******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

No 0.9 release yet. The next go/no-go update will be on the 10th.

Plenty of new features in the update:

Murray Cup Racing Mode, Vanduul Swarm Co-Op, Flyable M50 and 350R, Private Matches, Friend Codes, Leaderboards, Updated Ship Performance, HUD Update, New Hangars, New Pause Menu, 6DOF.

No full control bindings but it should be released shortly after this update.

We should be able to have some Pagan org flying with the co-op, private matches etc :)
Thinking about buying into this game.
was going to buy ORIGIN 325A FIGHTER package.
is this anygood and can i still do openworld pvp. thanks in response ;)
Thinking about buying into this game.
was going to buy ORIGIN 325A FIGHTER package.
is this anygood and can i still do openworld pvp. thanks in response ;)

I wouldn't buy into the game at the moment, as for openworld pvp, well that depends, if you expect to be able to pvp anywhere with no consequence, then no, you can't, as if you pvp in secure space, you'll likely find a price on your head and any insurance invalidated.

as for the 325a itself, its not really such a good fighter based on current experience.
Vanduul swarm co-op? Nice. Any idea how many human players that's limited to?

Its 2-4 player co-op. Perfect for getting a few org-mates in and having some fun together.

Cant see a reason why it wouldnt be as good a time as any to pledge for a ship package :confused:
If you've got limited funds and there's a full game you're interested in, then you'll most likely get more from the FG now than you would in SC. But otherwise, it makes little difference buying it now or in 6mo, you'll just get access to it earlier.

You could just as easily buy the 300i package, and later on buy the 300-325 upgrade when that ship is playable, currently only 3 ships are in (basic Aurora, 300 & Hornet) with the variants coming eventually so you'd be able to look in the 325, but you'd only be able to fly the 300i for the time being.

As for PvP, Arena Commander is a small sample of that, feels more like Quake Arena in its size, whereas in the PU it'd probably more strategic and require more to do meaningful damage & blow a ship up. As mentioned, you'll need to do the PvP in areas which are free to do so, or be targeting pirates & bounties, rather than attacking UEE citizens without justification in a UEE policed zone.
Deeper & darker areas of space it'll be kinda lawless, but it'll be worth remembering you wont be the only one out there, there will be groups looking for a fight, so going in with 1 325 will be tricky, you could be easy prey. Best thing to do would be find an Org with similar ideology, fly with a few people and work as a team. You can probably get away with a few roles solo, but PvP could be tricky if there is a lot of teamwork, you'll certainly encounter some large squads, but maybe also a lot of loners too. Hard to tell.
Right now you get a "free" ship as a thank you for backing the game, at release you'll get a loaner ship following Squadron 42, or if you jump directly into the public universe but you won't own it.*

That to me is a reason to stop sitting on the fence and grab an Aurora imho, I was on the fence with both SC and ED a year ago, haven't regretted backing either.

*From slightly addled memory.
Right now you get a "free" ship as a thank you for backing the game, at release you'll get a loaner ship following Squadron 42, or if you jump directly into the public universe but you won't own it.*

That to me is a reason to stop sitting on the fence and grab an Aurora imho, I was on the fence with both SC and ED a year ago, haven't regretted backing either.

*From slightly addled memory.

I think the way you've worded that is a little confusing tbh, with the 'free ship' then loan & wont own it bit, sounds misleading and somewhat negative.

Im assuming you mean you'll get whichever ship you pledge for in the full game when its released (it'll be in hangar, available to fly if its added, or given a similar alternative till then). However if you wait till release and buy the game, then you'll get something for the SQ42 element and in the PU you'll have to earn a ship.
For the record, I believe you'll always have the lowest Aurora available, as opposed to no ship or waiting for insurance. Im not certain, but i believe the decision was made because if for whatever reason you had no ships, while theres still stuff you can do, its somewhat restrictive (dunno how many jobs will include a ship to use to do the job, rather than crewing for someone or going to A and delivering objects to B in your ship).

Even knowing how it works, your post had me a little confused, but i just think its worded a little confusingly, you're highlighting the difference between buying in now vs when its released, but it also reads a little like you buy a ship then they take it away and loan it when its released, which im sure isnt what you meant.
I don't see what's confusing tbh, however from what they've said in interviews you'll always have access to travel, but not necessarily to a ship. If you blow up your last ship and you'll need to wait on it being replaced, if it's insured, otherwise you're stuffed. Time to earn a new ship by crewing someone else's or borrow money. They haven't said exactly how you'd earn by crewing ships yet though.
I don't see what's confusing tbh, however from what they've said in interviews you'll always have access to travel, but not necessarily to a ship. If you blow up your last ship and you'll need to wait on it being replaced, if it's insured, otherwise you're stuffed. Time to earn a new ship by crewing someone else's or borrow money. They haven't said exactly how you'd earn by crewing ships yet though.

