******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

No one will be starting fresh, there will be no level playing field. The amount of in game wealth that will have accumulated by the time the game launches has more or less guaranteed the economy will be completely broken.

Which is the biggest shame with the project...the dev delays are annoying, but the real money in game economy is what made me refund.

My only hope is that when they decide they can't have everyone in one shard, that they will launch some ''clean slate' shards where no real-money purchases or backer rewards are allowed.

Fingers crossed.

Clueless as usual.
I would be interested to hear about what design mitigations they are putting in place to balance the game experience in the context of the hundreds of millions of dollars worth of in-game assets that have been purchased to date.

This is my primary concern with the game...the elephant in the room that they are pretty much stuck with, as they can't row back on things that have already been sold.

It would be nice to hear some actual constructive feedback to these concerns. As someone that doesn't follow the game closely any more it doesn't appear as if this is being addressed.

It would be great if they can offer a 'backer' free online experience for normal day 1 purchasers to choose to start on a level playing field if they wish. Unlikely to happen though as it would be taken as a dilution of the assets that have already been purchased.

"Backers" are going to have to pay for those ships in-game somehow, insurance will cost money in-game, fuel, crew costs etc. Just having the ship is only one part of it. Every one of those ships will also start to age and deteriorate the instant the game goes live, it's all a money drain.

There isn't going to be massive fleets flying about blowing everyone up day one, they are purposely making the game mechanics work against that sort of behaviour as with purposeful ramming etc. Heck ammo costs money too, ain't nobody got time to blow cash like that on day one.

If you geniunely think that backers have a huge advantage day one to everyone else then don't bother buying it at release. Bottom line is that those with TIME to play the game will be ahead of those who have bought stock ships within a few weeks at best in most cases and those who have bought capital ships.. well they probably won't even be able to afford to use them or have people crew them anyway without dozens of players chipping money, resources or their own time directly to run the ship. This isn't a game where one whale can "win" it, it needs team work to make any real progress even in the broken *** game we have at the moment.
So what happens if they materially change something someone has bought and paid for after the fact? Someone ponies up £1k for some capital ship with x turbolasers, 10 all player crew and even ships that can fly out of it controlled by other pilots then when the game launches they have half as many weapons, no dockable, player controlled ships and now only seats 4 players? That's contract breaking right there. Or even worse they then decide that such a ship is vastly overpowered and nerf (sorry, balance) it. Does that then mean anyone that paid for the original gets as refund? In full or part? How much? It's a total minefield.

You haven't bought ANYTHING if you put money into Star Citizen other than vague promises and shows of development with an opportunity of taking part in testing. You have not bought digital space ships, if you real the terms and conditions those ships are gifted to you, you don't actually pay for them though and at no point were they considered refundable - the company did issue refunds for a couple of years but there was dubious legal basis for them having to do so. That's now stopped as it was done predominately to cover themselves from very early backers (like myself and many other OCUKers) who had backed during Kickstarter etc where T&Cs would mean they could claim a refund. However after a period we had to accept new T&Cs which essentially bin those earlier ones.

Current T&C on purchases are:
You are making a crowdfunding pledge, not a purchase!
Star Citizen is funded through a community crowdfunding effort. Your “Pledge Funds” for in-game items such as ships or weapons will be spent on the ongoing development of the game.

Welcome to open development!
Star Citizen’s Alpha releases include work-in-progress and features that have bugs which will be improved in future updates [See Roadmap]. Your pledge will grant you continued access to this process. We encourage community feedback but the decisions must ultimately rest with the developer.

All pledges are final!
For these reasons, you cannot get your Pledge Funds back even if a particular in-game item takes longer to become available, contains bugs, or undergoes design changes. By placing your order, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted the above and our further Terms of Service, in particular, section Pledges.

Anyway basically if they change the ships - tough. If they remove an item - tough. It hasn't stopped people backing because ultimately the quiet majority of backers want this game to be made because they haven't seen anything really push PC gaming for a while particularly in this genre. I say that as a kickstarter backer of Elite: Dangerous too btw.

