******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Maybe we aren't months away from the pre-alpha release :D
PU alpha won't be for another year at least.

First we need AC 1.0 (hopefully before the end of this year), then FPS module (beginning of next year), then planetside/social module (which will likely feature ArcCorp in that video) and AC 2.0 with multicrew ships, then SQ42 might finally appear in the second half of next year... then finally we might start seeing signs of things pulled together to form the PU, with the first handful of full systems being ready to play.

Long way to go yet. :D
Really looking forward to the FPS module, just pureley to see how its implemented and how it will feel.....as that part of the game will add HUGE depth to the PU.

With the FPS team answering question, one of the scenarios they put forward on how the FPS mechanic could work was:

"Can you provide an example of the kind of gameplay experience you're looking for? Maybe a description of what an encounter between two players might be like in terms of lethality, weapons used, moves used, length of play, etc?"

"SC-FPS-Team 1126 points 2 days ago

there are so many. lets just pull one randomly from the sky.

A Persistent Universe experience. I'm a stealthy, solo player. I find a wrecked ship, i know scavengers will be around soon. I find a crate and put myself in it. I let the scavengers take the crate and put me in their ship. When i'm on their ship, some time later, i get out of the crate. Very quietly, i rummage around and find some goodies i like. I steal those... now i can either - A) Jump out the airlock and call a ride or B) go to their engine room and self destruct their ship or C) quietly hunt and execute the entire staff and take their ship.... or Z) they could have scanned the crate properly before loading it, blasted it with their ship and me with it...."
Yeah the FPS/[Redacted] AMA was interesting, im still not 100% convinced about its application in the PU or its frequency, but i like the fact that its not being done to tick a box. Its shaping up to be pretty much like switching to Crysis set in space, like it'll have substance. They also mentioned its more likely to be a 2-3 shot kill, rather than firing a clip/magazine into someone to kill them.

I cant say im particularly bothered about the FPS part as such, if i want to play an FPS game then i'll play an FPS game. But if its part of a mission, secure and restore a space station which went dark a few days ago, and you get there and encounter hostiles. Fantastic, count me in. But im not really interested in 'FPS Commander', but then im not particularly interested in Arena Commander either, im more interested in the freedom and the encounters within that, rather than the death-match type organised encounters we currently have and will also play out in the PU too.

I've not seen a proper timetable for the PAX Aus event, but im guessing it'll be a 10am sort of time on Saturday. I think Friday night is the BBQ and the actual event on Sat night, so Sat AM here. Should be good though, also the Drake Herald is the next concept ship, its an info runner, and at $85 it'll probably be tiny & fast like the M50, bare minimum firepower. That'll go on sale on Friday evening/night presumably for 7 or 10 days.
Not sure what else they'll have at PAX Aus, i dont think the Retaliator is quite ready for sale, should be before xmas though ($250 originally, expecting around $275 for hangar ready), and i cant imagine the Mustangs are all finished, and the Avenger is probably to follow. Gladius, maybe. Its also possible some of the limited time ships will be resold, Super-Hornet, Idris-P, 350R. Not entirely sure, but they've done this in the past at the anniversary of the kickstarter campaign (CitizenCon marks the aniv of the announcement), but with CIG defining ships as either concept, hangar ready or flight ready, im not sure how many they'd re-sell which accurately fit those 3 (ie Starfarer is hardly 'concept' and certainly isnt 'hangar ready'). Which just leaves time-exclusive ships, like the Freelancer MIS, Cutlass Blue, Conny Phoenix, Super-Hornet, 350R which are hangar ready. I suspect we'll get some hints on Thursday's Reverse the Verse, too.
It'll be interesting to see how the Herald affects grey market pricing for the Aurora - not that there's many around. The Herald will have LTI, whilst it's a tiny thing it's got to be said CIG say it's nothing, not to worry about it then make a big deal of putting "ships" up for pledge with it there as a sweetener. They know what they're doing.

If there are CCUs for the Herald down the line, which we've no reason to suspect there won't be then I expect a lot of them to be sold and drip fed to the grey market at the usual mark up. So if you're considering a larger ship later it may make sense to get a Herald now and CCU when the larger ship is hangar ready.
Yeah, this was raised in the reddit GM, but the common response was that A) it'll be a year before it arrives, B) what its also going to do is resupply the GM.

What is likely to happen is that anyone who was considering paying the $100 premium for LTI can now pay $85 and get $85 worth of ship too, so a Freelancer LTI would cost $110, $85 now and $25 for a CCU in the future. It'd cost about $200-220 if you bought from the GM today.
The issue is, that only works for people who pledge for one next week, and anyone who finds SC after that or doesnt realise the perk/fad of LTI and wants it, will end up paying premium prices again.

