******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

thank you for all the help Halfmad. Will be applying to these corps for sure.

Now, lets check out this dogfighting module :) I don't have a Joystick/pedals yet, but do have an xbox 360 controller. What works best at this stage and feels most authentic in your opinion, controller or mouse and keyboard.
I hated joypad, I'll be honest I feel like I'm missing half the controls on it! A couple of kind people have made and distributed a TARGET file for my T16000M cheapy joystick which has made the world of difference :)

Mouse and keyboard work fine though, try out any options you have though. Right now for me personally it'd be Joystick > Mouse/key > Joypad.

I've never been much of a console gamer though so joypads rarely sit well with me, fine for Fifa games though ;)
Jumped on the RSI site and it turns out I registered way back when it was first announced, prompted with a migration request for the account over to the new set up I went about the task at hand..... my god that has to be the first time I have had to google how a games/forums naming structure works, forum posts on the subject by other bemused members turned out to be less than helpful and did nothing more than confuse the matter, finally getting some clarity to the whole lot and it seems like even the people behind the whole fiasco couldn't explain it in plain English.

RSI naming structure -> offside rule, easy to understand, impossible for the laymen to convey in any meaningful fashion!

Or am I just thick!
Kanifee that doesn't surprise me, I was in a similar boat last year as I'd registered in 2012 then forgot entirely about the game until october 2013 :P
The organisations (corps/clans/guilds whatever) have a huge list here:

You can use the search option to find ones you're interested by activity they're most likely to take part in i.e. exploring, the size of the org etc. I would suggest reading the org pages and having a nosey at who's a member as one org varies hugely from another :)

Just to clarify, we do welcome members from OcUK, but they have to apply to join XSGamers like every other applicant. It keeps it simple and easier to administrate as we have certain membership rules that span all our games.

So glad that Four Horseman won TNGS, the final execution of the model in engine was that much above Shard's. However I am sad that 3 Dingo got the 3rd place; Shimapan's model was exceedingly better and I think that's what I was a bit annoyed with about the whole thing. You can't present a nice concept and then walk away, you have to follow through to the finished article and it seems that a lot of the community and even a few of the judges didn't agree with their own judging system.

Anyway, I think the right team won.
I didn't get to vote, site crashed before that, lol.
They really should have extended the vote so everyone had the chance to do it.
But I am not complaining really, my favourite won so I am happy.
Now I just want one Redeemer in my hangar asap /throws money at the screen.
So is every bodys opinion that the $40 pack is the most sensible to go for if not wanting to spend a small fortune? which has the better potential for generating in game currency, I don't mind grinding out a game so what is the most effective way to go about things?
On that note... I don't understand why you would want to buy the expensive ships with real cash. Buying the later ships seems to me like buying a fast pass to the end of the game... what's the point? Surely the fun is in trading/pirating/earning money and then upgrading your ship that way. That's what the fun is of most games - the journey. I don't mean to insult anyones choices here (and apologise if I do), and I also understand that people don't have the time to earn and upgrade ships - they just want fun. But we don't even know the progression rate of the game yet. What if it takes only a week or so to upgrade to a £70 ship? There will be some angry people feeling that what they bought should be more exclusive... when that won't be the case.

Expect to be spending most of the day in that week glued to SC, is what i'd expect. I think it'll take something like 50hrs to earn an something to the value of a base Aurora, at least with fairly modest starting point.

I'll throw out some basic numbers as an example: (excuse the mix of $ and £)
If you spent 20h/wk (2h/day, 5h wkend) and it got you 2 Auroras (ie £70 ship worth - almost 3) using something like a Freelancer $125 package (168 freight units or 'FU') then before long you'll be in a Constellation ($225 480FU), so likely to be able to earn more, and you can buy a £150 ship each week.
Within a month you'd be into Starfarers ($175 = 900FU, and estimated 3600FU of fuel), Caterpillars ($225 & 3200FU) or Merchantman ($250 & 6000FU).

