Post your FTTC line stats & unlocking info

Profile 17a

# xdslcmd info --pbParams
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max:    Upstream rate = 31368 Kbps, Downstream rate = 84876 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79999 Kbps

Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (868,1207) (1972,2783)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1963) (2792,3959)
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (868,1207) (1972,2783)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1963) (2792,3959)
       VDSL Port Details       Upstream        Downstream
Attainable Net Data Rate:      31368 kbps         84876 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power:        2.4 dBm          13.6 dBm
  VDSL Band Status        U0      U1      U2      U3      D1      D2      D3
  Line Attenuation(dB):  2.8     14.8    22.0     N/A    8.1     18.8    29.2

Signal Attenuation(dB):  7.7     14.1    21.3     N/A    8.1     18.8    29.2

        SNR Margin(dB):  14.6    15.0    15.0     N/A    7.3     7.3     7.4

         TX Power(dBm): -12.1   -35.4    2.1      N/A    10.9    7.6     7.1

I'm also maxing out at 74/16

Are there any tricks to get full steam ?
Got issues with my connection, giving up trying to unlock my modem as I might screw things up with connection dropping.

So, anyone in Bath, or fairly close in surrounding area to me, who could unlock mine please.
Got issues with my connection, giving up trying to unlock my modem as I might screw things up with connection dropping.

So, anyone in Bath, or fairly close in surrounding area to me, who could unlock mine please.

it really is super super easy, just connect yourself to lan port 2 and type in an (your router might have the same ip so either needs to not be connected or change it. Then just login with default username and password, and click upgrade firmware, same as on a normal router/modem etc
Hi guys,

I try to unlock but it always says connection keeps dropping or getting lost after i click update?

Any solutions?
For anyone who is interested in how it compares to BTs cabinets, here is my Origin connection with Digital Region South Yorkshire.

I think I am the first person to get the HG612 working on a standard Digital Region line.
I have documented how I got it working over at the unofficial Digital Region Community Support Forum.

xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max:    Upstream rate = 24064 Kbps, Downstream rate = 126768 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 10986 Kbps, Downstream rate = 43997 Kbps

Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode
Trellis:                U:OFF /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        31.1            18.2
Attn(dB):        0.0             0.0
Pwr(dBm):        10.7           -8.4
                        VDSL2 framing
                        Path 0
B:              111             105
M:              1               1
T:              32              17
R:              16              16
S:              0.0810          0.3065
L:              12648           3184                                                                                                                                                                              
D:              397             202                                                                                                                                                                                
I:              128             61                                                                                                                                                                                
N:              128             122                                                                                                                                                                                
                        Path 0                                                                                                                                                                                    
OHF:            518280          129057                                                                                                                                                                            
OHFErr:         0               0                                                                                                                                                                                  
RS:             66339798                371362                                                                                                                                                                    
RSCorr:         0               55                                                                                                                                                                                
RSUnCorr:       0               0                                                                                                                                                                                  
                        Path 0                                                                                                                                                                                    
HEC:            0               0
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    113971229               0
Data Cells:     9928            0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             0               1
SES:            0               1
UAS:            169             169
AS:             1345

                        Path 0
INP:            2.00            2.00
PER:            2.59            10.42
delay:          8.00            8.00
OR:             98.81           36.84

Bitswap:        0               0

Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (872,1203) (1972,2779)
DS: (32,867) (1208,1963) (2788,3955)
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (872,1203) (1972,2779)
DS: (32,867) (1208,1963) (2788,3955)
       VDSL Port Details       Upstream        Downstream
Attainable Net Data Rate:      23728 kbps        125656 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power:    -   8.4 dBm          10.7 dBm
  VDSL Band Status        U0      U1      U2      U3      D1      D2      D3
  Line Attenuation(dB):  2.8     16.9    24.3     N/A    8.3     20.7    31.7
Signal Attenuation(dB):  2.5     16.7    23.9     N/A    8.3     20.7    31.7
        SNR Margin(dB):  29.7    18.0    18.0     N/A    31.2    31.1    30.8
         TX Power(dBm): -27.3   -18.6   -9.0      N/A    4.8     4.4     6.2

Interestingly, my results seem to be more accurate for upstream than they were with the Cellpipe that Digital Region use for their CPE.

It also interesting that my max attainable upstream seems to be much lower than most peoples lines on BT, yet my max attainable downstream is higher.
Presumably this is due to the band plans which appear to use less tones on upstream and more tones on downstream, than BT.

The next thing is to try and convince them to turn off interleaving on my line because that's 16ms of additional latency for no good reason.

Notice also how unlike BT they over provision the speeds to compensate for overheads? I suspect this is to get comparable results when EVERYONE on the network seems to have interleaving turned on whereas BT have their DLM to tweak that on a per line basis.
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Just unlocked my modem, here are my stats.

