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**Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Thread**

Plus this thing is quite likely to be kinda pricey and not very far off TXP money.

I think you now know what I was saying months ago that there is not really room in the line up for the 1080 Ti.

When the 1080 Ti does show up it will be a replacement for the 1080 at a price closer to the TXP.

NVidia will continue to offer 1080s but a lot of enthusiasts will jump on the 1080 Ti Milk Train.
Again nowhere near to the 20% gain people are demanding.

20% Better than a Titan XP? Cor blimey, I don't think we'll see that till the 110 series. Now who demanded that big of a boost? I reckon a 5-10% bonus should be good enough perhaps, considering how close Titan XP get's to 4k60.

re 980 970 Really ? i owned both , remind me which card was borked again ;) ?

Borked? What borked. It's just 3.5GB VRAM is all :D (even though they misadvertised it and messed up there)

Agreed. Although I'm considering skipping this gen altogether if the 1080 Ti is priced as stupidly as I expect it to be.

Maybe you're right. But I'm eager to be off these bad Nvidia drivers, so I'm banking on Vega not being a disappointment. Either that or a fresh new (1080ti?) Nvidia GPU, maybe it's my 970 that is the issue?
nVidia better start pushing game makers for those fancy (pointless?) effects soon!! Even a 980Ti is enough at 1440p never mind a 1080 ;) :D

That's the thing. I am really enjoying gaming and doing so much but the 1080 is mincing up everything with ease and I just can't see the point of upgrading to a TXP paced card.

CU both in the 1080ti owners thread.


Haha, at the right price, you never know but I doubt it will be in my price justification bracket, so unlikely this time.


You need to be current for your youtube channel :p

I have kinda given up on that in fairness. As above, I am gaming so much and really enjoying it, I just can't be bothered with my channel at the mo.
I think you now know what I was saying months ago that there is not really room in the line up for the 1080 Ti.

When the 1080 Ti does show up it will be a replacement for the 1080 at a price closer to the TXP.

NVidia will continue to offer 1080s but a lot of enthusiasts will jump on the 1080 Ti Milk Train.

Pretty big gap in performance between the GTX 1080 and Titan XP (the GTX x80 Ti is usually just a cheaper version of the Titan X).
Pretty big gap in performance between the GTX 1080 and Titan XP (the GTX x80 Ti is usually just a cheaper version of the Titan X).

i thought it was about the same between the 1070 and 1080? Same perf jump those to a Titan xp? It's what 20-25% jump from 1070 to 1080 then about 25 - 30 from 1080 to Titan xp? Should be atleast 40% jump from 980Ti to 1080Ti which priced right should be okay but its nvidia so probably not lol.
i thought it was about the same between the 1070 and 1080? Same perf jump those to a Titan xp? It's what 20-25% jump from 1070 to 1080 then about 25 - 30 from 1080 to Titan xp? Should be atleast 40% jump from 980Ti to 1080Ti which priced right should be okay but its nvidia so probably not lol.

Much larger gap between the GTX 1080 and Pascal Titan (only real upgrade this gen).


Ok same performance difference, but the point is that the GTX 1080 Ti is basically going to be on the same level as the Pascal Titan X.
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Look forward to seeing its price :p. And how it performs over a 1080.

Skipping the 1080Ti myself. Both 1080's having no issue with 1440 UW 100hz.

But you know, I said that last time... And the time before that.

CU both in the 1080ti owners thread.


This time around I will have to skip as I simply can't afford £700 every 6 months for a GPU, I could spend it but I couldn't justify it to myself.

I think you now know what I was saying months ago that there is not really room in the line up for the 1080 Ti.

When the 1080 Ti does show up it will be a replacement for the 1080 at a price closer to the TXP.

NVidia will continue to offer 1080s but a lot of enthusiasts will jump on the 1080 Ti Milk Train.

True, I'm going to hold off for the 11 series personally :)
This time around I will have to skip as I simply can't afford £700 every 6 months for a GPU, I could spend it but I couldn't justify it to myself.

I am also finding it hard to justify. I never say never and if it comes in at ~£600, my Chrimbo bonus would cover that with ease. I held off the Titan Pascal, which was really hard for me but no custom coolers and the price made that a bit easier.
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