*** Oculus Quest 2 Owners Thread ***

There are a few companies that do lenses, but I input my details as part of the order with VR Opticians, not after booking.

Yeah, I went through the link from the Oculus website. I think that's from the US so might use yours instead. I would put in my existing prescription but since I have an eye test next week I might as well wait a week.
Yeah, I went through the link from the Oculus website. I think that's from the US so might use yours instead. I would put in my existing prescription but since I have an eye test next week I might as well wait a week.

defiantly wait a week
ask them to do a IPD check for you, you will need those figures

im blind as a bat without glasses (-10 / -11) and i wear glasses in VR, not blurry at all
This i really agree with

How the hell do you manage to wear it for an hour in one go :eek:

Different folks different strokes. I found the stock strap to be OK myself, I'd rarely play more than 30-40 minutes anyway, but never really suffered from the strap. Still use it at times. Only started to have issues with the interface when I started doing really active games and sweating for long periods.

The VR cover leaves a few red marks on my face from the creases in it, but it's not something I feel whilst actually playing, never had that issue with the stock interface.

I think a lot of people must over tighten the stock strap to be honest, I've done it once or twice and it does get uncomfortable fast. Learnt to make sure the vertical strap took the weight more than horizontal, you can also use the arms at angles to help save your ears etc.

EDIT - Got my dad an attachment that hooks in and cups the rear of the head like the elite strap, he says it made a huge difference, only about £10 too.
i must have missed this, what strap etc we talking about ?
i have various ones, i can wear all of them for hours, but majority of them slide down at the front, i dont get pain or marks on my face
It all stock at the moment

It not the strap that very uncomfortable it the part that goes against your face

Maybe i have it to tight
It all stock at the moment

It not the strap that very uncomfortable it the part that goes against your face

Managed to bag one of the free VR cover ones, it's an improvement for sure. Was planning on buying an AMVR one before that though, since it has a way of narrowing the facial interface (and a smaller pad, so closer to the lenses). As I said though, I never found it uncomfortable, perhaps since I've had a beard most my life I don't notice the scratchiness as much as some?
It all stock at the moment

It not the strap that very uncomfortable it the part that goes against your face

Maybe i have it to tight

It's a common mistake people make. They overtighten the strap at the back, which pulls the headset into their face. This gets very uncomfortable after a while. You want the top strap to taking all the weight, and you just tighten the back strap enough so it's comfortable. Then tilt the headset to suit. Of course for some people there is no setting that will work for them.

The real problem with Stock strap isn't the comfort(will explain better). It's that you have to constantly have to readjust it as the the weight of the headset keeps dragging it down in front. And because it's sinking down in front, people pull the the back strap tighter, which then leads to it becoming more uncomfortable. Something to stop the back strap sliding up on your head would have increased the comfort of the Stock strap a lot!!
With all due respect,you are seriously confused.

1. Facebook requirement - I found that it was said online that you could still use an existing Oculus account to play the Quest 2 if you did'nt want to be Forced to use a Facebook account. So I went ahead only to discover that it forces you to merge both accounts together.
2. Yes, I had all 4 headsets (now down to 3) and use them maybe once every 3months now tbh. If you want one I'll sell to you as proof, there in good condition. I have a load of tech, just giving my opinion.
3.Yes up-gradable hardware like screens, cpu etc.. I guess my conversation is too much for you, but no problem OP, that design would likely not happen as it's not profitable for the said companies, (headset after headset makes them more money and is easier to release)
4. I did not say I prefer a Rift S OP, you're mistaken. I said I would use it until a product similar to a Quest 3 comes around in 2022;). Don't forget I have 3 headsets to choose from and they almost all play what I want so no need to splash out £350 plus £150 accessories again.

Ok, let me get something straight here. You came into this forum in February. You complained that
* VR was Dead and there were very games worth playing.
* You hated Facebook,
* You complained about them taking your game away from you and that you would be very reluctant to buy another headset from them,
* You said that you wouldn't change from your Oculus Rift Civ1 to the newer Oculus Rift headsets because they weren't a significant improvement over the Civ 1 and the Quest was too expensive.

Plus, on the Graphic card forum, you said That the Rift Civ 1 resolution was fine and that it was on par with any of the Modern Oculus Rift headsets.

But still after saying all this, you went out and bought a Rift S and a Quest 2?? Really? You basically went against everything you said, twice!! Oh and since you didn't write a review of the Rift S, I am presuming that you find the Physical IPD adjustment better compared to the Quest 2 and that the sound on the Rift S is better than the Quest 2? Just curious.

Now lets talk about your points.

1: Facebook Requirement: Look, I understand that you aren't very good technically, but, if you did two seconds of research you would have known that the if you bought a Quest 2 you had to link your account to Facebook. It's on all on the tech forums, it's on all the reviews. Nowhere does it say that you can use an existing Oculus account to play the Quest 2. Nowhere. So, either you did no research at all, or you knew quite well before buying that the Quest 2 needed accounts to be linked.

2. See the first paragraph of my post.

3. Your conversation isn't too much for me, quite the opposite. I am stunned by your complete lack of any technical understanding, but, your total belief that you know what you are talking about. You want companies to release upgradeable headsets, GPU and GPU and Screens etc? I am gobsmacked here. Why do think this should even be thing? There are no upsides to doing this because it would cost you more than buying a complete new headset. But, ignoring all the licensing issues, warranty issues, technical difficulties and the massive expense it would add to the original headset, there is at least one other reason why this would be a terrible idea, and that's game/app development. It's the same reason why consoles aren't upgradeable. Here's a breakdown of the Quest 2.
Quest 2 Teardown Reveals New Cooling System & Astoundingly Dense Interior – Road to VR This should give you some idea of the difficulty of what you are suggesting.

4. I never said anything about you preferring the Rift S? I questioned why you bought a Rift S. The first time that you have mentioned a Rift S is in a post couple of days. It's the same post that you mentioned waiting until the Quest 3. In another post you said you were going to get a Steam Headset for PCVR, so which is it?

And just one more thing, you know "OP" stands for Original post/Original poster? As in the first post in the thread or the person who started the thread. It doesn't mean the person you replying to.
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