*** Oculus Quest 2 Owners Thread ***

Could I ask a few questions of the Q2 owners? I have not yet owned my own VR headset, and was planning to go high-end with the likes of the Reverb G2 and Index but currently feel that neither tick enough boxes to spend £650-£1,000.

The 64GB Q2 is very affordable and readily available, and feels like a good starter VR experience. My questions are as follows:

1) I plan on mainly playing PCVR, and have a beefy enough PC to do it (i9700k, 2080S). If I don't know if I have USB 3.0 (mobo is Gigabyte Aorus bought Dec 2018, but don't know model), do I need to buy the expensive PC cable? I find all this discussion confusing sorry.

2) Is the 64GB model sufficient if I plan on playing mainly PCVR? I'm sure I will play some non-PC games, but probably not many.

3) Is the Elite headstrap essential in order to enjoy it?

4) Combing the above 3 questions, there is a big difference in price between getting the 64GB model and getting the 256GB model, the Elite strap, and the expensive PC cable (extra £200+).

5) Finally, how does the Q2 stack up to the Index etc. In terms of general usability, fun, and the overall VR experience? Did you wish you paid extra fr Index etc., or is this still light years ahead of the PSVR and HTC Vive (being only headsets I've ever tried).

Thanks all in advance.

1. Need a cable for PCVR and USB 3 is recommended for best results, may not achieve best quality/performance on USB < 3. (Though there is virtual desktop but again need a good wifi setup, 5ghz ideally)
2. Yes
3. No, but different head strap recommended
4. I went 256gb but I dont think I really needed it, could have spent that £100 on accessories/games.
5. Dont know, its my first headset, I love it. :)
1. Your motherboard probably supports it. I have an x370 k7, and it supports usb 3.1 and has a usb c connection.

2. It'll be fine.

3. Not essential, some find the default strap to be fine. Plenty of other cheaper offers out there anyway.

4. £20 cable, £30 headstrap, still only £350, and potentially less with offers etc
Could I ask a few questions of the Q2 owners? I have not yet owned my own VR headset, and was planning to go high-end with the likes of the Reverb G2 and Index but currently feel that neither tick enough boxes to spend £650-£1,000.

1. you do need a decent PC cable with decent length of you want to enjoy roomscale VR this would be around 5 meters. Don’t cheap out on the cheapest USB off Amazon from ChineseDave, I have the official link one which is well made very light and flexible but an eye watering £89. Other people are having success with cables around £30 mark off Amazon.

The 64GB Q2 is very affordable and readily available, and feels like a good starter VR experience. My questions are as follows:

1) I plan on mainly playing PCVR, and have a beefy enough PC to do it (i9700k, 2080S). If I don't know if I have USB 3.0 (mobo is Gigabyte Aorus bought Dec 2018, but don't know model), do I need to buy the expensive PC cable? I find all this discussion confusing sorry.

2) Is the 64GB model sufficient if I plan on playing mainly PCVR? I'm sure I will play some non-PC games, but probably not many.

2. 64 GB is plenty as easily enough for a dozen games and the games are only a few GB each so take no time to redownload.

3) Is the Elite headstrap essential in order to enjoy it? Absolutely 100% yes, the included strap is essentially not fit for purpose unless for extremely casual limited play. People on here currently finding elite type straps off Ali Express sub £30.

4) Combing the above 3 questions, there is a big difference in price between getting the 64GB model and getting the 256GB model, the Elite strap, and the expensive PC cable (extra £200+). The latter starts to move the price close to the Reverb G2, which makes things difficult to evaluate. Any thoughts?

I thought this which is why I went 64gb , elite strap and official link cable as it dies not take much to ruin the immersion of VR. The stand alone aspect of the Q2 more than makes up for any short comings in buying the extra peripherals. I bought this mainly to PCVR but Iv been so blown away by the stand alone games in oculus store that I haven’t felt the need to PCVR that much. Untethered is just too much fun.

5) Finally, how does the Q2 stack up to the Index etc. In terms of general usability, fun, and the overall VR experience? Did you wish you paid extra fr Index etc., or is this still light years ahead of the PSVR and HTC Vive (being only headsets I've ever tried).

