I'll have to signup to the corps on here, will most likely have an armada by the time the game drops.Yup both TheCorp and PAGAN info is up to date, you can actually join both without any issueOne of the benefits of the multi-org system.
For me that's why I got the cutlass, ship boarding & theft will be my speciality - always loved capturing ships in games like the X series, EvE I used to ransom/force eject with payment whenever possible.Well If anyone's a fan of FPS I was going to focus my corp on that side of the game?
boarding, hired mercs to defend the ship interior, that Kind of stuff.
I have nothing to offer as the FPS module is far off, but I could always post it up here if people would be interested?
I was considering upgrading the 325A to a Hornet, must resist...
Nope. One of the ED devs cleared this up -- everything you see in ED was implemented post-Kickstarter, except for their base Cobra engine. They'd done some skunkworks projects for viability, and some technology from another game (The Outsider, which never made it to production) was incorporated. But that's really only the same place that CIG started from with SC, who started with CryEngine rather than Cobra.Although both kickstarters launched around the same time, I believe ED was a lot further on with development (engine had already been fully operational inc procedural gen), so that might explain it.
That being said, I think that AC and ED Alpha 1.0 have probably had around the same effort on them. On the face of it, ED's Alpha was a lot more polished in the flight controls department. Not to say that the flight controls in AC won't be iterated upon as the Alpha progresses, but given there's a stark contrast in opinion (some love it, some hate it) it's going to be hard to find a good middle ground. By pretty much nailing it first time, Frontier have avoided that painful decision.
Still downloading... I think. Started it at 3am this morning, but am only on a 1.5mb connection.
I checked in for about 2 hours this morning and it just said PLEASE WAIT.
Didn't notice that actually when I last tried it out.Speaking of the Freelancer Platypus the release of Arena Commander has resulted in the latest update for it being put in the hangar, some screenies: