******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

The Scout will be back on sale again before PU and it is likely to have a bed, we've not seen the internals but you can't have a scout ship without somewhere to sleep, that's been the case with all exploration based ships so far and the scout is as listed as scout/exploration so I'd be shocked if it didn't have some place for crew to kip. The ship is rather large tbh.

It doesn't look like it's got any internal space. Without a bed or cargo it's got a limited role base. Looks like the weapon hardpoints are now two twin turrnets and the co-pilot space looks a bit cramped!

Still, it does look nice and should be very fast and manoeuvrable :)
So... what do you actually get out of a package with a ship and the arena pass at the moment? A demo VS some waves of enemy ships? (I'm not bashing it, just checking what's on offer to weight up purchasing).

If it IS just a "demo" effectively I might wait till the PU gets to beta or similar.
So... what do you actually get out of a package with a ship and the arena pass at the moment? A demo VS some waves of enemy ships? (I'm not bashing it, just checking what's on offer to weight up purchasing).

If it IS just a "demo" effectively I might wait till the PU gets to beta or similar.

That's pretty much what you get so far, more is planned for this module of development though and later in the year there is multi crew ships, ship boarding and FPS to come.

When PU is here you don't get a ship with the game they all have to be earned in game.
Crytek have nothing to do with this game though do they? Im guessing money has changed hands regarding licencing and whoever takes over Cryteks assets will just get what ever cut had been arranged.

CIG have customised the source code for the Cry engine that they used, although I can see it hitting future development. Crytek aren't closing down from what I gather and TBH are probably looking at ditching their games section and focusing on the technology arm. They have 400+ employees, so it can't be cheap to run.
That's pretty much what you get so far, more is planned for this module of development though and later in the year there is multi crew ships, ship boarding and FPS to come.

When PU is here you don't get a ship with the game they all have to be earned in game.

In case someone gets the wrong end of this, you'll be able to buy just the game when its release, although you'll still get access to an Aurora (ES? the one which is no longer sold as they felt it best that everyone always has access to a ship, even if you've pledged for a ship, you'll get this ship like a rental till insurance comes in).
If you buy/pledge for a ship package, you'll own that ship in the PU, and alpha/beta where available.

I dont see the game being cheaper to buy when released, compared to a cheap ship package now. The PU is the 'beta' part iirc, the alphas are big elements of the game to be tested before the early PU stuff is in, stuff like Arena Commander, FPS module, and the social/planetside module.
I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned that if you have no ship i.e. didn't insure it and it got blown up you could borrow money or rent a ship, or crew someone elses.

Essentially there will always be a way of getting a ship although you may have to wait for a long time or pay through the nose via interest charged on loans etc. They want to avoid a "game over" moment.
Oh, yeah.
I remember the loans stuff.
Also that a you can get jobs that give you a ship to use, so delivery driver and you drive their ship for the mission.

I'd just not heard that you'd always have a ship, because that seemed a bit annoying
I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned that if you have no ship i.e. didn't insure it and it got blown up you could borrow money or rent a ship, or crew someone elses.

Essentially there will always be a way of getting a ship although you may have to wait for a long time or pay through the nose via interest charged on loans etc. They want to avoid a "game over" moment.

Yep, I think that was all mentioned in one of the live streams.

I would also add that people don't have to play SQ42 to start in the PU, though for backers SQ42 does come out first so more than likely it will be completed before starting the full PU and also for me SQ42 was the original reason for backing the game :)
Yeah also looking forward to SQ42, it just looks like a nice intro to the game. As much as I loved Eve Online I felt a bit thrown in, with little knowledge of the lore etc before being active in the multiplayer world. This way we get to dip our toes in and feel the temperature before being plunged in head first :P
As nice as the Xi'an scout is I still have my 350R package. As I also have a Super Hornet package I don't really need two dogfighters to start with.

I think I'll just earn by trying to win some races in game :)
Must admit that although I like the Xi'an Scout I'm not sure what it's meant to be comparible with, does anyone know? Lots of people on the forum compare it with the Hornet the 325i but surely it's not a dogfighter?

May even be in a grey category of it's own.
I don't see the xi'an scout going toe-to-toe with dogfighting ships.

What about using it as an alternative to the drake herald?
(I'm obviously wildly speculating here)
Must admit that although I like the Xi'an Scout I'm not sure what it's meant to be comparible with, does anyone know? Lots of people on the forum compare it with the Hornet the 325i but surely it's not a dogfighter?

May even be in a grey category of it's own.

The actual Xi'an Khartu is meant to be the bane of UEE pilots lore wise which I would read as meant to be an alternative to the Hornet. The Khartu has manoeuvrability and the Hornet has firepower.

In the PU I'm not entirely sure on the roles we can use for it though without a bed and some cargo space other than dogfighting and scouting. Also there is no mention of a lockdown seat like the Super Hornet for bounty hunting.
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