******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Create or update the user.cfg within CitizenClient folder and add the following line:

r_MotionBlur = 0

I couldn't understand why everyone was complaining about motion blur when I wasn't seeing any...Turns out I already had that in my user.cfg...

While there is a lot still to refine this patch has improved the flight model dramatically imo...We just need much larger environments to really have some fun.
My pc is a little dated now (i5 750, gtx460, 4GB memory, no ssd) and nowhere near able to run SC at any decent settings however in the previous version 0.8, I could get a reasonable >30fps in the hangar and in AC on low settings.

Now I can't even run the hangar - fps just dies. I spent the last hour trying to get it to work - I got as far as entering the Freelancer, for which the animation of climbing the stairs took about 10 minutes... :( Looking around the hangar was a no-no, game turned into a very slow slideshow.

I'm pretty sure it's a memory issue - either that or selecting graphics settings in the game menu isn't taking effect, although given I could barely look around I have no way to check this. I still only run with 4GB, hadn't bothered to upgrade to 8 because, well, I never needed to - especially considering v0.8 of the hangar and arena commander worked very nicely on low settings.

In any case I'm not willing to waste ~£30-40 on upgrading the memory in this machine as I intend to downsize to a laptop this month (gigabyte p34g v2 - please don't give me the arguments of needing a desktop to play SC, I've read them all - needs must and I'm happy with low graphics settings for alpha/beta modules and plan to sell/upgrade in a couple of years once the game is released) so need to hold on to all the cash I can.

Just a bit gutted that I can't run SC now until I either upgrade this machine (preferably not) or buy a new machine.
Current order of preference:

Revel & York (Deluxe - Clean, good FPS and does the job.)
SelfLand (Basic - This is exactly as I'd hoped it would be)
Aeroview (OK, like R&Y has annoyingly frequent voice overs)
VFG Industrial (Garbage FPS, like the layout but too damn dark too)
Why do these guys have more finished Advertisements than developed game content?

Advertisements for a game that isn't even 10% finished, what the hell.
Why do these guys have more finished Advertisements than developed game content?

Advertisements for a game that isn't even 10% finished, what the hell.

To keep interest i suppose, plus adds to the fantasy/story if you get me.

Well i tried the new version , cant get into a co-op swarm game at all :( was looking forward to that tbh.
Why do these guys have more finished Advertisements than developed game content?

Advertisements for a game that isn't even 10% finished, what the hell.
Even if what you state was true, what you would need to say is "released" game content. I'm not virulently trying to stand up for SC against you here but if people did any reading up on Dev logs (i.e. Monthly Reports etc.) released they would know that actually a substantial amount of work has been completed over the last few months towards the release. Foundry 42 don't get the exposure to the public like the Austin and Santa Monica offices do but the majority of the work done towards the single player aspect is done there and they announced recently that the greboxing for the first episode has been completed. This is a significant step in the production line; like saying that all of one of the playable character's story in GTA V has been greyboxed.

I would suggest that before making such a black/white statement that you make a much more considered approach before typing it down. So much bashing happens over CIG when a lot of the accusations are downright idiotic when their production values parallel all other dev studios. I mean, can you tell me a studio creating a game that has this much public awareness that doesn't release trailers for their game before release? Its standard practice.

For clarification, yes I do have a pledge, I haven't touched the game since the initial release, I was not satisfied with the playability of it in early alpha (it wasn't that fun after a few minutes) and I am probably not going to touch it again before a Beta release. Do I regret funding? No, release builds are Alpha and as a backer, I am pleased at the direction development is heading and the progress they are making.
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It seems the Aeroview hangar was what was killing my performance - switched to Self Land to check it out and now I'm able to run medium/high at ~30fps. :)

Good thing I actually prefer Self Land anyway - cosier and basic. Just a shame the larger ships don't show up in it yet - I can only see my Avenger.

Happy I can at least play now.

Edit: I can say I'm very happy with most of the changes in 0.9 - a lot more fun to play! :D
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Why do these guys have more finished Advertisements than developed game content?

Advertisements for a game that isn't even 10% finished, what the hell.

