******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

You can set the delays on keys and most macro software on keyboards like the Logitech G19 and Nostromo etc allow you to perform the action and it records it, so any delays would be pointless, you can also on some software add in a randomisation for the delay, so it's never a carbon copy each time, making it very hard to detect by the game client.

It's basically pointless trying to ban it, so they might as well try to incorporate it. Most people will have a mic these days anyway or you can pick one up very cheaply. In my opinion it gives those who can't afford a HOTAS a nice cheap alternative to all the config for the ships whilst also making it a more unique experience :)

yeah, i know they do, i have a G15 with a handful of them, and im pretty sure the old DFP wheel software had this functionality about 10yr ago, i wasn't suggesting it as a solution, as i'd said theres nothing they can do, but by enforcing a delay it means a 10 key command would take 1sec, not 0.1, however it's still vastly superior to doing it by pressing all 10 keys.

Its not like this is a civil war game, and you're using voice commands to speed up the process of firing a cannon, its 2944, so voice processing is hardly out of character.
I dont see how it can be blocked, dont see how its unrealistic, and dont see how its cheating. It strikes me as being something fitting with the game, and its not exploiting or hacking, its essentially shortening a command from a series of button presses to a voice command or macro'd keypress. If anything, it seems rather dumb that a futuristic craft couldnt have power presets, and i'd bet they do, just not in the current builds.
Ok so i have to ask, Is this a MMO?

Because if its not, i don't quite understand how the 'Universe' aspect will come into this? If its servers hosted by 3rd parties, how can you guarantee admins aren't abusing? How large will the servers be?
Ok so i have to ask, Is this a MMO?

Because if its not, i don't quite understand how the 'Universe' aspect will come into this? If its servers hosted by 3rd parties, how can you guarantee admins aren't abusing? How large will the servers be?

Its two games really,

Squadron 42 - Single player/co-op military campaign ala Wing Commander leading into the Persistent Universe

Star Citizen - Persistent Universe -One big MMO Universe with instancing (also private servers but there will be only one main server)
The Persistent Universe/PU is MMO like, i dont think the devs quite call it an MMO but its certainly comparable and probably the best way to describe it.

They run the central server, the main server which the PU lives within. You can host your own servers, but they're not as big or complex, but it allows you to do whatever you like, and if that includes admins who abuse it then i'd imagine they wont be popular, but that wont impact what the majority of people are playing in. The main reason for unofficial servers would be because people want to import custom made ships from TV & Films, stuff like that, but i doubt they'd be exploited because they have no relevance to anything outside of that server, you couldnt make a high end ship cost 1 credit, buy it, then go into the official server and have that ship.

Otherwise, CIG maintain and operate the central server system for the game, so its just CR haxing you have to worry about ;)
Schedule for the shows has changed, OP updated as well.

Mondays (3 PM PST / 11PM BST) – 10 for the Chairman
Thursdays (9 AM PST / 5PM BST) – Around the Verse
Fridays (3 PM PST / 11PM BST) – Inside CIG (when available)
Squadron 42 - Single player/co-op military campaign ala Wing Commander leading into the Persistent Universe

Also, S42 will be optional when creating a new character.
However, what you do, what you achieve and how you behave in S42 will carry over into the PU.

S42 is basically serving a term in the United Earth Empire (UEE) space military. Doing so earns you your Citizenship and your new character starts with whatever advantages that might bring. Those who do not serve and skip the S42 campaign start without Citizenship.
It's very much like Starship Troopers!

Also, when you start a new character, you designate a Next Of Kin. If/when you then die, the NoK (usually a child or other relative) inherits everything of monetary wealth, along with your reputation (but to a lesser degree) and you resume the game from there.
So if you're a pillock and goof off in front of the CO, fluff your combat missions, kill your wingmen and generally stuff it up, you'll leave S42 being viewed like a complete Walt.
If you succeed, you'll take away high rank, reknown, perhaps a large wadof back-pay and possibly even your own ship.
Swapped the K and W cannon from my 325A onto the 300i... what a difference! a well placed shot can rip through shields.

Been flying with all assists off and locking the mouse down with CTRL+F , hard to master but helluva fun!
Its two games really,

Squadron 42 - Single player/co-op military campaign ala Wing Commander leading into the Persistent Universe

Star Citizen - Persistent Universe -One big MMO Universe with instancing (also private servers but there will be only one main server)

The Persistent Universe/PU is MMO like, i dont think the devs quite call it an MMO but its certainly comparable and probably the best way to describe it.

They run the central server, the main server which the PU lives within. You can host your own servers, but they're not as big or complex, but it allows you to do whatever you like, and if that includes admins who abuse it then i'd imagine they wont be popular, but that wont impact what the majority of people are playing in. The main reason for unofficial servers would be because people want to import custom made ships from TV & Films, stuff like that, but i doubt they'd be exploited because they have no relevance to anything outside of that server, you couldnt make a high end ship cost 1 credit, buy it, then go into the official server and have that ship.

Otherwise, CIG maintain and operate the central server system for the game, so its just CR haxing you have to worry about ;)

Thanks for the explanation. It seems like its kinda like DayZ standalone server setup. You have the official servers full of hackers and the private servers full of admin abuse.....Might just get this for the single player then now.

Was really hoping for a MMO. :(
Its more MMO than DayZ, although i think there are some comparisons between DayZ & SC (bandits = pirates, zombies = NPC) the server you'd be playing in would be controlled by CIG, whereas DayZ someone is renting that server and connecting to a master which says where you are, what you own etc. So in DayZ there isnt any official servers (not to my knowledge anyway, its been a couple of months since ive bothered) and its upto the owner who paid for it what goes on in there.
In SC its more like battlefield, where you have ranked (official SC server) and unranked (any private server you set up) but anything happening in an unofficial server has zero impact or relevance, its been allowed so that they can support open modding in the community, and anything they deem to be of a high enough quality and suitably balanced to be fitting in their universe, they'll release into the universe too.

For missions, the game world will generate tons of missions based upon what it needs. If a manufacturing planet is running low on materials, then a job will be placed requesting them. If theres pirates blocking their access, they'll post jobs for them to be taken down. If nobody does those jobs, then an NPC would take the job, and theres supposed to be roughly 10 NPCs 'out there' for every 1 of us. So it should be capable of being self sufficient, but theres opportunities for us to take on certain tasks and provide the required service.

There will also be scripted missions, go here, pick up this, go kill that, bring back proof and collect your payment etc. Thats something i wish DayZ had, cos i'd much rather play it with a handful of mates in a private server, surviving the zombies, than the zombies being a distraction and the real threat being bandit shoot-on-sight players.

Theres no skill tree, no levelling up, so those arent MMO like, its intended to be skill based and like rock-paper-scissors where theres no 1 perfect tool, and every ship has its strengths and weaknesses.
- Tons of guns, manoeuvrable, no cargo space.
- Decent guns, Lots of cargo space, slow and clumsy.

This is a decent video for anyone trying to understand a variety of info, its short but covers a chunk of questions you're likely to have.
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