******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Melted my Ghost & Tracker Hornets to get a Freelancer MIS & Cutlass.
I got the MIS cos im nosey, and its only store credit. The Cutlass because half my ships come with the Business hangar, and the Cutlass currently has the Deluxe, and its so much better with 3 ship blocks, than the Business being 1-by-1, when you own 7 ships and theres 3 AC loaners, its a PITA.

What i didnt realise is that, having melted the ships for credit, it tells me all credit purchases cant be gifted, and part of the reason for getting the MIS was if a org mate wanted it later on, i'd gift it to them and they'd just give me the credits.
Stupid really, dont see what the harm is in gifting stuff, they've locked it to 1-time gifting so 1st move and its locked to them. Just means i'll end up melting it and buying something else (i bought $500 worth of ships, cos i want $500 worth of limited ships, so effectively buying credit i can look at in the hangar), rather than being able to give it to someone when its not available (MIS is 10 day limited sale).
I am really liking the look of this game but it is so in depth, I mean the complexity of it for an outsider/late adopter looks immense, the initial prices do look astronomical for a game but I suppose you only pay what you want and it does have cheaper entry level options.

Does not investing £70 to £100 in to a ship hinder you severely in any way or are you able to generate in game currency to eventually purchase certain ships or is this a case of being limited to said entry lvl ship and all the restrictions on ability/gameplay that ship brings with it in game until you invest more into it?

Sorry if this has been asked before.
I am really liking the look of this game but it is so in depth, I mean the complexity of it for an outsider/late adopter looks immense, the initial prices do look astronomical for a game but I suppose you only pay what you want and it does have cheaper entry level options.

Does not investing £70 to £100 in to a ship hinder you severely in any way or are you able to generate in game currency to eventually purchase certain ships or is this a case of being limited to said entry lvl ship and all the restrictions on ability/gameplay that ship brings with it in game until you invest more into it?

Sorry if this has been asked before.

All ships will be available to purchase in-game when it reaches the point of the persistent universe.. Buying ships currently, is just a perk of donating to support the development of the game.
Yeah once the game his the PU ships purchases stop essentially, why I'd suggest anyone who's not 100% sure gets the cheapest ship - you can upgrade it to a larger one later if you want.
Think I might upgrade my Freelancer to a MAX variant, its fugly but the easiest way to make money quickly I reckon in the PU.
I do feel buying into the game to be overly complex currently. First we have Squadron 42, Star Citizen, Alpha and Beta, and Arena Commander to consider. What's wrong with Star Citizen, with Alpha phases & Campaign? It's self explanatory and doesn't try to come off as being more than what it is. Then there's the prices to get involved. There's no 'This gets you in the game' choice. Instead we have to go through ship and hanger packages. I understand it all fully, but for someone who hasn't looked at the game yet it just seems to be a bit over the top. Here they are selling all this stuff for some ridiculous prices, for what is at the end of the day a few digital ships.

I understand you treat it like kickstarter - you pledge an amount and you get this as a thankyou... but it doesn't state that. Infact it's just a store where you are explicitly buying products.

On that note... I don't understand why you would want to buy the expensive ships with real cash. Buying the later ships seems to me like buying a fast pass to the end of the game... what's the point? Surely the fun is in trading/pirating/earning money and then upgrading your ship that way. That's what the fun is of most games - the journey. I don't mean to insult anyones choices here (and apologise if I do), and I also understand that people don't have the time to earn and upgrade ships - they just want fun. But we don't even know the progression rate of the game yet. What if it takes only a week or so to upgrade to a £70 ship? There will be some angry people feeling that what they bought should be more exclusive... when that won't be the case.

