******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I recall getting in a ship somewhere that was parked outside, then two people got on it and shot me. Still no clue if it was there for anyone or if I was trespassing lol.

Sounds like it was their ship, yes you were trespassing.

Stealing other people ships and then laughing at them in chat is a thing, had it happen to me once, left my Corsair at an outpost parked nicely on a landing pad, as soon as i went inside the building to do what i had to do i saw in the chat "hey Corsair owner at Arc 151, *yoink*" and with that i heard my engines power up, by the time i got thought the airlock again to outside i had enough time to watch my own ship 'barrel roiling' off in to the yonder....

So yeah, when the ship owner gets back to find you in his ship his instinct is to kill you.

Make sure your ship is locked, there is a button for that in the cockpit, close your doors when its untended....
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Sounds like it was their ship, yes you were trespassing.

Stealing other people ships and then laughing at them in chat is a thing, had it happen to me once, left my Corsair at an outpost parked nicely on a landing pad, as soon as i went inside the building to do what i had to do i saw in the chat "hey Corsair owner at Arc 151, *yoink*" and with that i heard my engines power up, by the time i got thought the airlock again to outside i had enough time to watch my own ship 'barrel roiling' off in to the yonder....

So yeah, when the ship owner gets back to find you in his ship his instinct is to kill you.

Make sure your ship is locked, there is a button for that in the cockpit, close your doors when its untended....

What's the point of locking, can't you just glitch through ships and steal them?
Floating above Microtech admiring the scenery then standing on the outside of ship to admire it more :D


Shamelessly stolen from @Dicehunter

Chris Roberts health warring....

Some interesting news, Taken from an interview with Chris Roberts at Bar Citizen Shanghai -

*-(Alpha 4.0) It's still on track for end of year (maybe not fully Live, but PTU like other EOY patches)

-With pyro and meshing

-Meshing has been in active testing for months. Mostly focused on client crash handling, server crash fixes, and friend list issues.

-Pyro system is almost done, will probably get a "feature complete" announcement at Citizencon *

Take with an Everest sized grain of salt but exciting if true.
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What's the point of locking, can't you just glitch through ships and steal them?
I'm only aware of being able to just about do that with an Idris, which has no interior and players can't currently own anyway.

In other random news to make of what you will:



Excerpt from an interview with lord Roberts:


And no, I don't follow this stuff. We just have a feed on our discord that I mostly ignore.
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Sounds like CR at least wants to cash in on Starfielders looking for more Space Stuffs to explore, so possibly not just Pyro but multiple systems.

Also i agree with him, Starfield is not the competition, its a welcome and significant edition to the genre which brings many more eyes on, which we can all benefit from.
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Not watched it but I've seen that happen before. Company has fired entire teams only realise that they really do need them, so they all got offered jobs back, on more money possibly contract work.
:cry: That's hilarious!
Still not something I'd be worried about though tbh.

I do actually have a Reclaimer (bought ingame before anyone starts lol) and haven't played for a good while. Might be an excuse to get on and try to get away with some trolling while it lasts.
Just have to convince my mates who also can't be arsed these days :cry:
I logged in for free thingy and was only getting like 40-45fps. Seems CPU was issue as GPU was only like 50% used.
I logged in for free thingy and was only getting like 40-45fps. Seems CPU was issue as GPU was only like 50% used.

It also seems like the server population plays a part, Few days ago I was getting 100FPS, It was immensely smooth but apparently I was the only 1 on a fresh server, 5 mins later and it tanked to 40 when people were loading in.

This is 1 of the things server meshing will hopefully address.
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