******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Ok I am seriously thinking about melting down my Freelancer pledge package and going back to either a 315P or Avenger.

It's function over form - internally has everything you would need, will be able to navigate all the jump points, have low emissions for stealth/exploration, and decent cargo capacity... but no matter how I look at it the Freelancer cockpit just does not work for me - considering that is where we'll be spending a huge portion of game time I don't think I can cope with it.

Trouble is that is a base game package, so I would lose alpha access, which is the only thing holding me back... :(

Stuck with a ship I don't particularly like, and no way to change it at the moment.
You could get an Arena Commander pass, or take the jump, sell the FL pack on the grey market and then buy an alpha enabled Avenger.

There are alpha packs on there and there is demand so I'm sure you could sell yours, assuming you still have that option.

As always there's risk involved, I've used the grey market dozens of times on various reddit accounts.. :P Only had a problem once out of perhaps 40 trades. I originally had a Freelancer alpha pack likes yours, have now got a Cutlass one as I just prefer the ship.
You could get an Arena Commander pass, or take the jump, sell the FL pack on the grey market and then buy an alpha enabled Avenger.

There are alpha packs on there and there is demand so I'm sure you could sell yours, assuming you still have that option.

As always there's risk involved, I've used the grey market dozens of times on various reddit accounts.. :P Only had a problem once out of perhaps 40 trades. I originally had a Freelancer alpha pack likes yours, have now got a Cutlass one as I just prefer the ship.
Just having a look through reddit at the moment.

I was thinking of contacting customer support and seeing if there could be anything done with transferring alpha access - I've never contacted them for anything else so seeing as it is a one off they may be willing to do something about it?

I imagine this is going to become even more of a problem down the line as new ships and variants continue to be released and single ship package pledgers question their initial decision.
From what I've heard it's one of the few things they won't swap over for you, I've dealt with them a couple of times and they are very helpful but it's pretty much a case of "you bought it, you now manage it".
From what I've heard it's one of the few things they won't swap over for you, I've dealt with them a couple of times and they are very helpful but it's pretty much a case of "you bought it, you now manage it".
Thanks for the heads up - in that case grey market is the only option.

Will keep my eyes open.
I originally had a Connie LTI game package but a while a go melted it for a Super Hornet game package and Freelancer before the alpha slots ran out.

I wanted to go back to my original Connie package but I knew if I melted both my ships I'd lose alpha slot and would have to buy a pass. I emailed support and within a quick response I was told if I melted my two ships down she would reinstate my Connie package and not lose my alpha slot.

She did it and all is good.
I originally had a Connie LTI game package but a while a go melted it for a Super Hornet game package and Freelancer before the alpha slots ran out.

I wanted to go back to my original Connie package but I knew if I melted both my ships I'd lose alpha slot and would have to buy a pass. I emailed support and within a quick response I was told if I melted my two ships down she would reinstate my Connie package and not lose my alpha slot.

She did it and all is good.
Wow, that's good to read.

But I suppose you had already bought the Connie previously so that might have made it possible.

I switched from the 315P to the Freelancer, but now want to exchange that for the Avenger plus credits, so I'm not sure how they'll take to that situation. I might just send them a message anyway - worst they can say is no. :)
Worth asking mate if they did it for Dave they might for you. You can't transfer purchases involving site credit to someone else so not like they lose anything.
Personally, i'd wait till the dfm has multicrew ships, just to see what its like first.
Then, if you still find its a problem, see if CIG will help convert it to ship+credits for you.
I had a Freelancer awhile back before the new cockpit and my main issue wasn't that but the look of the ship. The outside is ok, but does the inside really need to look as dull as a cargo plane (I know it's meant to carry lots of cargo). I went straight back to my Gladiator after checking it out...

The interiors of the newer ships have been designed much better now as CIG have gone through the process several times.

I think the Freelancer will be better than the 315p at exploring and better than the Avenger at cargo transportation, however, if you want to dogfight / do bounty hunting in a single seater ship those would be better (even though the Freelancer does have huge cannons…) so it depends on what roles you want to start the game doing.

You could always make some money trading using the Freelancer then buy an Avenger etc in game.
Well I've sent CIG an email so no going back on it anyway - will wait and see what response they give hopefully tomorrow.

On a side note I was surprised today to discover all four beds and side seats were useable in the Freelancer now - that was a nice touch.

In hindsight I think I've been a little harsh on the Freelancer interior cockpit view - is it me or have they moved the seats forward a bit? I could have sworn they were further back a couple of months ago. In any case the view isn't as bad as I remember it to be.

Anyway if they say no then I'm happy to stick with it, if yes then hopefully will own an Avenger. I thought about going back to the 315P but figured that by the time the Avenger is available in the DFM there should be cross-chassis "upgrades" to convert back and forth to the 300 series, and I won't be happy with any of the 300 series until they flesh out the interior.

With the Avenger, I know I should be able to dump the cryo beds and fit a jump drive and possibly kit it out for light exploration at the cost of some firepower - nothing on the scale of the Freelancer DUR, but hopefully comparable to a 315P.