Thats 1 week playing a handful of hours a day with a £100 Freelancer, trading to a Constellation for 3wk, and then into the heavy merchant ships at the 1mo mark able to earn serious money.

Yes you'll need escorts, you'll buy upgrades & pay bills, and yes you might want to buy Hornets for fighting and not merchant/economy ships for max earning, but what £70/wk means is you'd be into the highest tiers of non-capitol ships really soon, and from a £100 freelancer, rather than £250-500 worth of ships. While you might not focus on max income, preferring to simply explore and let things flow organically, it does go to show that it wouldnt be hard to earn large amounts of UEC from a modest starting point whenever you wanted.
Considering thats 20hr/wk, plenty will hammer it more, plenty less, but it has to feel like you've accomplished things when your buying them, it shouldnt be an utter grind, but there has to be longevity there too. These are going to be the equivalent of buying cars, starting with an Aurora (Focus) and moving to a Transit (Freelancer) or C-Class (325/Avenger) before moving on to something bigger still. 1mo will pass in 5 days real-time, so your looking at 5wk in 7 days.
So IMO, they shouldnt be too affordable, but it shouldnt exclude people who cant hammer SC 40h/wk, but it shouldnt make it shallow for those who do, those who'll play it for years.

As for buying ships, its partly about supporting the game, the more funding they raise, the more that can be put into the process of making it and supporting it post release. It *should* be a title that has a good 10yrs in it, and lots of content added along the way.
Its also partly about wanting to own those ships now, and walk around in them and get a good feel for them and childish things like imagining the things you'll do in them. They're gaming toys, even if they're virtual.

You can spend £25 and get the exact same feeling, experience everything the same, and thats fine, but for me personally, they're providing enough in the way of insight, community videos & access etc that i still feel like im getting value for money. I plan to have 3 ships once they're available, and ive put that money in for when they'll be in the store, but i dont *plan* to go beyond that, but i might. Im buying items for myself, for my Org who i play other stuff with already, and because i want this game to be awesome.
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I'm with Paul here tbh, I've spent hundreds of hours on the forums, TS with various orgs, taking part or running competitions, watching live streams and you tube vids etc. I've pretty much had my moneys worth already.

The community is very hit and miss, more so than most I've been involved in, there's a core of superb contributors on the RSI site, you just need to fight your way past the muppets :)
Expect to be spending most of the day in that week glued to SC, is what i'd expect. I think it'll take something like 50hrs to earn an something to the value of a base Aurora, at least with fairly modest starting point.

I'll throw out some basic numbers as an example: (excuse the mix of $ and £)
If you spent 20h/wk (2h/day, 5h wkend) and it got you 2 Auroras (ie £70 ship worth - almost 3) using something like a Freelancer $125 package (168 freight units or 'FU') then before long you'll be in a Constellation ($225 480FU), so likely to be able to earn more, and you can buy a £150 ship each week.
Within a month you'd be into Starfarers ($175 = 900FU, and estimated 3600FU of fuel), Caterpillars ($225 & 3200FU) or Merchantman ($250 & 6000FU).

Thats 1 week playing a handful of hours a day with a £100 Freelancer, trading to a Constellation for 3wk, and then into the heavy merchant ships at the 1mo mark able to earn serious money.

Yes you'll need escorts, you'll buy upgrades & pay bills, and yes you might want to buy Hornets for fighting and not merchant/economy ships for max earning, but what £70/wk means is you'd be into the highest tiers of non-capitol ships really soon, and from a £100 freelancer, rather than £250-500 worth of ships. While you might not focus on max income, preferring to simply explore and let things flow organically, it does go to show that it wouldnt be hard to earn large amounts of UEC from a modest starting point whenever you wanted.
Considering thats 20hr/wk, plenty will hammer it more, plenty less, but it has to feel like you've accomplished things when your buying them, it shouldnt be an utter grind, but there has to be longevity there too. These are going to be the equivalent of buying cars, starting with an Aurora (Focus) and moving to a Transit (Freelancer) or C-Class (325/Avenger) before moving on to something bigger still. 1mo will pass in 5 days real-time, so your looking at 5wk in 7 days.
So IMO, they shouldnt be too affordable, but it shouldnt exclude people who cant hammer SC 40h/wk, but it shouldnt make it shallow for those who do, those who'll play it for years.

