OK too. Software is still selling.
It's also worth noting that it's not just Nintendo driving 3DS sales. 3rd parties like Capcom (Monster Hunter), Square-Enix (Dragon Quest) and Level-5 (Yo-kai Watch) to name a few play a big part too.
Wii U had a high attach rate (one of the highest ever), but this was largely down to a significant portion of the user-base being made up of dedicated or "hardcore" Nintendo fans. To get software sales on the Wii U I think you need to release high quality/complex games (aimed at core gamers). Games that are typically more expensive to make.
The majority of upcoming 3DS games we are seeing are more casual experiences or spin-offs - the kind of games that wouldn't sell so well on Wii U, or could have a negative impact on the public perception of the Switch in the long term if released on it instead or in parallel at this time.
It's going to be a while before Nintendo can even produce enough Switch consoles to consider it a system that can replace the 3DS, let alone get the console affordable and desirable enough for a big portion of current 3DS owners to
switch over. So why not appease and profit from the large 3DS user base in the meantime while they focus on getting more big Switch games ready.
You can bet the majority of 3DS's biggest software partners are well into developing Switch games while they finish off their current 3DS projects, but games take a long time to make and it's going to take time to adjust (processes, tools etc).
Just my two rupees.
Shame the Switch's Bluetooth does not naturally work with BT ear/headphones, needs a BT transmitter connected to the 3.5mm jack socket.
Yeah it's a bit of a bummer, especially as there is no headphone jack on the controller(s). I wonder if it's possible to add wireless headphone support with an OS update.
Are there any 3.5mm bt transmitters that come recommended?, I don't know much about them.