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**Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Thread**

108ti will happily do some games at 4K 60 ultra, even my 1080 does but I agree that it's not the magic 4K card that we are after. I also agree that the 1080ti won't be better than a titan, may match in some scenarios

I think we're at least another few years off of being able to drive 4K properly without requiring too much £ and having to upgrade too often. All depends on how far we step forward in hardware vs software (the hardware requirements games have).
4K without frigging too many settings is probably 2x TXP territory at the moment.
NVIDIA Also Launching “Club GeForce Elite” Service For Dedicated GeForce Fans and Followers

NVIDIA is also planning to announce a new service for GeForce users known as Club GeForce Elite. The service will be subscription based with a price of $10 US per month and would gain GeForce users with free goodies in the form of games, hardware discounts, in-game items, early beta access for games, invitations to GeForce events, GeForce PC cloud service and a lot more as listed below:

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How are they going to magic this faster card? The 1080ti are just failed titan chips after all.

I agree 1080tis might have faster stock overclocks than the 1080s and Titans but unless Nvidia removes that voltage limit, the 1080ti is aonly goign to overclock to 2100 just like the Titan does,

So agin, where is this 10% to 20% extra performance going to magic itself from to make the 1080ti a 4k 60fps card?

Firstly, where does it say that the 1080tis are failed chips.

What is the Titan XP? It in itself is actually a cut-down chip. Thus the 'magic' that could make a 1080ti faster would be figuring out a way to do the full chip without failing. I.e. then the Titan XP would be a cut down version of the 1080ti.

No hard feelings buddy, I know what you're trying to say, but you've forgotten what the Titan XP is. I'll admit it's not the same way the Titan X was, that was a full chip and the 980ti was cut-down.

It's been confirmed by Nvidia. :confused:

Please do post your evidence where Nvidia has confirmed this.

I'm not saying that the 1080ti outright will be faster than a Titan XP. Only someone at Nvidia who is actually working on the chip could know that. But I am suggesting that the idea is possible. It could happen, key word being 'could'. If it doesn't, I'll be disappointed. And it wouldn't make sense to me since the Titan XP already is a cut-down chip that isn't all that much better than a regular 1080.

Regardless of what the 1080ti does end up doing, I know my next GPU will be whichever one manages a solid 4k60. Whether it's a 1080ti, Vega or something further on down the line.
I think they're just teasing... I doubt a 1080 Ti is coming until at least we see concrete report of AMD releasing a comparable product to 1080. That will be when NVIDIA goes a step ahead and releases a 1080 Ti. That's at least what was the case with 780 Ti and 980 Ti.
You could however post a link so we can see where NVidia made that statement. Otherwise you're just another guy with an opinion and no facts.

The link is a couple of posts above mine, so I don't see why I'd need to post it again. Verification of the LinkedIn posts where Nvidia have confirmed the 1080ti is what he specifically asked me for, and again I chuckle at the request.
The 1080 Ti will end up being a 1080 replacement when sales of the latter have dried up.

This is what happened with the 980 Ti doing the same to the 980.

If I had to guess by the end of Jan 2017 1080 sales will be quite low meaning we will see the 1080 Ti sometime around Feb 2017.
I am going to wait for a bit more than that. Sorry, but a LinkedIn post and a job ad are not really proof of anything.

Have to say that the ad does look more like marketing than a job ad. Why would you disclose all that information to a mass audience and in the job ad too? YOu'd discuss it at the interview stage more likely.
Nvidia probably have all the deep learning GPU's now gathering reactions from all the forums to help gauge how much £ to ask for it when it is released :).

Also noticed there were 0 applicants for the job
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It's been confirmed by Nvidia. :confused:

I haven't seen it, Can you link the source please.


I presume you mean this pile of goo


It does not even claim it's a cut down chip, it has TBD in place as in 'To Be Determined', as in 'I don't know. I just make **** up for the clicks'.

Heres where the Ti was mentioned, in a job advertisment.


The interesting bit there is how they're talking about giving first shout to 980ti owners making it sound like it'll be a limited run or like they'll struggle to meet the demand, I wouldn't of thought that'd be the case if it was a further cut down 102 chip and certainly not something they'd be preparing for in advance. I wonder if they'll stay in house like the Titan Pascal?
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The 1080 Ti will end up being a 1080 replacement when sales of the latter have dried up.

This is what happened with the 980 Ti doing the same to the 980.

If I had to guess by the end of Jan 2017 1080 sales will be quite low meaning we will see the 1080 Ti sometime around Feb 2017.

But the 980 was no better than the 970 really, the difference between the 1070-1080 is more of a jump.

1080 = 1070 +20fps
1080ti = 1070 +40fps
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