***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

At the Ret Pala discussion. You need to remember DPS isnt everything about the class. The fact that they can refresh every Paladin's Judgement can make a big difference in any fight.

Personally, I feel that WoW in general is far too easy now. No fight in TBC has been as tough as some of the Naxx bosses, and they just keep nerfing bosses further. The difference between pre-nerf M'uru and the nerfed M'uru was just lol. It totally ripped the heart and intensity out of the fight.

From Blizzards PoV, it obviously makes sense to make it easier, more players will get to the end game and play longer = $$$

My 2 cents :p

Paladins cant refresh every judgement now. Crusader strike was changed.
its a bit late now isnt it? They made some more for the midnight signing so if your lucky you can pick one up there ;)

Anyway, any help for a blood elf mage (talent spec etc) since the patch? I'm a complete nub, about lvl 45 ish on bloodfeather. Ive got frost specs atm, wonderinf if i should change?

Any tips generally? :P

When i used to play WoW, i personally found elementalist spec the most fun to play.
Stay frost to level mate, I've levelled two mages and found frost much easier to level with, you have more surivabilty and you can control fights better.
Also when you hit the max level pvp for a bit, get used to playing a mage :)

With frost being the spec every mage goes now (lack of imagination i guess) its still the best for leveling fast, but elemenatalist is the most fun.

I've levelled up 2 mages, 2 paladins, 1 druid, 1 priest, 1 rogue and countless other pre 70 characters.

Got my ret paladin to level 75, cant be arsed to level him any more. Game seems too easy, i can charge into a pack of 3-4 mobs even more sometimes, my level and just aoe them down in the same time it takes to kill 1 mob and i come out with nearly full health and mana.

They have done a lot to fix paladins, but there still to powerful imo.

My mage on the other hand, has the same type of gear and its taking me a lot longer to level using him then my paladin.

Wrath of the Casual King. I'm afraid.
Wait til raiding, the mage will destroy the palla at DPS.

Retri was designed as a PVP spec... they run around in Plate - takes no dmg..

I was doing UK last night, and was pulling as many mobs as i could, and just AoEing them down. But look at your gear.... I'm running around in 5/8 t6... I will be using most of my gear into Naxx and heroics. All the instances are tuned for leveling, so your be running around in greens and blues... not t5/6..

You really really need to think about that before slagging off the game.

Actually I'm running around in 4 T6 and 4 S3 with cats edge, so yeah i can say this game is stupidly easy in that respect.

My mage is in Full S3.

And tbh mate, if you and other guilds in such a short period of time clear all the raiding content, then either its not been tuned properly or they are dedicating this expansion to casuals.

You cant say "it was the same in TBC" because when tbc launched you had the attunement quests that at least weeded out the people who where not "raid" worthy, so instead of having the annoying attunement quests, they just nerfed the instances so every noob with questhelper can raid.
Definately looks that way.

I'm a casual WoW player and came back to the game with the new expansion and as I didn't do a lot of the end-game raiding/PvP I've already replaced a few items from the initial quest drops. The quests aren't too difficult for my priest and I think I've died twice. Once due to stupid aggro'ing (messing about on my mount) and the second due to a 72 elite re-spawning on top of me.

I'm going to try Utgarde Keep this weekend though my friend is a warrior/tank in full epic gear so should be easy enough to get a group together for the experience.

It seems that they've made it so that those in the full epic sets won't be replacing them until level 75+?

Aye thats about right, I can do a quest to replace my cat's edge with a 2h axe from a "ring of blood" style quest, but at the moment i'm holding off because i'm clearing all the zones 1 by 1.

Just solo'd a 3 man elite quest in dragonblight.......this is too easy.
Anyone else just like me and has no drive to level up at all?

I'm sat at 76 atm.... can't see myself having muhc time this week tbh.. and weekend is packed out.

hate it :(

Yeah i was in the same boat as you the other week.

Looking at the game now, its completely pathetic.

There are 4 guilds that i know on my server clearing all the released content in the game and its been what......2 weeks?

The other people who are not in these guilds are around 73-77 range. I guess it shows that this was built for the casuals. The age of warcraft being hardcore are gone, now its time for the welfare brigade.

Might try vanguard now, 4 years of warcraft destroyed by an expansion so easy a 6 year old could do it.

they got nerfed on the last patch, nout wrong with them now, yes the burst if still a little high but its all good fun. :)

Well considering i never have to eat or drink and i can chain pull mobs forever, kill 3 man elite quest mobs.

Yet with my mage, i have to drink after every 3-4th mob and it takes me a little longer.
Pally's don't need nerfing, they're fine as they are. I'm enjoying playing mine for the first time since before TBC and it's good to be able to enjoy myself without worrying too much about mana or health.

Your wrong if you think a class who can dps as fast as a mage with unlimited mana and health isnt overpowered.

But hey, enjoy it while it lasts i guess.
Apparantly some kid pretending to be a 40 year old man from Dubai with loads of money in real life was giving all the top Pvpers in Athenes Realm, also known as Stormscale, 500g a week if they helped kill horde. Loads of top PvPers left there guilds to join it and Athene made a video and we all had a right laugh at them.

I wish someone would kill him in real life. I really hate the guy.
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