Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?

I realise this will be a small percentage of users, but how about multi monitor / surround gaming or what about 3d? (I dont believe Sony discounted the latter did they?)

Yes its been around for ages (on the pc), and yes currently you probably dont even need "double" the amount of vram/gddr as a single monitor user but between this and /or 3d would account for abit more on both sides (Im guessing with both of these, more cpu/apu memory would also be required?)

What about some apu based scaling for those with hi-res monitors (no not 4k lol as I know Sony did discount this on the gaming side) - but 2560*1600 shouldnt be too intensive depending on how they want to do it.
Obviously it would be ideal for devs to put this in as a "default", but if Sony want to make the PS4 as adaptable as possible without putting (more) pressure on devs.
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looks like it will be £400 everything is pointing that way.

also the games are £70 each, well on the hut they are anyway.

so a console plus an extra controller and 2 games, could easily hit £600 if those prices hold

Game prices are the same.

Prices are really nothing out of the ordinary. £400 is what most of us expected to pay for it. The new controller will of course command more than the current controller.
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Game prices are the same.

Prices are really nothing out of the ordinary. £400 is what most of us expected to pay for it. The new controller will of course command more than the current controller.

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all of them are £69.99, but i seriously hope they drop them to £50 but it is normal for a launch to be overpriced on everything.
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all of them are £69.99, but i seriously hope they drop them to £50 but it is normal for a launch to be overpriced on everything.


The prices on that site are pure speculation. If a CEO from SCEA has said that game prices will not change i'm pretty sure they won't. To my knowledge the games that were released with the PS3 were around £40.
Would it not make sense to have the games a little bit cheaper than ~£70, it's nonsense and pure speculation.

I would personally expect them to be in line with what current new releases cost.
It's VRAM we were talking about, I see you have 4GB of DDR3 system ram and you have 2 6950's 2GB but these do not give you a combimed 4GB of GDDR5, the memory mirrors each other so you still have 2GB GDDR5.

for some reason i thought there was talk about the memory being used for ps4 op sys and not leaving much for video memory, so i thought i would add the fact that my system runs on 4gb on a op sys(with plenty of taskbar progs running) that can probably do and use more mem than ps4 and is fine, suppose i should have said 6gb
Would it not make sense to have the games a little bit cheaper than ~£70, it's nonsense and pure speculation.

I would personally expect them to be in line with what current new releases cost.

I reckon £50, then we'll see £40-45 after a few month
link to games

all of them are £69.99, but i seriously hope they drop them to £50 but it is normal for a launch to be overpriced on everything.

Games will not be £69.99, you can only push consumers so far. Games will be £45.00 max. If 70 bucks a game was the case I would rather not bother and stick to pc games with new releases between £25.00-£30.00. I'm still not convinced the console will launch at £400, they want to avoid the high price point they placed on the PS3.
I have a hunch it'll be around the £350 mark. If they went with £400 again it would be going against what they said considering the PS3 was the same if not more at release and hampered sales.
I reckon £50, then we'll see £40-45 after a few month

Yep, as I said, they will be in line with what you currently pay for a new release :).

Also; I'm not sure about console price, I know Sony can't afford for this to not be successful.
If Microsoft add Kinect 2.0 to every Xbox they're adding £100 to the price practically. So they will probably go for £350. Sony should get away with £299.
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