**Official** Aion Beta Thread

Well so far I have vastly enjoyed the game, it is certianly no WoW and lacks some of the fluidity in combat, but personaly I think it has WoW on a number of other points.

Personal favorite features:

Private Store: Basicaly you stick some items in on a bag screen, set prices and write a little marketing blurb, you then go AFK and people and browse your store and buy what they like, you don't need to do anything.

Campaign Quests: You get these automaticaly and they are the equivilent of chain quests, with the added bonus of not having the keep picking the quests up.

Cut Scenes: Quite useful for campaign quests, showing you what needs doing, also just nice in terms of story telling.

Looks: Awesome, the graphics are fantastic, the characters look very nice and are not blocky, the customization is very nice. The scenery looks very nice and quite varied as are the monsters.

Combat: This is the only point where things could be better, everything is a bit rigid and could do with a bit more choice and variaty. The abilities do look good however and combo's are a very nice way of doing things (also reduces the amount of buttons to press)

I for one will deffinetly be participating in the following beta weekends and as I've pre ordered the CE, will most likely be having a crack at it when it goes live.
The next beta starts in 12 days I believe :D

Had a great weekend with everyone. Hope to be able to play for an hour or so after work to hit level 19 and get my new skills.

I agree with Fenris combat does seem a little stale when soloing but much better in a group, I also think as we are such low levels its bound to be less interesting to what we are custom to at high levels in other mmos.

I will try to level the Legion, we need 120k to get level 2 which allows us to choose our own emblem and at level 3 we get to make our own :P So if everyone donates 10k it should be easy to level :)
Some images from this weekend. Not really got any great pictures of all the Legion together. We will need to take a Legion Screeny in the next beta ;)











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You guys get a cape! We are hard core and wear a scarf over our shoulder! However thanks for posting those, it just reminded me why I have gone Asmodian!

Great game - looking forward to many millions of hours of pvp :D
You guys get a cape! We are hard core and wear a scarf over our shoulder! However thanks for posting those, it just reminded me why I have gone Asmodian!

Great game - looking forward to many millions of hours of pvp :D

You mean you lot wear a neckerchief? How butch ;)
Managed to find an Aion Italian party last night to kill some Krall. Was great fun in a big party using my buffs and being the side healer as the other healer sucked!. Things really started to pick up as soon as you hit the higher areas but you need fairly big solid parties to continue.
I'm not sure if anyone is giving any away it will probably be in a week or so. Keep an eye out on these forums and the official Aion website and you should find one (if available)
well i rolled a Warrior and chose the Gladiator path, wooowa can he deal out some punishment !!! Plate armour is nice and the Polearm is deadly.. the DP skill is ace to see , he spears the enemy and vaults up into the air and craches them into the ground,,, beautiful :eek:

as for beta keys, Eurogamer gave away 200 before this beta opened so keep an eye out on that site
If you want a preorder/beta key all you really ned to do now is preorder.
Cancel after you've received the key if you want lol

I completely missed this whole event :(, my own fault tho, got sucked into GoW2 bad having so much fun in multiplayer and co-op mode
It's over for the next 11 days :(

Aion closed beta schedule updated
#1 - June 5 - June 7

#2 - June 19 - June 22
Focus: Asmodian levels 1-20

#3 - July 2 - July 6
Focus: Elyos and Asmodians 1-20

#4 - July 17 - July 20
Focus: Elyos and Asmodian levels 1-25

#5 - July 31 - August 3
Focus: TBD

#6 - August 14 - August 17
Focus: TBD

From http://www.aiononline.com/us/news/general_news/closed_beta_event_3_-_coming_s.html
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