******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I've been following this since the start, I'd honestly be shocked if it was released before 2016, alpha testing is progressing and it is improving vastly each time but it's a slow process and there's a huge amount still to be done. They also keep adding to their workload and most of those additions must be in before release.

We'd be able to advise you on which ship to go for if you're unsure (See the OP or this link) but the only real reason to do so is that you'll get that ship free and have any of the account rewards that are given before release. Right now most of us have several backer rewards on our accounts such as special FPS armour etc.
Latest detail on a new MISC ship, which may be of more interest to me as a Cutlass owner!

MISC Endeavor-class Research Platform: The MISC Endeavor is the company’s most prestigious ship: a dedicated research platform capable of carrying a dozen different space science packages, running the gamut from advanced long-range scanners for jump point identification to additional shielding for near-stellar corona research. Externally, the Endeavor is dotted with sensor hardpoints; internally, the main compartment is centered on a large research laboratory which can be configured for use by a wide range of scientific disciplines. The Endeavor’s main compartment is modular, allowing an alternate configuration as a Hope-class floating hospital. This variant is employed by the UEE and other organizations as battlefield support, capable of getting Marines and pilots back to the battle as quickly as possible! When outfitted as a hospital, the Endeavor’s docking bay is capable of maintaining a single Cutlass Red ambulance. The Endeavor has also found its way into the service of less reputable organizations, where it can has been modified for everything from narcotics production to black market surgery.

You can probably sell it now on the grey market. There's a few images floating about this morning of it in hangars.

Never liked the Mustang tbh, each to their own :)
Just got my SC key from AMD.

1.With the AMD code, do you get access to the game now or do you still have to pledge?

2.Can anyone tell me how the insurance works-whether you have to use 'real money' when it runs out or in game currency?

Excuse my ignorance but it's a long thread.
Just got my SC key from AMD.

1.With the AMD code, do you get access to the game now or do you still have to pledge?

2.Can anyone tell me how the insurance works-whether you have to use 'real money' when it runs out or in game currency?

Excuse my ignorance but it's a long thread.

Hey tommybhoy

Yeah you get Star Citizen (online MMO when its done), Squadron 42 (single/co-op military campaign) and Arena Commander Pass (access to the dogfighting alpha module)

You will use in game currency to top up insurance after the 2 months run out
890 Jump sale times, from Reddit so not sure how accurate :)

San Francisco (PDT / GMT-7): Starting on Friday the 10th - 7pm - 12am - 5am - 10am
Toronto (EDT / GMT-4): Starting on Friday the 10th - 10pm - 3am - 8am - 1pm
London (GMT+1): Starting on Saturday the 11th - 3am - 8am - 1pm - 6pm
Moscow (GMT+4): Starting on Saturday the 11th - 6am - 11am - 4pm - 9pm
Tokyo (GMT+9): Starting on Saturday the 11th - 11am - 4pm - 9pm - 2am
Sydney (GMT+11): Starting on Saturday the 11th - 1pm - 6pm - 11pm - 4am

I have a 15% discount voucher plus enough to get one if I melt a few ships but honestly not sure I want to, nice org headquarters though when we're not using one of the Idris!
Yeah I know, even melting existing ships and using it would feel daft. I'm happy with what I have, interested in the Cutlass variants but not feeling the need for this particular ship. I'd probably melt to get a Cutlass variant too tbh, not that keen on putting any more funds in.
I wonder whether its worth getting the 890 with the 15% off, then selling it for $600. You'd be $90 better off, allowing you to buy 80-90% of a Cutlass variant from the discount, and you get to know someone who was unable to buy a 890 gets one at cost, rather than being shafted by the GM.

I think it'd be worth doing, particularly if you knew someone who wanted one beforehand. Otherwise, its spending $600 to gain $90, and the hassle of finding a buyer. I also wonder what it'd melt to, would it melt as $600 or $510 RSI? If you knew you'd be buying a couple of ships in the future, like a Carrack & Super Hornet, you could buy it simply for discounted credits. Doesnt seem worth taking that risk though, but would be interesting to know.

Is anyone planning on watching the live stream tonight (3am)?
I'll be up anyway, so i'll probably watch it in bed.

Should be a good month this, with CitCon tonight and PAX Aus at the end of the month, we'll see some PU development tonight and the first proper FPS in 3wks, and im hoping we'll get to see what the guys at F42 have done for SQ42.

Im wondering whether the PU stuff might be a full landing process, so from flying around in space, requesting landing, and then going into auto-pilot and entering the planets atmosphere, landing, then getting out and walking around the planet. I think thats one of the next logical steps for them to work on, we've already seen some planetside work (and thats already categorised as 'planetside') and the 'PU' aspect, to me is connecting all these things together. The only other thing i think it could be is a big open space area, a sector in space with a few various ships in there. That'd feel pretty similar to the AC though, unless they had a Bengal, Idris etc in there and made it significantly bigger and open. Throw that damn Shubin mining station in there too :D Enough grey-boxing!! ;)
Main issue is you can't melt, purchase a ship then transfer it so you'd need to want to invest another $600 in a game.

However it'll be worth more than $700-750 within a month on the grey market, but you still have the problem of having to put $600 into the game in the hope someone wants it later :)
I've just been gloating on the bit-tech forum :D

I made that prediction in the post above last Friday on there, and on Reddit a few days back, and havent seen anyone come to the same conclusion (granted i havent searched the RSI forums, but then im not mad!).

Absolutely stunning demo though, and far far beyond what i expected it to be (Starting with a Conny, no less, great to see that in action again) and i cant wait to see a full HD version of that sequence. It wasnt without its issues, there did seem to be a few glitches which settled, but my work is this looking like a stunning game in the making. They're really being true to what they said they were aiming for.

As ive just said on BT, days like today are why ive been willing to put the money i've put into SC. Its about as much as i'd spend in 2-4yrs on hardware, or i'd spend no more than 1/4 of that on games over a year, too. No other developer interacts with their audience like this, heck most companies go to this extent. They are the reason ive backed, we need more developers like them, who have respect for their work and their customers.

Shubin looked incredible, and im liking the work they've shown on the MobiGlas too.
The 890 Jump sold its first 890 units in 1 minute, absolutely incredible (i bet plenty are on the GM already! :() and it does look absolutely stunning, it might be $600, a crazy amount of money really, but you can see why it is the price it is (i saw they think it should be priced about $750 based on how they calculate its value based on size, content & quality etc) and its just jaw-dropping.

Check out the PDF towards the bottom, and the Holoviewer too.

The Cutlass variants look nice too.
Black (base) $100 / $115
Red (medical) $120 / $135 / $20
Blue (police/bounty) $150 / $165 / $50

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