I disabled QOS, anything else I should do?

# xdslcmd info --pbParams
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max:    Upstream rate = 36719 Kbps, Downstream rate = 98660 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79999 Kbps

Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (868,1207) (1972,2783)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1963) (2792,3939)
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (868,1207) (1972,2783)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1963) (2792,3939)
       VDSL Port Details       Upstream        Downstream
Attainable Net Data Rate:      36719 kbps         98660 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power:    -   2.6 dBm          13.2 dBm
  VDSL Band Status        U0      U1      U2      U3      D1      D2      D3
  Line Attenuation(dB):  2.6     11.7    15.9     N/A    6.7     14.3    21.4
Signal Attenuation(dB):  7.6     10.8    15.0     N/A    6.7     14.3    21.4
        SNR Margin(dB):  23.3    23.3    23.4     N/A    11.2    11.2    11.2
         TX Power(dBm): -16.6   -38.7   -2.7      N/A    10.0    7.8     6.9

 xdslcmd info --show
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max:    Upstream rate = 36755 Kbps, Downstream rate = 98660 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79999 Kbps

Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        11.2            23.5
Attn(dB):        0.0             0.0
Pwr(dBm):        13.2           -2.6
                        VDSL2 framing
                        Path 0
B:              239             223
M:              1               1
T:              23              48
R:              0               16
S:              0.0955          0.3560
L:              20107           5394
D:              1               1
I:              240             120
N:              240             240
                        Path 0
OHF:            690350          267247
OHFErr:         1               1
RS:             0               4231707
RSCorr:         0               0
RSUnCorr:       0               0

                        Path 0
HEC:            15              0
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    175610666               0
Data Cells:     14919131                0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             1               1
SES:            0               0
UAS:            25              25
AS:             1143

                        Path 0
INP:            0.00            0.00
PER:            1.64            4.27
delay:          0.00            0.00
OR:             116.56          59.93

Bitswap:        1               4

After a few engineer visits, the problem on my line has been sorted! (or seems to be so far)

I have now got little or no errors. Hope fully DLM with now take the interleaving off my line again :)

Line Status
Downstream Upstream
Attainable rate (kbit/s) 45544 7281
SNR margin (dB) 6.1 17.5
Line attenuation (dB) 0 0
Output power (dBmV) 11 -0.1


Path 0
Path 1
Downstream Upstream Downstream Upstream
Line rate (kbit/s) 39003 1999 0 0
CRC errors 35 0 0 0
FEC errors 6 3 0 0
HEC errors 7 0 0 0

Previously, after 30 mins of being connected id have over 3000 CRC errors and a few hundred FEC & HEC errors :D this was taken after 35 mins up time!

MEH :( shortly after saying that i go this:

Downstream Upstream Downstream Upstream
Line rate (kbit/s) 39003 1999 0 0
CRC errors 918 0 0 0
FEC errors 18 3 0 0
HEC errors 265 0 0 0
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just tried to unlock my modem but stumbled at the first step. I followed the instructions to the letter. set my ip to, powered down the modem, pluged into LAN2, held reset, power on and held for 5 seconds after.

When i try and go to i get nothing? Not sure what i'm doing wrong? Could there be a newer model which this doesnt work on? I only got infinity installed on thursday?
Just got the BT Infinity 2 package installed (I'm in Stratford, London).

Here are my stats:

# xdslcmd info --show
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason:	0
Max:	Upstream rate = 10252 Kbps, Downstream rate = 52784 Kbps
Path:	0, Upstream rate = 8589 Kbps, Downstream rate = 44600 Kbps

Link Power State:	L0
Mode:			VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:		Profile 17a
TPS-TC:			PTM Mode
Trellis:		U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:		No Defect
Training Status:	Showtime
		Down		Up
SNR (dB):	 6.4		 6.0
Attn(dB):	 0.0		 0.0
Pwr(dBm):	 12.8		 5.7

Is this ok or to be expected? I don't really understand all the info - any guidance appreciated.


Your speeds are slow. Compared to mine:

# xdslcmd info --show
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 2
Max:    Upstream rate = 28635 Kbps, Downstream rate = 84148 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79999 Kbps

Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        7.2             12.8
Attn(dB):        0.0             0.0
Pwr(dBm):        13.3            6.8

Is your line aluminum, or are you far from your cab?
Unfortunately due to the aluminium cabling predominant in Milton Keynes I won't get near the max speeds of 17a. This is what I get right now which I'm still very happy with considering over a year ago I was getting 1.5-2Mbit on DSL :

# xdslcmd info --show
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max:    Upstream rate = 13898 Kbps, Downstream rate = 50224 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 14010 Kbps, Downstream rate = 50225 Kbps

Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        6.0             6.1
Attn(dB):        0.0             0.0
Pwr(dBm):        13.4            6.7
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