They have over 200 people working on it the people doing PR are a small team and they're essentially there to keep the money coming in and keep the others employed longer term. Bottom line we could spit the game out in a couple of months and it'd be Elite:Dangerous (which I love) or they could aim higher, which is what they're doing.

Higher quality in just about every area - hence the longer time developing it, but the info available from Devs is fantastic, you can even chat to them..
Why do these guys have more finished Advertisements than developed game content?

Advertisements for a game that isn't even 10% finished, what the hell.

Theres already a couple of perfectly valid replies on this, but theres one (of the 2 main reasons, the other being publicity) which has been missed out, and thats the 'educational' aspect of it. They're essentially using this to learn what tools they have, and what they dont, to be able to tell the stories they want to put across to the end user.
Its like building a film studio from scratch, you dont complete it then decide to make The Godfather or Casablanca, you take the time to get a feel for it, address any issue you might have, and then you bring in the stars and director to make your masterpiece.

Thats the main reason CIG have given, its allowing them to be creative and feel out the tools they've created, and they're releasing it because the backers are excited to see this sort of stuff, and it brings a wider audience because people will see it on gaming sites, facebook, stuff like that, and thats of huge benefit to them funding. The community is also not shy when it comes to criticism, and valid & well argued criticism well help them when it comes to creating the cinematics for SQ42 plus bits in the PU (in-game news reports for example, SP DLC too).

Can anyone name a medium to AAA budget game which didnt promote itself while its being developed? Its all part of the game making machine, but dont discount the fact that dev teams learn from this stuff, especially when they're building so much of it themselves. They need to get used to creating content that feels real, not hollywood blockbuster trailers with funky music and big action clips. This is them working.
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As Chris has said this isn't how brains and eyes work in the real world and it feels utterly unrealistic.
Then why did he put the flippin' thing in???!!!
One of the biggest peeves in this game is how unrealistic both FPS and TPS motion is, especially when my head turns and then my vision does a stupid jerking as the body catches up. The animation of simply climbing into my Aurora has enough Hollywood shaky-cam to make me space-sick!!

Also finding the realistic physics to be a considerable pain, still. Racing was naff even using M&KB, but a joystick is just a nightmare.
All good and well applying a ruleset that works well for those who've spent decades playing ultra-realistic flight sims, but for those of us who just want to play it's a mission and a half just getting the thing to fly straight after the first flipping turn!!
Games are supposed to be fun.... right?

I may bow out of this Beta and get on with Elite. I finally fell for that and am itching to get out there in a Sidewinder!!
Half of us are in Elite already mate, think beta 2 is going to start soon, rumours at the end of the month. I'm hoping SC sorts out the movement soon, although it's part of mo-cap studio work I guess so might be next year.

If you do get on Elite feel fee to hop on our teamspeak server, friday nights tend to me Elite:Dangerous group night at the moment.
For X55 owners set up your stick like this


Pros gives you better control
Cons will give you less turn though
Then why did he put the flippin' thing in???!!!
One of the biggest peeves in this game is how unrealistic both FPS and TPS motion is, especially when my head turns and then my vision does a stupid jerking as the body catches up.

It's the same with loads of things in games, like head bobbing or shaking.

What they often fail to factor in is that you can turn your head quite a lot whilst your eyes retains focus on one thing. I can read this forum and move my head all around for instance.

Until someone invents independent head and eye-tracking in an occulus rift type device it'll never be perfect.
I am still waiting to play this game... cant until they get their backsides in gear and get SLI working. :(

Sorry if I'm stating the obvious but could turn it off while playing?! ;)

Agree with others about the ott head movement in FPS view. Get a bit light headed playing some games like half life that make you feel like you're on skates and this on the other end of the spectrum gets the sweats going too! BF games seem to be a happy medium...

Also hope the 'realistic' flight mechanics stay! Should take a little bit of time to master and should ultimately be a lot more rewarding as will let you do so much more. Can only really compare it to choppers in BF games (thinking more back to the original Desert Combat mod) where they were very hard to control but once you got it you just zip about to your hearts content
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