******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

he'd like these artists to stop doing their job generating content to pack out this lovely game universe and rather they undertook the programming (they'll learn I assume), in a vain hope it brings the release date closer to where he would like.
This is Stockholm syndrome logic. The issue is that these artists are being given 'busy work' to do which, in any rationally managed project, would be done further down the line once the project managers were certain that the core game deserved the outlay. That core game is still made of fairy dust and promises.

The fact that folk keep masturbating over and paying for the latest artistic marketing effort is, IMO, simply hammering home more nails in this project's coffin; it is encouraging SC to continue down a path which only makes sense if your name's Ponzi.

I really want SC to succeed, I really do. But as an outsider with only £35 or so in the original package I am totally dismayed at the way things have developed. I want to stay out of it, but it's really hard to watch folk walking willingly into the bonfire of Chris Roberts' vanities. The overwhelming urge is to give them a good shake!

Still, I guess I win whatever happens. If it all turns out to be great, all I have to do is eat humble pie. And if it all goes pear-shaped, I probably get all this stuff in a Humble Bundle for $3. :-)
This is Stockholm syndrome logic. The issue is that these artists are being given 'busy work' to do which, in any rationally managed project, would be done further down the line once the project managers were certain that the core game deserved the outlay. That core game is still made of fairy dust and promises.

The fact that folk keep masturbating over and paying for the latest artistic marketing effort is, IMO, simply hammering home more nails in this project's coffin; it is encouraging SC to continue down a path which only makes sense if your name's Ponzi.

I really want SC to succeed, I really do. But as an outsider with only £35 or so in the original package I am totally dismayed at the way things have developed. I want to stay out of it, but it's really hard to watch folk walking willingly into the bonfire of Chris Roberts' vanities. The overwhelming urge is to give them a good shake!

Still, I guess I win whatever happens. If it all turns out to be great, all I have to do is eat humble pie. And if it all goes pear-shaped, I probably get all this stuff in a Humble Bundle for $3. :-)
Likewise, if it turns out to be just a "normal" game, then I haven't spent more than on a normal game collectors edition anyway so I'll still be happy. If it turns out to be amazing then I'll be happy and won't rub it in anyone's face. ;)

I'm of the opinion that anyone who is spending excessive amounts of money obviously has that enough disposable income and are happy either way.

I'll simply drool over the ships but won't be spending more money on them.
these artists are being given 'busy work' to do which, in any rationally managed project, would be done further down the line once the project managers were certain that the core game deserved the outlay. That core game is still made of fairy dust and promises.

Not any development I've been a part of/known of has gone like that.
Artists never come in after the core games together. What would you have them be doing while the core game's being made?

Right now the core game is being kept under wraps and being handled by a separate group, the core game is squadron 42. The rest is all fluff to go in the PU and that's what they're selling to people now, the pretty fluff which takes a long time to build it all up so why not.

I'd rather they showcase all that than stuff that could be spoilers for the game.
Just put my $40 in for the Beta, game etc. Totally forgotten what the ship is called. Wasn't really prepared to spend more at this time but it looks pretty good fun. And graphically awesome too.
I have one too mate, it's an Imperator subscription reward, think it's 12 months +


The Imperator subscription, at $20 per month, adds the following in addition to the Centurion rewards:

  • Get a single-use 15%-Off coupon for the store after one year of subscription or after purchasing a full year of subscription.
  • Two copies of each digital Hangar item instead of one. Share with your friends!
  • Imperator decal for your ship (you get both Centurion and Imperator).
  • “VANDUUL TEST PILOT” badge allowing access to fly the Vanduul Scythe during the upcoming Dogfighting Module test phase. Each month gives an additional 24 hours of access to the Scythe! (Note this is not available immediately but will be retroactively awarded in the future to all eligible accounts.)

After 12 months you will receive these perks in addition to Centurion and Centurion after 12 months:
  • Create a pirate! We’re populating Spider with NPCs and you will have the right to name one and create their backstory for the official Galactapedia! (CIG reserves the right to edit any content created as part of this perk.)
  • “ADVANCED TEST PILOT” access badge – a single-use token allowing you one day of access to test fly any available spacecraft each month during a future dogfighting alpha test. Includes rare ships and variants! The DFM will launch with a selection of single-seat fighters and add other ships with ongoing patches. (Note this is not available immediately but will be retroactively awarded in the future to all eligible accounts.
  • Year Two Decals for your ships.
Private battles and configurable controls are now in apparently, haven't had a chance to try it out myself yet but hoping to get some fights and shenanigans with fellow OCUK/PAGAN folks soon :)
Long time lurker on the thread & original backer.

Really looking forward to this game & its been a pleasure to witness this game being built from the ground up, I am totally relaxed with the way CIG are going about raising cash for this game & I cant really see the funding slowing down anytime soon.

I currently own a Cutlass, Hornet Ghost, Gladiator & a Gladius although this is very much likely to change as future ships are released.

I was originally planning on just pure piracy but I find myself leaning more & more towards Science & Exploration & living out my Star Trek fantasies :D
Right now all I really want to add to my collection is an explorer (probably at the expense of the Ghost) I am happy with the ships I've bought & the amount I've sunk into the game I guess it would take something quite special for me to sink any more considerable funds into the its development.

See you in the Verse :)
I'm the opposite I always saw myself as an explorer type but quite fancy some piracy now that I'm flying!

Just tried out Arena Commander for the first time in ages (about a week after AC was first released), massive difference, feels smoother and nice to be able to reconfigure my controls at long last. Found the 350 very easy to control in free flight will have to try out a race at some point!
It's improved a lot, visually but smoothness was what I noticed. Hangar movement is still terrible but flight is buttery smooth even on my little 7950 :)
The game is beautiful & the movement is going to be improved dramatically with the release of the FPS module, check the last 10 or so mins of Reverse the verse on twitch for a real insight as to the level of detail they are going into with movement.
Been monitoring this game for a while, but getting a bit lost with all the ships and modules on offer.

As someone who would like to play as a trader in a persistent universe, when could I look forward to this game appealing to me? Late 2015? 2016? Or is it too hard to say at this point?
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