If your wired you dont need virtual desktopGoing to give a go connecting to Link to play Steam VR.
I just install the desktop app and connect via USB-C and it should work? Or do I need virtual desktop?
If your wired you dont need virtual desktopGoing to give a go connecting to Link to play Steam VR.
I just install the desktop app and connect via USB-C and it should work? Or do I need virtual desktop?
If your wired you dont need virtual desktop
Thanks will give that a go. My motherboard has a WiFi 6 card so will try setting up an ad-hoc connection for wireless VR once I've had a try with wired. Picked ul the humble bundle so got plenty to try.
The Walking Dead Game is great in the bundle - I've been playing it via VD - if you do this make sure you launch direct from VD, doesn't work via Steam Home (throws an error up).
Hmmm tempted to get another one, I opted for a refund when I sent it back as have the g2 on pre order, I was impressed with it after I got a 3080, but if it's even better now, it maybe all I need and could cancel the g2......
Yes pal mainly sims, so off in the distance clarity would be a big factor for meDo it!!
Seriously though, You had a broken Quest 2 as well. As you have read, the update for the Quest 2 for the Link cable is a big step up as you are finally able to use the full resolution and 90Hz.
For Sim games I think the Reverb 2 will still be better but the Quest 2 will be very close. I think you are mainly a Sim gamer right?
But, I don't know what I would do in your situation. It might be January before you can get the Reverb G2, but you could have a Quest 2 in a couple of days.
Tough choice!! I know I wouldn't have the will power to wait.
It's a big improvement now link is using the native resolution of the Oculus 2 and 90Hz. Just installed the update on mine ran Half Life Alyx using link and it's a night and day difference so much sharper now.
No update visible in my settings. Might have it updated automatically?
Does this improvement with Alyx also noticeable with wifi VD or is it just link?
No update visible in my settings. Might have it updated automatically?
Does this improvement with Alyx also noticeable with wifi VD or is it just link?
my Q1 told me to make a Facebook account otherwise i couldn't use it ?
Just watched the first video in the Everest VR series on the TV app.
As some one who does not like heights...Scared the crap out of me. I've watched videos of people climbing before, but in VR it's just a whole different thing. Doesn't really help that the camera is often suspended way above the ground on a steep mountainside. At times, the only way I could watch it without freaking out was to just pick something to focus on, and stare at it
I have just bought a Quest 2
£255 delivered inc 3rd party link cable
ill be getting it Wednesday (hes sending it via next day delivery on tuesday)
didnt have my Q1 for long lol