******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Hi guys.

Purchased this last night. Got an Aurora MR game package.

Now Ive loaded it up and Ive walked around the hanger and checked over my ship. Looks cool.

Now how the hell do I get out and fly in this game ? lol

edit : do i need an arena commander pass to fly?
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If you only just purchased a game package, and it doesn't say "Alpha Access" in the list of items you purchased, then yes, you would need to buy the arena commander pass also.

Ah right thats fine. Thankyou.

I figured that was the issue. They stopped giving out Alpha access with game packages and now they are an additional purchase to pay for the extra bandwidth.

Only a couple of quid so no real issue.

Thanks :)
Tbh I was thinking you weren't aware it wasn't actually released yet! All is well lol

Lol I knew it was still in early stages, but to be honest I did think Id be able to at least fly something and see the mechanics of it. But now Ive learned that its actually not even reached Beta stage yet Im quite content.

Looking forward to playing it down the line.
Once you have the Arena Commander pass you should be able to put you helmet on and jump in your Aurora, then it'll activate Arena Commander and you can fly.

They are rolling out multiplayer just now, it's up to citizen number 50,000. Not much when there's 10x that pledged but they're increasing the number fairly rapidly. :)
Update on my email to CIG customer service - might be interesting to a few of you.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this is the right email address - I couldn't seem to find any other customer service contact details on the RSI website.

I am just sending this email to ask if it is possible to swap a game package with alpha access for a different package also with alpha access? I have a base Freelancer game package bought back on the 5th of March 2014, however I am sorry to say that disappointment with the Freelancer variants has led me to regret buying this game package in the first place - but now I cannot melt it down or I would lose alpha access. I would like to know if it is possible to melt this Freelancer package and replace it with an Avenger game package, with alpha/beta access and usual extras plus the difference in UEC - which I calculate to be an additional 50,000 UEC?

I understand if this cannot be done but felt it worth asking in any case.

Here are my RSI account details so you can check the purchases:
RSI ID: ***
Community Moniker: ***
Handle: ***

Please let me know if you need any other information or if this is simply not possible.

Best regards,
Hi there,

You will be able to complete this transaction in the near future once we have added the avenger cross chassis upgrades. This will be once we have added more ships to our arena command module.

Yours Allie
Hi Allie,

Thanks for the reply - just want to confirm so I'm not misunderstanding - once the avenger and freelancer have been added to the DFM there will be a cross-chassis "downgrade" option to exchange the freelancer for the avenger plus credits?

Best regards,
Hi there,

There will be more cross chassis conversions which should make this possible.

Yours Allie
Excellent, thank you again for the assistance. :)

Seems like there might be a lot of different options for cross-chassis conversion once ships get added to the DFM.
Thats interesting, didnt think they'd do downgrades.

The daft thing is, if you own say a constellation, or even just a hornet currently, what that would mean is you could downgrade to a 300, go play with that, downgrade to an aurora, have a play, then upgrade to the hornet and you've basically tried all 3 when they're reluctant to let you do that as a general feature. Yeah, they'd rather you paid $125+ but its still annoying, bare minimum subscribers should get access to them all (and im not a sub).

Also, not that it matters now, but you wanted them to convert the excess to RSI credits, not UEC. UEC is in-game currency, you can only use it to buy guns, cosmetic items currently. RSI credits would let you buy back the freelancer should you change your mind.
I'd imagine had they agreed to manually downgrade you, they'd have given you RSI credits anyway.
I should think that you'd be able to swap around as much as you like - until a certain time before release once your final choice is locked in and can't be changed. They wouldn't be losing any money for it given it's tied to the store anyway.

Oh, I didn't realise that about the difference between RSI credits and UEC - yeah hopefully that should be the case.
Glad to hear it's getting sorted soon Curunen :)

In other news a new patch is out:

Full notes:

Players able to connect to Broken Moon
Performance improvements when targeting enemies in single player
Chainguns firing sounds and animations no longer cut out
Matchmaking and server stability improved:
  • Reduced rotational and positional errors of players in multiplayer
  • Resolved issue with players returning to hangar in the middle of matches
  • Bandwidth optimization improvements – a case where less is more
  • Session token authorization added
  • Improved sync between instance manager and matchmaker
  • Improved matchmaking queue functionality
Here are some of the crash fixes:
  • Attempting to zone into a multiplayer match is fixed
  • Choosing “Return to Hangar” is crushed
  • During multiplayer matches – stability FTW
  • No longer crashes when round ends
  • After running out of map border – you die, but you don’t crash [Well your ship crashes, and explodes, but the game doesn’t crash or explode – Ed.]
  • You can now alt-tab on the loading screen, without crashing
Sounds no longer stutter on missile lock sounds
Freelancer model no longer flickering
Missing textures on the calendar are found
Animation issues:
  • Reintroduced y-bobbing on character movement
  • Cleaned up freelancer bed animation
Source file corruption issues are improved
Metafile launcher errors are improved
  • Balanced ballistic weapons ammo – no longer unlimited
Additional Features
  • Shield indicators added to ship model on HUD
  • Added Control Mapping for the G940 HOTAS
  • Improved weapon fire sounds that have more guts and punch
  • The whoosh of other ships flying close by you
  • The whizz of other players’ ordnance as they fire at you
  • New explosions
  • Improved sound mix
Known Issues
  • 300i right landing gear offset from ship
  • Firing range no longer aims after entering a second time
  • Higher latency connections can experience the following issues (after initial spawn or respawn):
  • IFCS issues causing the ship to fly erratically or very slowly
  • Character standing in the cockpit or offset from the seat and controls – restart client to reset
  • Character experiencing an extreme head shake – restart client to reset
  • Matchmaking can show stuck in queue and may require another attempt
  • Can get kicked back to hangar on connection attempt
  • Sometimes the helmet turns invisible when you pick it up
  • We’re continuing our work with AMD, NVidia & Crytek to try and resolve the Crossfire/SLI issues and improve multiple GPU performance
It's barely in alpha testing now craptakular, I mean the latest patch had some handy bugs like landing gear that deploys about 2m off the side of your ship etc lol
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