Profile 17a
I'm also maxing out at 74/16
Are there any tricks to get full steam ?
# xdslcmd info --pbParams
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max: Upstream rate = 31368 Kbps, Downstream rate = 84876 Kbps
Path: 0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79999 Kbps
Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (868,1207) (1972,2783)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1963) (2792,3959)
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (868,1207) (1972,2783)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1963) (2792,3959)
VDSL Port Details Upstream Downstream
Attainable Net Data Rate: 31368 kbps 84876 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power: 2.4 dBm 13.6 dBm
VDSL Band Status U0 U1 U2 U3 D1 D2 D3
Line Attenuation(dB): 2.8 14.8 22.0 N/A 8.1 18.8 29.2
Signal Attenuation(dB): 7.7 14.1 21.3 N/A 8.1 18.8 29.2
SNR Margin(dB): 14.6 15.0 15.0 N/A 7.3 7.3 7.4
TX Power(dBm): -12.1 -35.4 2.1 N/A 10.9 7.6 7.1
I'm also maxing out at 74/16
Are there any tricks to get full steam ?