As for buying ships, its partly about supporting the game, the more funding they raise, the more that can be put into the process of making it and supporting it post release. It *should* be a title that has a good 10yrs in it, and lots of content added along the way.
Its also partly about wanting to own those ships now, and walk around in them and get a good feel for them and childish things like imagining the things you'll do in them. They're gaming toys, even if they're virtual.

You can spend £25 and get the exact same feeling, experience everything the same, and thats fine, but for me personally, they're providing enough in the way of insight, community videos & access etc that i still feel like im getting value for money. I plan to have 3 ships once they're available, and ive put that money in for when they'll be in the store, but i dont *plan* to go beyond that, but i might. Im buying items for myself, for my Org who i play other stuff with already, and because i want this game to be awesome.

Cheers for this, helps explain the dynamic a little better. How far away is the game from being complete? iknow it is well into development but Is their a fair chuck of it still missing/available but a work in progress? I jumped on Dayz SA and that although nothing really like this is just a stagnant mess now with no development to speak of, I understand these have a massive amount of backing (is it $45m?) which is just insanely awesome from a community backed project so id rightly assume support and updates are second to none on this?

Lastly how just out of curiosity really how does this run? Is it optimized well at all. I have a i7 4770k at 4.5 ghz and a HD7950, the cpu is fine but is this going to melt my GPU?


So looking on the site ive added to my cart,

300i (digital bounty hunter pack)
Arena commander pass.

Is this all I need to make a start in this, just want to make sure before I hit buy, also a decent package to go for?
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Kanifee yes that'll get you going mate, good choice tbh we were talking on teamspeak last night about the 300i and every one of us preferred flying it over the Hornet, just feels more alive :) The digital bounty hunter pack includes all beta modules so you'd only ever have to pay for the alpha ones you want to take part in, then get them all later on.

The Freelancer Advert has been added to the OP:

Nice to see my Cutlass making an appearance even if it is only to be blown up within 5 seconds ;)
300i (digital bounty hunter pack)
Arena commander pass.

Yes, the 300i is a great starting point and also the most fun ship to fly in Arena Commander so far. AC runs surprisingly well, you should have no problem with that spec.

As for when the game is 'finished' or at least we get the full PU release I expect we are a long way off (~2 years) as the scope of the project has grown massively since its inception...But with 250 people working on it things are progressing.

There is much to look forward to and keep us occupied between then and now.
That freelancer commercial looks like it wouldn't be out of place running on a display in the background in a scene of a big Sci fi flick.
Apparently both Cutlass in the commercial were unarmed and unshielded, the Freelancer had a pirate logo on his ship - so people are now stating that it only proves Freelancer pilots are murdering scum lol.

Got to love how people overly analyse everything that CIG produces.
Expect to be spending most of the day in that week glued to SC, is what i'd expect. I think it'll take something like 50hrs to earn an something to the value of a base Aurora, at least with fairly modest starting point.

I'll throw out some basic numbers as an example: (excuse the mix of $ and £)
etc.... <snip>

Yeah fair enough then. I suppose at the end of the day I just hope they reach the right balance. Yeah - it should take a good while to upgrade to a new ship. But too soon and you'll upset those who bought in early, too late and it will feel like it's pay to win. Infact with all these micro-transactions of buying ships, accessories etc they need to be careful that it doesn't play like a Free to Play game, when it's not even free to get in.

After having a good mess about on the dogfighting module, I will probably leave the game now until a more complete state.

For example, I had no interest in the Elite Dangerous dogfighting alpha they released (which was what they gave premium backers of the beta before the full premium beta released), but now it's hit the beta where you can go around different solar systems and trade, fight etc... I love it. SC will probably have this effect also.
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