Having only experienced PSVR all I can say is it knocks the socks off that even stand alone. Someone else might be able to relate it to index. Index being over £700 more than the Q2, I’d be very surprised if it was £700 better.
Thanks all in advance.
If you're mainly playing PC then the 64gb is plenty big enough. I've got the official Link cable, and it's extortionately priced, but is way better than the majority of the other USB3 cables out there, as it's longer, more flexible, and lighter, high bandwidth, and gives good charging ability.

I have an Index and a Quest 2. Here's my comparison:

Comfort: Index wins. Even with the Elite Battery Strap the Quest is not as comfortable as the Index
Screen Door Effect: Quest 2 wins. The Index's SDE is far more noticable than the Quest's, but it's not something you generally notice while gaming.
Controllers: Quest 2 edges it for me as the controller layout is better. Index controllers are more advanced, but fewer games properly support the extra features. The extra finger tracking doesn't add much, and the grip sensor is finicky.
FOV: Index wins hands down. Quest 2 FOV feels very narrow by comparison
IPD: Index wins. Quest IPD adjust is not very flexible and leads to a lower FOV if you use setting 3.
Lenses: Tie. Index lenses are very clear from edge to edge but have awful glare. Quest 2's lenses have god rays which can be distracting.
Sharpness: Even with the Quest PC link dialed up as far as it can go the picture looks slightly soft. Index looks sharper despite a lower resolution (though SDE is much mroe apparent).
Audio: Index wins, as the off-ear speakers are incredible. However I find the Quest 2 speakers perfectly acceptable for normal gameplay.
Flexibility: Quest 2 wins - you can play portable native games, or PC games via a cable or wireless.
Tracking: Index wins, but Quest tracking is fine. In normal usage you won't notice any tracking issues. The Oculus tracking boundary setup is incredibly well done, far better than any other system out there.
Screens: Tie. The Index's separate screens means the IPD adjust is better, plus they can refresh at up to 144hz, but they're lower resolution than the Quest 2's single LCD panel. There's not much between them in terms of black levels or colours.
Value: Quest 2 wins easily. You can buy two Quest 2's with link cables and straps for the price of the index, or 3 without the accessories.
Ecosystem: Steam VR is nowhere near as easy to use as the Oculus environment on both native Quest and PC. Oculus offers an easy, almost console like experience.

If I didn't have an Index would I consider the Quest 2 to be a decent PC headset? Yes, up to a point. The link feature now works really well, but it does add overhead on top of rendering the game. If you start adding up the accessories you're approaching 50% of the price of an Index, or closer to a G2. If you just want to play sims, I'd get a G2. (Though I would recommend a Quest 2 over a G2 for general purpose VR).

Index is only worth it if you want the most advanced controllers, and the best tracking with a decent FOV and high refresh rates. Though one advantage with the Index is if Valve produce an updated headset then you can keep using the same base stations and controllers and only have to pay for a new headset. Though of course the price of a new Index headset alone is likely to be double that of a Quest 2!
All, thank you very much for the detailed responses to my questions. These have been really helpful. I think Q2 makes sense for what I'm after, so just need to find a good headstrap and good cable in an effort to keep the price down.
Yeah Quest 2 is excellent for the money (minus the Facebook requirement). When I bought an Index the Quest 2 didn't exist. I'd have a hard time justifying forking out for an Index now the Quest 2 can run PC games at a decent resolution and refresh rate.
On the Elite Strap front, the general consensus at the moment is "don't". It's expensive at £50. And they're breaking. Literally better off just ordering a £15-£20 generic strap off Ali Express if the standard strap bothers you, and then looking at what the consensus is in six months (when there should be more variety).
Just to confirm the official cable running through a dedicate USB3.1 should be between 2.6-3Gbps anything less and your likely to get stutter dependent on bit rate from my understanding.

My non official cable runs at about 2.3Gbps and seems fine, although the official one hits 2.6-3Gbps, is that definitely necessary? I'd be interested to know what the exact requirement is.
My non official cable runs at about 2.3Gbps and seems fine, although the official one hits 2.6-3Gbps, is that definitely necessary? I'd be interested to know what the exact requirement is.
From my experience if you want 90hz with super resolution up to 1.7 (1:1 pixel) without stutter then yes. If running lower quality and bit rates probably not.
You have to create a.support ticket, include your invoice(or if you ordered direct from Oculus your order number) your Oculus username and the serial number of your quest 2 and they manually add to your account

I have a feeling they're going to regret this. Support ticket overload incoming :p

Still don't quite understand why they're giving away a PCVR title. No doubt that'll be the next Twitter complaint...
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