so, currently observing the behaviour of different procodt settings, in a near stable setup running tpu memtest
used to use just 48, as seemed to be the only stable one before.
so, I was experiencing the long lock-ups. went up to 53, and lock-ups don't appear to be worse than about 5 seconds. mouse does not move completely smoothly.
60 results in some long lock-ups fairly soon, mouse very, very juddery
68 results in long lock-ups before long, and mouse very juddery
80 results in mouse smooth, but did notice a minute+ lock-up fairly early.
Bear in mind, this is based on first few minutes of running the test.
Need to go back to 48 now, as I cannot remember what mouse movement like, and need to pay attention early test lock-ups.
48 - mouse smoother than 53, but system locks up more often and had a longer lock-up fairly early. Also just had display cut out on this one.
Going to play with 53 and 80... I hate this.
Edit 2:
System doesn't seem to like cold booting at 80, so playing with 53. For ***** and giggles, have lowered my dram voltage too.
Edit 3:
Dropping timings down to 16-18-18-18-38 form default 15-17-17-17-36, seems to result in slightly less lock-up. This is at 2933 for ram.