Norwegian rape victim sentenced to 1 year and 4 months of prison in Dubai for sex outside of marriag

8 Apr 2009
As for the rest of your point, you're trying to defend the indefensible. Don't bother.

What am I trying to defend exactly? Cause I have not once said what has occurred, does occur and most likely will occur over there is correct or right.

What I have said is they hold themselves to different value and cultural structures to us.
What I have said is that Elmarko framed his assessment of they being "backwards countries" was made from a Western viewpoint.
What I have said is that when this thread started there was little strong evidence on this particular incident.
What I have said it that if you admit to a crime over there, in the case of drinking, you will get punished.

I have said nothing over that - but if you would care to show me otherwise then go for it ... so why would I bother defending something I never said. Strawman central in this thread with you lot.
13 Nov 2007
MSM have been caught lying 1,000 of times, so why do we need the words of a liar?

I was only speaking from the point of view of having literally no coverage from another source, instead of one translated Norwegian rag.

W.r.t MSM and lying, well, that's a whole 'nother discussion for another day :D
20 Aug 2012
The "logic" runs like this:

A woman says that she's been raped.

She can't provide 4 men who will stand witness in court that it was rape.

The court therefore rules that it wasn't rape.

The court therefore rules that she had extra-marital sex.

By their standards they are being lenient and merciful by imprisoning her rather than torturing her as commanded in the Qu'ran.

Simple and logical, but so wrong from a 'Western' point of view.
8 Apr 2009
Where did anyone say you had?

People were incorrectly attributing a position towards me several times in this thread. I emphasised that towards your comments. You said repeating it would not make it more true therefore implying it is false.

If that is not what you meant then what did you exactly mean by "Repeating it doesn't make it more true."
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
People were incorrectly attributing a position towards me several times in this thread. I emphasised that towards your comments. You said repeating it would not make it more true therefore implying it is false.

If that is not what you meant then what did you exactly mean by "Repeating it doesn't make it more true."

Just saying something is a strawman argument doesn't make it so. Doing so more than once doesn't make it any more so.

Doubtful I suspect Gilly still hasn't got a new handbag after the other day when he was commenting on people who were injured and killed.

Injured or killed. Don't say you still don't understand that one either.
8 Apr 2009
Just saying something is a strawman argument doesn't make it so. Doing so more than once doesn't make it any more so.

So you are saying there are no posts in this thread that have been made from a false position: challenging me because they believe I condone this ruling.
6 Sep 2006
Care to give me one post where I have said:

This is a fair ruling
This is ok.

Just one Gilly - off you go. Let's see if you can put your money where that mouth is.

It's the fact that you are disagreeing with the statement that the laws, the lawmakers, and by the fact that they represent their country, the country itself is backwards in its treatment of women. I can't understand how you can argue with that with the facts laid before you.
8 Apr 2009
It's the fact that you are disagreeing with the statement that the laws, the lawmakers, and by the fact that they represent their country, the country itself is backwards in its treatment of women. I can't understand how you can argue with that with the facts laid before you.

Care to find me once where I said that they were not backwards.

I initially asked (out of curiosity sake knowing Elmarko general views) why he said "backwards countries". The reasons for that is that is not the sort of thing he normally would say. Normally he would not make a sweeping generalisation and would narrow it down to what he considers to "backwards". That is something he later did. He didn't mean the countries were backwards he mean on this specific issue they were backwards culturally, socially and in judicial process compared say to ourselves.

Prior to his clarification I made the point that our practices could be considered backwards in certain areas, especially by those who are from alien cultures, and this is something Elmarko made a point towards to.

Nowhere have I said they are not backwards. If you would care to demonstrate where I have said that - rather than arguing against, again, something I have never said then save your time.

So you wonder why I would argue that ... well you are wondering because I never said it - you can't demonstrate where I said - so why are you mentioning it exactly?
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26 Jun 2010
I suspect that the woman will be pardoned by the UAE, as they have done for most foreigners caught out by their strangely interpreted legal system, particular as it is now Ramadan.
6 Oct 2004
The statements and opinions of some people in this thread really does take some believing.

It's a sad endictment of what people are like today....

I have noticed, particularly over the last 12 months or so, that there are several posters on here who seem to have made it their mission to hold the most controversial and inflammatory viewpoints possible, on whatever subject happens to be under discussion, with what appears to be the aim of baiting and toying with everyone else. At least I hope that's the case, since the alternative is that they do actually believe in what they are saying! :eek:
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