Don't get me wrong though, I can't wait for this game (and have backed it at Aurora+ with Alpha), but they seem to lack focus in development. All this marketing stuff, and all these next new starships, it's great and all but what about the game fundamentals? Let's bring a solid flight model with the space travelling sorted, and build on it from there. Obviously with 40 odd million they can afford to have many different departments working on everything at once. I just hope they manage to keep the focus and deliver a solid game. The prospect of walking round your hanger, getting in ship, flying about in space, kill some dudes, trade some stuff, land at a space station and walk about, get in ship, go down and land at planet and walk about... it's basically the dream game. Here's hoping!
Finally got back into the Hangar! If anyone else is having problems getting past the loading screen it is probably a Cryengine bug 'fixed' by opening task manager > services and restarting 'BFE' (Base Filtering Engine.) This worked first time for me. Back to pew pew...:D
is there any news on sli/Crossfire guys? is it badly implemented at the moment? Only reason I ask, when I use my crossfire, I get horrendous triangles and artifacts in my game, but disable one of my cards and the issue goes away. Before you say my cards are overclocked to high or are faulty, I play more than 50 games without any issues what so ever ;)
ah ok. How would one join a corp?

and can someone explain to me how I get into the Dogfight module please. I can jump in my ship, but nothing seems to happen from the hanger.
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I do feel buying into the game to be overly complex currently. First we have Squadron 42, Star Citizen, Alpha and Beta, and Arena Commander to consider. What's wrong with Star Citizen, with Alpha phases & Campaign? It's self explanatory and doesn't try to come off as being more than what it is. Then there's the prices to get involved. There's no 'This gets you in the game' choice. Instead we have to go through ship and hanger packages. I understand it all fully, but for someone who hasn't looked at the game yet it just seems to be a bit over the top. Here they are selling all this stuff for some ridiculous prices, for what is at the end of the day a few digital ships.

I understand you treat it like kickstarter - you pledge an amount and you get this as a thankyou... but it doesn't state that. Infact it's just a store where you are explicitly buying products.

The store and site in general are an absolute bloody mess, I particularly dislike these sections:

https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ <- Stuff EVERYWHERE.

https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link <- More stuff EVERYWHERE

Organisation section on the website is fairly poor, chat doesn't work right and dont' get me started on the pledge store, I had a proper rant about that recently in org chat. You'd think it was impossible to put in a search function or actually make a damn list. Add in the fact that if you have lots of little items in your hangar on the site (this page: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/account/pledges) it gets cluttered and there's no way to list or organise them, it's almost as if they're guilty at taking your money..

What annoys me is there's apparently a team working on this site, how the hell they manage it is beyond me :)

When it comes to buying ships, I'm split. Personally I own several but that's purely as I'm that keen to ensure the game is made and I'm time-poor/cash rich so I'd rather pay to have them at the start. I'll still have only pennies to start trading with though so it's not as if I'm giving myself a huge head-start here, heck I can probably only afford to run the starter ship, but that's fine :)

It's also why our org avoided getting an Idris, although we've since ended up with two. We wanted to ensure the running costs were viable for an org with a membership cap!
ah ok. How would one join a corp?

and can someone explain to me how I get into the Dogfight module please. I can jump in my ship, but nothing seems to happen from the hanger.

Dogfighting - make sure you've put your helmet on first :) If you have check for another ship you can hop into, I've had an issue where I had two Hornets in my hangar and only one let me join Arena Commander

The organisations (corps/clans/guilds whatever) have a huge list here:

You can use the search option to find ones you're interested by activity they're most likely to take part in i.e. exploring, the size of the org etc. I would suggest reading the org pages and having a nosey at who's a member as one org varies hugely from another :)

There are two OCUK orgs in the OP but here's the links, as an OCUK member you'll be welcome in either, or both - you can actually join up to 10 organisations in Star Citizen.

The Corp - XSGamers Gazanimal's live stream!

PAGAN (Teamspeak address: ts.enigmaservers.com)
Man! Im missing so much, but it gets to this time of an eve and im knackered from looking after the twins so just not getting chance to have a play. My PC not been on for 5 weeks!
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