I just thought the first sentence wasnt perhaps as clear as it could be, and knowing how it is, i still struggled to understand why you were saying we dont get the ships in the PU.
It wasnt that thats what you were saying, its just how it read. I think you roll from getting a free ship as a thank you at the moment, into when the games released you'll basically have to earn your ships. To me, it seemed like you were saying ultimately the pledge ship you get you dont keep.

Maybe its just me who read it funny, but i just wanted to clarify it, cos if you were about to dump £70 on a Hornet (or whatever they cost) and then thought you wont own it when the games released, you'd be a tad miffed i'd imagine. I didnt want someone to get the wrong end of the stick and not pledge due to a possible misunderstanding, or someone read it and use it as part of the 'Pay2Win' nonsense.

In terms of the 'no available ship', you could be right, there should be public transport, but i thought i'd read somewhere that they'd removed the lowest spec Aurora (ES?) and the reason was because that'd be available to anyone who didnt have one, perhaps that'd be the solution to selling the game upon release, and that cruddy ship is the only thing offered, no $100 alternatives etc. I could be wrong, maybe it was a suggestion someone was making and its fed in as official info.
Really want to kick this DFM in the daddy-bags right now... Flipping thing has just stopped recognising my FLY5 all of a sudden!!
6 complete system restarts, but nothing... Occasionally it will recognise some of the keymapped buttons, though not all of them. GAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!1
Have you plugged any other devices in recently? leave the FLY5 in and reboot with all other USB stuff disconnected, then replug them after logging into windows. Worked for me, although that was months ago, not been near Arena Commander for a while!
I'm not really into AnythingFPS vids but this one is pretty good. Comparison of the 2013 Hornet V 2014 version, quite a change in detailing.

If anyone has a M50 please note it may no longer be able to equip a jump drive and will need to be transported between other systems.

Around 10 minutes in:

There are quite a few good questions in 10FTC this week.
Have you plugged any other devices in recently? leave the FLY5 in and reboot with all other USB stuff disconnected, then replug them after logging into windows. Worked for me, although that was months ago, not been near Arena Commander for a while!

Yup. Even uninstalled the drivers for the device I'd plugged in.
No joy.

I will never buy into Beta, Alpha or even pre-pre-pre-pre-Alpha again, I think...!!!
Yup. Even uninstalled the drivers for the device I'd plugged in.
No joy.

I will never buy into Beta, Alpha or even pre-pre-pre-pre-Alpha again, I think...!!!

Am sorry BUT, I fail to see why that's the games fault if it's due to something else that that seems to have fudged it?

Am not saying that it is'nt the game! it is alpha after all

Side note:

You do understand what it meant by alpha/beta release. Am not been pedantic by the way. Some people genuinely don't get it!
Am sorry BUT, I fail to see why that's the games fault if it's due to something else that that seems to have fudged it?
Aside from plugging in a Razer Nostromo, I've changed nothing about my set-up. Just a very confusing conflict, if that is the cause, especially as it recognises half the stick inputs but not the others.
This was not mid-game, by the way - this was pre-boot up. The Razer software was already installed months before SC/AC as well.

You do understand what it meant by alpha/beta release. Am not been pedantic by the way. Some people genuinely don't get it!
Yes, yes, I fully get it.
However, the game (or at least the DFM module of it) has been absolutely fine and perfectly stable since the last patch. I can't believe simply plugging something in would fritz the module and fully uninstalling would not remove the fritz.

This, combined with most players simply ganking/spawn-camping and wasting the time I'm trying to take to actually help test this thing is just not worth it.
Based on SC, I think I'd rather wait for a finished, working game.
Both Elite and Star Citizen will behave badly with another device plugged in that has an Axis of any sort.......
Well that sucks... I was hoping to map the Nostromo to stand in for a HOTAS throttle until I have the cash for an X55 or summat!!

Well, that's one issue understood then, if not resolved.
Now I just have to figure out why the multiplayer games keep going full-retard on me halfway through the matches...
Usually after a respawn, the view suddenly starts spinning wildly, as if I'm throwing the mouse around on max DPI or something. All controls still work, guns fire, thruster ignites and joystick moves the ship, but my view makes me look like I'm having a massive fit while spinning in one of those astronaut's 3-axis centrifuge chairs!

Not sure if it's my kit or the game yet...
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