******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

It will a good thing if they run sort. As it will be the only time they will be forced to bring out one of the games.

SQ42 is more or less done from what I can tell. Thing is most people didn't back for it, I know I didn't.

I'm in Evocati (as is Humbug) so it's not as if we aren't still participating but I'm fed up of their marketing ploys, would much rather pay for content EVERYONE is getting then have another ship, another ship, another ship. Back in the day the stretch goals were communal, now it's increasingly just for the few injecting fresh cash.
and yet people still drop hundreds to thousands of pounds on virtual ships. Probably the same people who then moan about paying £40-50 for a new game and a tenner for some DLC.

Adults doing with their money what they want, It's their money, not mine.

Been happening for years, I still remember selling an Ultima Online item for over £300 on ebay. A single randomly generated item..

Still see the odd Counterstrike knife up for sale in too on steam etc.

Adults spending their money how they want, ain't my business if they throw it on the lottery or virtual stuff. Heck I see expensive cars as just as daft to be honest.
I get your point about choice and adults being able to do what they like with their own money. However, I'd argue there's a significant difference between an expensive car and jpegs of spaceships.

both in this case are based upon the desire for exclusive or limited availability or projection of wealth imho. You physically own the car but it immediately depreciates in value where as the virtual goods vary in value (grey market) but may ultimately be worthless without a released game. you can, in the ship is actuated available to use get limited enjoyment from it, very limited.

You need to jump through a few hoops these days and it's worth using a middleman if you aren't sure. Alternatively eBay (honestly - probably more risky though)

Also state you will change the account to their details prior to transfer, so they don't get your personal information when they login. Not idea what Golden ticket ones are work these days as I've been out of it for a few years, but you CANNOT buy them or transfer them and that makes them limited in number, think it's <50,000 that are GT.

Don't post your account number e.g. 3456, just say it's in the low thousands e.g. <4000
Servers have additional logging turned on at the moment so thee longer the server is up the larger the logs get, if it's a particularly busy server it'll end up rebooting after a couple of hours max and meantime FPS will tank.

That's my understanding from the devs at the moment, don't expect it to get better but if you get onto a fresh-ish server and the region you are in means few players joining each hour you can be on with reasonable FPS for a while.
i thought the 2011 referred to the prep work CR did to create the stuff for the original pimp trailer, but i might be wrong about that.

it's about time they had a code freeze on this, and finish up the game as it is now, anything else they want to add they can do as extras/expansion later on, which would also help to keep interest in the game. S42 is desperately needed, imo, to keep people occupied while they polish the main game.

They can't code freeze, literally can't due to the dependencies many of which are still in development. They have backed themselves into a corner now and it's all or nothing.

We've no verified source for exactly when development started, 2011/2012 arguably aren't really about development at all unless you consider a concept artist drawing a Vanduul Scythe, Hornet and Bengal and Crytek shoving it in a 30s demo video with some nice music as development. Personally I think most soap adverts take more effort than that, but that is essentially all they had come December 2012. They didn't really do anything of any real value game-wise until 2013. Then they arguably made a few key errors which meant a lot of that had to be redone in 2014 when they started getting their workstreams sorted. They were a bit of a state before then though IMHO. It was only when Foundry 42 was opened properly in the UK that things really kicked off which is odd when you consider the Austin offices were originally going to be the development hub for the project, then it got downsized and people shifted to Santa Monica.
political player driven simulation.

I don't think that's ever been stated, players make up at most 10% of the population, we will have some minor effect on planetary economies with concerted sustained effort to disrupt supply lines but we are along for the ride, not in control of it. What happens politically is down to the writing team although they may incorporate some player events that have happened - it's not driven by players though.
I do kind of get it. Those that have spent the money will have all of the best toys straight away. There’ll be nothing for them to earn and they’ll have a huge advantage in nearly every activity. Great for CiG’s bank balance, not so great for Star Citizens initial game balance.

Even if you own EVERY ship in the game, the instant it goes live those parts start to degrade, your ships start to age whenever in use and new optimised equipment will be getting made and sold on the market, likewise new models will come out. Plus you can only fly one ship yourself at a time - so having 10 isn't much use unless you have 9 friends to help out or want to entrust one of those ships to AI - which to be honest having seen the AI, I'd never do..

The guys and I have played a fair bit of SC over the years and the most I play it the fewer ships I have. Put simply you can have a lot of fun in one ship with 2 or 3 of you messing about doing missions, a huge fleet even if owned from day one will largely sit in a hangar imho with people taking them out only now and then for major battles due to running costs, risk of damage etc.

Personally I see myself crewing other peoples ships mostly, it's what I tend to do now. Hell if nobody else has a ship available for multicrew I'll spawn one in and then let them pilot - I'd rather be in a turret or going EVA on postman duty.
I'd be interested as well. I don't follow the game or it's updates at all and just reinstall to see what's new now and then and honestly I've no idea what I backed now or where it is in life cycle. I'm amazed people have hundreds (some thousands) of hours in this game because there is nothing to do, how do people spend that amount of time doing nothing?

Testing, exploring, doing really daft things with the sandbox we have. There are those who spend their time trying to get on the leader boards for FPS, racing and the arena module types.

Had some great times in SC so far, but it needs a hell of a lot more work done for the multiplayer and I'm not convinced we'll be playing any single player content this year or next unless it's purely bug-fixes.

They have added mining in a basic form recently, haven't actually tried it yet personally.
Personally I don't think so, some are saying it has but I'm not seeing it.

Tried it two days ago and was getting 15-20FPS at Olisar. Then again it is STILL heavily server related so a fresh server should mean better performance for a period.
I still think around 100GB is fine, but let's be honest by the time we're at release 1TB SSDs will likely be far more reasonably priced and I'll have a flying car.

I jest, hopefully but you get my point 129Gb drives are pretty cheap these days as are 256 and we still have quite a wait for the full release.
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