TL;DR you aren't buying digital space ships you are buying a fart in the wind and a promise from someone on the other side of the world.. but it's your money, so do what you want.
are u for or against this game?

very much for it but I don't agree with some of the tactics used by CIG over the years. this includes claiming lifetime insurance isn't a big deal then when the grey market is going mad over it suddenly LTI becomes a marketing ploy officially... it's more complicated than that but basically I think the marketing had been pretty sketchy at times. All of my org know how I feel about that side but I'm a fan of the game and Chris and Erin Roberts
For it absolutely, I was in it for £400+ but I instantly got a refund (£300, for some reason?) when they started selling land on non existent (real life) real estate. How can a new player, when it launches, compete when clans, and others own half the system that you spawn into? I want it to work. Unfortunately it has already shown that it will not.

Honestly they've sold a tiny amount of land, it's not even going to be a fraction of one of the several hundred planets. Consider that they will likely limit it to some core planets also so it's divided up in some fashion also.

The game balance isn't really an issue IMHO, it's more the fundraising and partnering that's annoyed me. LTI and partnerships with Intel for Optane drives.. I mean come on.
Harry the annoying thing is that most people I know with big expensive real money ships don't even intend to fly them personally, they have them so they can be shared amongst org mates. There are also many cases where people have clubbed together to get a larger ship they can share.

I don't remember the same people screaming that I shouldn't have got my Cobra MK III for backing Elite Dangerous in Kickstarter, oddly enough within a month I was miles behind those who had time to exploit in-game market mechanics due to having the free time to do so whilst I was at work. Pirating, despite being in kickstarter as a profession quickly became damn near impossible unless you WERE a trader who worked up to an insane ship/loadout and had huge cash reserves first. Additionally the fact that I can still spawn a Cobra MK III whenever I wipe my character isn't an issue - because like start citizen it's the modifications to the ships which make it more powerful, the base ship itself isn't much of a threat to anyone who's play the game for a while now.
Pay to win.. Google it

Then don't buy in if you believe that. Why are people playing Elite Dangerous? By the same logic it is pay to win as it used similar tactics to crowdfund, they simply didn't take as long to punt the game out and didn't take it to the extreme CIG have.

If anything, like most games where equipment need upgraded etc using in-game funds SC will be PLAY to win, if you can actually find something to win that is.. as there isn't an end goal as such. Even if you look at racing which is the simplest individual task in-game, the instant the game starts anyone racing will need to start upgrading stuff using in-game resources and more importantly overclocking which appears to be a mix of luck and skill (mechanics still to be clarified). Can you get a head start by throwing money at the screen? Absolutely, can you actually get any sustained benefit if you haven't got 3hrs + a day to play? not a hope in hell. Just about every MMO these days and some which aren't have head starts included, been that way for over 10 years..
Star Citizen lol that'll never happen.

*goes back to playing the Star Citizen alpha*

ps. literally nobody cares if people troll this tread, it's utterly irrelevant these days anyway.. discussions about the topic take place elsewhere.

@atbpx it's well known that Pete was born of an unnatural union of used AMD parts and Linus Torvald..
Evocati is the NDA test group, think it's ~3000 strong now. The PTU is when it's gone past this and is considered stable enough for wider consumption via PTU waves of backers generally starting with Concierge and Subscribers (effectively a second limited number). It will then roll out to successive waves then to everyone either on PTU or in the PU. Doesn't always guarantee it will be stable though as there have been several occasions where a relatively stable Evocati build had a minor patch as it moved to PTU and became a mess.
It's been in for a couple of weeks I think, plenty of daft videos around, it's one of the best things about mucking about in it just now tbh :D

I've never 100% seen it as a role play game and always assumed like many other games which are totally RPGs a majority of people simply wouldn't do it so the result of FOIP will always be mostly about being amusing but it could be amazing in some of the player made videos which will come out tbh. Remember Red V Blue? Imagine it done with proper facial animations etc, so many more options for those writing scripts.
^^ think all of us early backers on particular have known that feeling of... we're still waiting? I've been keeping close to it since the start but still feel pretty damn frustrated at the length of time and the mistakes that have been made along the way.. getting there now though, was hitting 99fps at times last night inside olisar with other players etc
Looks like a free fly next Friday and that weekend (23rd), all ships in game available to everyone including anyone who just fancies trying the game out. Details still to be confirmed
Lorville.. I love it but damn the train system confuses me. Or maybe I glitched. I got on at the central station, went on the train to gate 1 but arrived at the central station.. :D
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