Yeah, i know it was added for a good while, sadly i was taking a break from SC and when i eventually returned like 18mo later... gone
The video they did a good 12mo earlier of the Hornet flying into Levski was amazing at the time.
Oh, i had no idea about Odin, and i guess it does make sense to focus on neighbour systems rather than being fairly scattergun with them.
Stanton > Pyro/Odin > Nyx would be cool though, it'll be nice having an actual example of having to pass through systems to get to your destination.
iirc, theres supposed to be almost 100 systems in SC, is there any indication as to how many of those we'd likely see for v1.0 proper?
I've wondered whether or not they'd only launch with say 50 of them, while working on the rest of them and hide behind storyline excuses such as Vanduul occupying 20 systems, Xi'an blocking you from getting to 15 because they're K'thak territory and they wont let us communicate with them, stuff like that that explains why its not actually there