Hey guys,
Not having much luck OC'ing my G1.
I'm looking for game stable rather than bench stable. BF4 continually shats out the "device removed" error every time I think i have a good OC
Any advice?
i'm finding game stable much, much harder. in fact i've had d3 crash with a paltry +50 offset! basically i'm running into the old 'low utilisation/low voltage' problem.
essentially when you o/c with a core offset, it does more or less exactly what it says and adds said offset to every clock speed in the boost table (or that seems to be the effect at least).
the practical upshot of this is that say you have a card that has a base clock of 1126 and is perfectly happy boosting to 1250 at stock, which the voltage table says needs 1.2v. now you add a core offset of +200 so now the boost clock is 1450, still at 1.2v. The base clock will be 1326. Happily passes Heaven, Valley, Firestrike, Furmark, you name it. Then you fire up D3 and boom, driver reset.
What's happening? D3 is 'low utilization', so your GPU doesn't need to go full boost to run it, it can just run it at the base clock. In fact, it can run it below base clock it's so undemanding. This is where you run into problems. The GPU says, 'oh i drop a few boost bins and i'll run this at -77' (6 boost bins of ~13mhz). so it goes into it's voltage table and looks up what the voltage required for 6 boost bins below the base clock is...1.05v. So it tries to run 1326 - 77 ~= 1250mhz with 1.05v. But at stock 1250Mhz required 1.2v! So the GPU is severely undervolted and it crashes.
This affects different cards differently I'd assume, as some are going to be happy running much lower voltages at higher clock speeds, while others are not. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed with a driver update, but it existed apparently on the 780s so I wouldn't hold your breath. The other solution is to use something like k-boost and always run at max clocks and voltage. of course the other other solution is not to o/c, which is not very appealing but what i'm settling for at the moment.