The Herald is the only Wave 3 ship which is affordable to the vast majority, however the W4 ships probably will have 2-3 small ships too, theres the '3rd starter ship' option, so that'd be about $50, so i think we'll see cycles of whatever happens with the Herald.
The benefit of the Herald is there for those with the foresight to buy it for the future rather than paying the extra today for an LTI ship, but it wont put any ship in their hangar, so someone who wants a LTI Conny wont see that for about 12-18mo because they've got to wait for it to be built then made flight-ready for the CCU. We might have multi-crew ships in hangar in May, meaning paying silly money gets you the ship and you can fly in it, or wait another 9mo for the Herald CCUs etc.

I want to turn my Gladius LTI to a Retaliator, however even if its sold next week (2 ships on sale apparently, excl Herald concept sale) i cant buy a CCU cos its not flight-ready (cant buy a CCU to a freelancer or conny for example) so what this means is ive got to hold onto the Gladius and miss out on the tali price which is cheaper (concept>hangar>flight, going up in price each step - see M50; $80 original, $90 then $100 about a month later when in game).
Ideally i'd have bought a CCU for Constellation to Retaliator, and waited for a CCU for Gladius to Constellation, but i cant buy any CCUs for a ship till its flyable which is the final price point, which sucks.
I don't see why they can't do the following:

1. Allow CCUs for any ship, whether in the hangar or not. This would give a continual drip feed of funding, don't allow downgrading obviously.

2. Lock LTI to the account the ship is bought with, if it's transferred it loses LTI. The LTI becomes an LTI license which can be applied to any ship on that account, you get one LTI license per existing LTI ship to move around your fleet as you want, when applied it becomes permanent and the ship as mentioned before loses the LTI license if it's then transferred.

Oh no wait I do, LTI is being used by CIG to drive sales, it's worthless, unless it's got sales potential ;)
It'd be up to you which ones you use it on though, if it's such a tiny bonus then I can't see why CIG would be against it. They still get the marketing bonus whilst neither annoying those who backed early to get LTI or those who see it as an irrelevance.
I pretty much agree with that Halfmad, not so sure about transferring the LTI across, but i think it should be locked to the buyers account. It wouldnt kill the GM, people would still buy the 890 Jump knowing its qty limited, and make a profit from it (though theres plenty going for $600 after PP fees) but it would have given people who wanted LTI the ability to buy new ships with LTI, and would stomp the LTI trading game dead.
I was tempted to get an 890 purely to sell at cost, just to push me into the concierge group, but didnt seem worthwhile.

But there must be a lot of middlemen/sellers who bought extra ships with a view to selling at a profit later. So its more $$$ sold, but its also someone spending $300 on a $200 ship, and it sucks that the $100 goes to someone other than CIG.

Do wish the CCUs were available regardless of being flight ready though, i can only assume they'd rather not, hoping that you'd pay the full ship price rather than buying the cheapest CCU.
For example, i want to go Gladius -> Retaliator. $80 vs $250 original price. If i bought a Conny -> Retaliator CCU it'd be about $25-50, and that'd mean i'd lock down a Retaliator for the future, for a fraction of the cost i'd need to pay to go from Gladius to 'tali.
I want to do it that way because A) i wouldnt need to pay the extra today, and B) i'll be able to fly the Gladius much sooner than i would the Retaliator, although i think once i'd had a fly of the Gladius i'd CCU up simply to walk around the Tali. Im not that fussed about the Gladius long-term really. Im not even 100% sure why i bought it either, i just used RSI credits and if it wasnt for the fact that it happened to get LTI after the sale, it would have been melted down already.
I'll put my hands up and say I've traded a lot on the grey market in the past 12 months, its paid for all my ships in SC, my family holiday last year and pretty much my current rig. The only reason I stopped is down to the money not going to CIG, the prices have risen constantly on the GM and it's getting a little silly now. CIG haven't actually managed to come up with a solution, all they've done so far is reinvigorate it every couple of months. The changes they made to gifting pledges only made certain ships more desirable, rather than less.

Of course all of my trading was done under a different name as with most middlemen/traders.

As youv'e said Paul the only real way to settle the GM is to start locking LTI and limited ships to accounts when they're purchased, black market trades will always happen but people are far, far less likely to go down that route.

I suspect the CCU situation is so they can get a few extra bucks out of people doing them, I haven't really looked into it but I suspect that upgrading to a Hornet via CCUs from an Aurora would be slightly more expensive than simply pledging directly for the Hornet. What they're doing with CCUs is sustaining the grey market and the limited upgrades that come out help keep it going too. Lock those upgrades to the account they're bought on after X days, job done.

I'm not anti-grey market obviously but I think we get very mixed signals from CIG over it. They claim they want to shut it down but take measures which do the opposite.
You sure?

It says mustang waiting in my hanger?

Still downloading so have zero idea whats going to happen.

You'll see the Mustang in the hangar but the Arena Commander module (hit escape and enter it that way if you want) will give you the 300i until the Mustang is ready for the combat module.

I can't even remember if you can get in the cockpit of the Mustang yet, don't remember trying on mine.
I do have one concern.

After watching lots of wingman hanger/around the verse/10 for the chairman.

Do you think they will get this project actually finished as they seem to have broad ambition.
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