Insanity Versus 2 is now running.
Insanity Versus:
-Tank spawn chance increased to 100% on levels 2,3,4
-Variable Tank spawn added
-Witch spawn chance 100% on Level 1 and 80% on 2,3,4
-Multiple tanks can spawn each level (albeit not at the same time)
-Up to 3 hunters can spawn at the same time
-Survivors now revive and heal faster
-Fire does more damage
-Ghost speed Increased
-Witch has double health
-Boomer Vomit delay removed
-Boomer can vomit when moving
-Smoker tongue range increased slightly, has more health and drags faster
-Charger Can do slightly more damage from initial charge
-Spitter recharge time increased
-Hunter claw does more damage
-Tanks take longer to get frustrated
-Tanks take longer to Burn
-Tanks remain stunned for slightly less time when stunned by explosion
To connect to the server type
Please note that this WILL be hard for survivors, but should still be good fun. I shall be testing it out some time tomorrow.