Crowds voted to throw their own country under the bus (brexit) and you expect them to make sound decisions when it comes to the game of their dreams? Especially when you have a really good salesman like CR. There is a reason why Germany banned referendums after ww2.Adults can't be adults? I don't buy it. This wasn't just at the pitch, CR has consistently let the community down and the community has continually asked for more, thrown money at him like a top rate hooker and he's kept dancing. The blame isn't all on him because the community is so damn keen to keep that booty moving The blame is shared.
Many in the community now seem to be at the "just focus on the current scope" mood with additional stuff being later well after release, there still some who want more added though.
I can picture a few years down the line SC has failed to even become a proper game. CR comes on stage giving this "honest" speech of how he tried but the technology just wasn't there, people wanted too much, if only he had a bit more time... The community cheers for him while it gets ripped apart from blaming each other, everyone is responsible apart from the genuine, magical Chris Roberts. Meanwhile the rest of the world laughs and SC is memed for an eternity.
The End :/
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