In the end the ship I'd really like doesn't exist yet - could be created in a new TNGS series or one of the yet to be designed/revealed ships, so will have to wait and see.
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What i was going to say, but was trying to watch the football and kept it short, was - Is it the look of the cockpit your put off by, the poor visibility, or something else? I cant think whether its an obstructed view or something, but if it was simply that the cockpit console looks rubbish, its worth remembering what you're looking at in the DFM in whatever is available to you. When you're flying you're focus is everywhere but the ship you're in. The data, for the most part, is coming through the helmet HUD (which makes you wonder why a ship builder would put all thoughs displays in there - aside from 'prettyness') so unless you're going to free-look, there shouldnt be much attention to visual appearance, certainly not in a functionality POV at least.
If they do convert it to an Avenger, you'll also have the chassis upgrades to get the freelancer back, but im not sure you'll be able to switch chassis to a 300, thats (in their sense) a chassis downgrade, and i dont see them offering the ability to keep swapping back n forth.

Out of interest, what sort of ship would you like? The Carrack seems like something you talk about, a Conny sized exploration ship. Is that what you meant by 'doesnt exist yet' or is there something else you'd like if you could knock up your perfect ship?

As for other comments on the freelancer looking dull inside, it looks fitting for its purpose and its the MISC style. They're an industrial manufacture, you're buying a ship which is originally a transportation ship, its a lorry basically. Its designed to be functional, not fashionable or technologically advanced. You have to think of it in real terms, and if it was plush and fancy it'd cost more to make, and its not needed for a space wagon. If it had more luxuries, you'd also expect to pledge more for it, too.
I have a starfarer, i expect it to be very similar, i'd love it to look like the Conny LX but it wont, not for £175 anyway, and the LX Conny will probably be a 'weaker' attacking loadout, but with better facilities and perhaps higher grade suites/upgrades fitted, and cost $20+ more than the standard conny.

Also, "I went straight back to my Gladiator after checking it out..."
Do you mean a different ship, cos i dont see how you'd go 'back' to it? CIG unmelted it? We dont know what the Gladiator interior will be like, its an ex-mil ship, its not going to ne all that fancy either, im sure.
Gladiator interior we can guess at, due to the WIP art that's out but like Paul says it's going to be military style and basic. Probably similar to the Hornet.

Freelancer cockpit never bothered me, I'm just not keen on the layout even with the recent changes. I do think it'll be a cracking ship though and it'll have that "I'm in a ship" feel which many of the other ships lack a little due to amazing visibility and being right up front. Not many games manage to make you feel like a character inside a ship the way SC can.
I can only give a short response atm - regarding the Freelancer it's simply the narrow vertical visibility through the front due to the thick window frame. It feels squashed to look through.

As for the rest of the ship - nothing wrong at all. I'd maybe tidy up the floor to reduce trip hazards, but I like the rest of it.

Trouble is as we'll be sitting in the pilot seat a fair bit, that forward view is the dealbreaker.

The Carrack looks good on paper. I'm interested to see what the redesigned Connie and variants look like.

At the moment there are no comparable ships to compete with the Freelancer's target market (cutlass and Connie both cannot navigate smaller jump points? So I can't compare them to the Freelancer). Ideally there should be a handful of offerings from different manufacturers for each "type" of ship, just as there are for single seat fighters.

So an RSI take on a Freelancer style ship would have different benefits (cockpit, interior design, flexibility/upgeadeability) and weaknesses (no xi'an tech - implies weaker scanning ability? And so on).

Regarding the Avenger - I wouldn't mind if I couldn't downgrade in the future. It'll be a great starter ship and one that should be fun to fly.
I love the Avenger cockpit, visibility is almost as good as the Aurora. Must admit I was surprised when I went to get in mine the first time and found it had a bed in a small room behind the cockpit, really didn't expect that!
As for other comments on the freelancer looking dull inside, it looks fitting for its purpose and its the MISC style. They're an industrial manufacture, you're buying a ship which is originally a transportation ship, its a lorry basically. Its designed to be functional, not fashionable or technologically advanced. You have to think of it in real terms, and if it was plush and fancy it'd cost more to make, and its not needed for a space wagon. If it had more luxuries, you'd also expect to pledge more for it, too.
I have a starfarer, i expect it to be very similar, i'd love it to look like the Conny LX but it wont, not for £175 anyway, and the LX Conny will probably be a 'weaker' attacking loadout, but with better facilities and perhaps higher grade suites/upgrades fitted, and cost $20+ more than the standard conny.

Also, "I went straight back to my Gladiator after checking it out..."
Do you mean a different ship, cos i dont see how you'd go 'back' to it? CIG unmelted it? We dont know what the Gladiator interior will be like, its an ex-mil ship, its not going to ne all that fancy either, im sure.

Yep, it's a bare-bones non-luxury misc trading ship, I just don't really want to fly something which looks like a cargo plane as I mainly wanted it for exploration anyway. Just personal preference :) I'm going to try and see how exploring in the 350r goes...

As for the Gladiator, it was after the final LTI sale and I asked CIG CS to revert/melt the Freelancer back to the Gladiator, which they kindly did.

I went back to the Gladiator is for it's salvage role, the small bit of cargo space and also obviously because it has the capability to carry torpedoes as well which makes it a bit different to most of the other ships. Judging from some of the polls I don't think many people own one at the moment.

The Gladiator concepts only show a nice looking main cockpit so far, but maybe when they increase the ship's size they'll add an entrance into the torpedo bay / cargo hold.
I have a Gladiator, think it's one of the most under rated ships tbh. Love it's styling :)

You are right though every poll I've seen shows only a tiny percentage of people have one. PAGAN have at least 1 ship of every kind and we've only got 2 of them, compared with 12 Constellations confirmed by members!
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