******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I backed SC just for SQ42. I am coming up on my 11 year backing anniversary (November). Just hilarious that it hasn't been delivered yet, and all the fanboy justification for why it hasn't cannot change that it should have been delivered by now assuming any rational development rate / metrics. Christ, even Duke Nukem Forever (however bad that was) got delivered in a shorter timeline

Same as me - I was suckered in by Roberts initial campaign video. I have never felt so let down by a developer in 30 plus years of gaming. How people justify still throwing money at it I really dont know - must be some form of Stockholm syndrome by now.

At this point CIG is just not defendable but for some reason plenty seem to try.
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I will clarify and say I did log into the PU thing. Then found it to be laggy and unoptimised even when using a 13700k and a 4080 and uninstalled it. Not even bothered enough at this point to turn off the e-cores because apparently, that might help. Dead money, on a massive disappointment.

I read the emails I get for SQ42 and the PU every month. Sure, they give details, but most are about how they've optimised some system or rewritten something to be more efficient. Oh, and those narrative updates to fix some NPC behaviour that no one would ever really notice, so shouldn't need to be on any sensible roadmap for SQ42. At this point those emails seem like a token gesture to suggest progress is being made when actually nothing of substance is being delivered.
I get why original backers who just wanted SQ42 are annoyed at the constant delays an PU development. But those same people probably need to realise now that half of the backers who are still throwing their money at CIG are doing so because it's the multiplayer SC they want to play.
Developing both games at once definitely has it's issues, but I guess there are up sides behind the scenes we don't see.

Hopefully SQ42 will appear at some point soon so the devs can carry on with scaling the PU up. I'm getting kinda miffed with the collective lack of progress on both tbh!
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I'm waiting, with a big bag of dry and tasteless popcorn, for the eventual collapse of everything SC and CIG.

They definitely have some talented designers & artists, but the state of the game is shocking after so many years.

I think it's a game with huge and noble ambition, but without a management team to deliver what they've promised.
my interest took a huge nosedive when the PvP slider thing was canned. I have no interest at all of PvP and even playing with people tbh I only really like playing with real world friends.
S42 was always the main reason I backed.... there were meant to be private servers. they even sold private server hosting content so I may still get what I want there but it does rely on really robust AI in the game. if they are relying too much on players to make the content I will be out as well.

also VR...... I really hope that makes it in for launch as without it I doubt I will feel the urge to play..... elite and star wars squadrons are good examples of games which get old pretty fast for me but are great fun in VR. (I would have enjoyed them both out of vr until trying them IN VR. it kind of raised the bar for me.

it's why I stopped buying Forza games as well. i got every single one of them until I got vr and not bought one since as they steadfast refuse to support it. am worried about MSFS 24 as well but I am drifting OT sorry..

The game is clearly moving forward, albeit not as fast as i would like but............... can anyone really blame CIG? as it stands the game is still raking the money in..... once it launches then expectations change, bugs are not tolerated, so with that in mind, why release when they are still making money....... the way it is now they can work without stressing so much about glitches and missing features.

its not what i would like to see, but i totally see why it makes sense to go this way so long as people are still paying the money to keep it going.
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they should have delivered what they promised from the KS, all this other guff could have been drip-fed over the years to keep interest alive and keep the hype going. trying to cram it all in at once and failing helps/pleases no one.
@Mint8 when was the last time you actually tried to play SC?
A few months ago - laggy, still very unstable piece of rough Alpha. Even the unfinished/missing animations around getting into the ships are still there - same as when they first released the hangar module - what 8 years ago ??

The graphics are steadily falling back into industry current (or even less than) now.

Are you really going to suggest its a great game already and people just cant see it ?

Blink twice if you a e being held against your will.
As I (and others) have said. It has quite large issues with missing things but what is there, is in a playable state, with a bit of patience at times with the servers. I consistently get 30-60fps which I have it capped at. The server fps (r_display 2) is far more impactful on how good an experience there will be. I've not spent much money on the game and I'm having lots of enjoyment out of the sandbox that's there. Partially because there isn't anything else that can give me this gameplay.

PTU has had MobiGlass V2 elements added which is good to see.
That's what I mean, cig have added some tech that is not on other engines at the moment

That was true when this video was made, 7 years ago.

But just like with all the graphics and asset streaming tech its all becoming old news as more people do it or even surpass it, some of the older parts of Star Citizen are starting to look really dated.

I'm also not impressed by the rumours that CR wants to farm out Star Citizen to some other studio so that he can get on and start part 2 of his pet project Squadron 404, clearly he's not interested in Star Citizen and never was, its just a way to make Squadron 404 and finishing part 1 of that was never going to refocus efforts back to Star Citizen, no, it just moves to part 2 with Star Citizen continuing to get 5% of the rescores and never getting anything done.
I haven't really been on since giving 19.1 a go when it dropped, so I just jumped on to see how things are and it seems fine to me. I'm sure there are bugged missions and whatever, but it ran well (for SC) and nothing I encountered seemed broken, laggy or missing.
I do recall 3.19 being a broken ****show towards the end, so maybe those of you that did give it a go a few months ago happened to drop in at a particularly bad time.

It's just how SC goes. Sometimes it's dog****, sometimes it's fantastic.
I believe Squadron 404 is nearing completion, i believe it might even be out late next year.

But only because CR wants to get on with part 2, everything that wasn't possible in part 1 he will try again in part 2.

Meanwhile Star Citizen backers continue to pay for that and get very little in return for the game they are actually paying for, because those backer funds are being used for Squadron 404, not Star Citizen.

Those of you who think this is a turn around from me on my attitudes about this, no its not, i made this exact point on Spectrum years ago. I even called it a misappropriation of other peoples money, something CR is known for.
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