Post your FTTC line stats & unlocking info

What do you make of my stats then? The cab that I'm connected to is ~800m away which is highly annoying as there's another one which is only 300m in the other direction!

Data rate: 6186 / 29393
Maximum data rate: 6026 / 33060
Noise margin: 5.5 / 5.7
Line attenuation: 0.0 / 27.2
Signal attenuation: 0.0 / 23.6
My stats have gone from

Attainable rate (kbit/s) 107816 39717
SNR margin (dB) 13.9 18.6
Line attenuation (dB) 0 0
Output power (dBmV) 12.8 5

...on the day of install to these now :

Attainable rate (kbit/s) 94800 39490
SNR margin (dB) 10.4 18.5
Line attenuation (dB) 0 0
Output power (dBmV) 12.8 5

Crosstalk? DLM?
My stats have gone from

Attainable rate (kbit/s) 107816 39717
SNR margin (dB) 13.9 18.6
Line attenuation (dB) 0 0
Output power (dBmV) 12.8 5

...on the day of install to these now :

Attainable rate (kbit/s) 94800 39490
SNR margin (dB) 10.4 18.5
Line attenuation (dB) 0 0
Output power (dBmV) 12.8 5

Crosstalk? DLM?

Yep and you're still miles over the 79999 threshold so don't worry about it! :D
I believe it was an Openreach engineer.

BT line come into front of house straight into master socket. Master socket then has a cable running to a second socket to the upstairs rear bedroom, where the ADT alarm control panel was connected to.

I say was, as when we moved into the property a year ago, ADT ran an extension cable from the Virgin Media socket to this second BT socket. The ADT control panel and this extension do not plug into the socket at the front. All wires go into the rear of the BT socket (sorry, I'm not technical with all this!)

Fast forward to installation day.

My desired location for Home Hub was in another room, so he installed a "data point" in the requested location. This was just a box on the skirting board allowing the HH to connect via RJ11.

To get round the ADT alarm connectivity, he simply cut the extension lead linking the Virgin socket to 2nd rear BT socket(that ADT panel is connected to) and installed a T junction box and terminated in to the master socket. This was done near the master socket itself. The second BT socket is working (plugged a phone into it to test).

Apologies for the waffle!

Quick question regarding the BT master socket (SSFP Infinity socket).

My HH5 is not connected straight into the RJ11 port on the master socket. Instead, its connected into a RJ11 data point in a different room and this data point is run along skirting boards to the master socket in the dining room. At the master socket, its not plugged into the RJ11 port but in behind the socket.

Would this make a difference to line stats and my subsequent speeds? Stupid question but as my HH5 isn't plugged directly into the RJ11 port, is it not by passing the in built filtering?

I was thinking of connecting the HH5 to the Master socket with a short length, high quality RJ11 lead. To connect my living room gear (TV, You View Box), I could run equipment into a switch and link living room to HH5 in dining room with CAT5e cable.
Done properly, with the correct cable, the extension wiring you describe should make no noticeable difference.

The connections the extension wiring will be using at the master socket are intended for the purpose. They'll be connected to exactly the same place as the faceplate RJ11 socket.
Old man's house recently connected:

Broadband Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 39998 kbps 9995 kbps
Line Attenuation 18.8 dB 0.0 dB
Noise Margin 19.7 dB 13.13 dB

Attenuation seems a bit high?

Ping is currently 12ms. Being greedy, I'd like less than 10 :D


I was waiting in for Openreach until I realised the SR102 had re-negotiated to VDSL lol.

What's the easiest way to see if my modem chipset matches the cab?
SNR tweak won't make a difference due to Openreach dslam config AFAIK.

You can remove the upstream QoS.
Hopefully won't loose anymore speed to crosstalk as cabinet is nearly 3 years old so should be full by now. Still think I should sync at slightly higher speeds though.

Retrain Reason: 0
Max:    Upstream rate = 27901 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79388 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 19999 Kbps, Downstream rate = 67422 Kbps

# xdslcmd info --pbParams
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max:    Upstream rate = 27913 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79388 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 19999 Kbps, Downstream rate = 67422 Kbps

Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (868,1207) (1972,2783)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1963) (2792,3971)
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (868,1207) (1972,2783)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1963) (2792,3971)
       VDSL Port Details       Upstream        Downstream
Attainable Net Data Rate:      27913 kbps         79388 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power:        6.4 dBm          13.7 dBm
  VDSL Band Status        U0      U1      U2      U3      D1      D2      D3
  Line Attenuation(dB):  3.3     18.0    26.5     N/A    9.6     22.2    33.9

Signal Attenuation(dB):  3.3     17.1    25.6     N/A    9.6     22.2    33.9

        SNR Margin(dB):  15.2    15.1    15.1     N/A    6.2     6.2     6.2

         TX Power(dBm): -8.4    -27.3    6.3      N/A    10.9    7.9     6.9

## xdslcmd info --show
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max:    Upstream rate = 27917 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79388 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 19999 Kbps, Downstream rate = 67422 Kbps

Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        6.2             15.1
Attn(dB):        0.0             0.0
Pwr(dBm):        13.7            6.4
                        VDSL2 framing
                        Path 0
B:              63              237
M:              1               1
T:              64              42
R:              16              16
S:              0.0302          0.3781
L:              21188           5374
D:              1069            1
I:              80              127
N:              80              254
                        Path 0
OHF:            8280077         3037019
OHFErr:         0               7
RS:             1589774506              2944380
RSCorr:         46504           2
RSUnCorr:       0               0

                        Path 0
HEC:            0               0
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    1561905381              0
Data Cells:     28503487                0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             0               7
SES:            0               0
UAS:            20              20
AS:             12053

                        Path 0
INP:            3.00            0.00
PER:            1.44            3.97
delay:          8.00            0.00
OR:             115.87          64.47

Bitswap:        1383            30

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could anyone who knows what to look for please check over my stats. my speed has been dropping lately so I purchased an unlocked hg612 .

however its a lot to take in so id be grateful if anyone in the know could shed some light on these figures.


xdslcmd info --stats
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason:	0
Max:	Upstream rate = 21941 Kbps, Downstream rate = 57788 Kbps
Path:	0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 50851 Kbps

Link Power State:	L0
Mode:			VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:		Profile 17a
TPS-TC:			PTM Mode
Trellis:		U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:		No Defect
Training Status:	Showtime
		Down		Up
SNR (dB):	 5.9		 6.3
Attn(dB):	 0.0		 0.0
Pwr(dBm):	 12.9		 6.4
			VDSL2 framing
			Path 0
B:		51		236
M:		1		1
T:		64		5
R:		12		16
S:		0.0325		0.3771
L:		15736		5410
D:		995		1
I:		64		255
N:		64		255
			Path 0
OHF:		37678665		1903543
OHFErr:		17		150
RS:		1055682341		2269210
RSCorr:		256562		1008
RSUnCorr:	522		0

			Path 0
HEC:		107		0
OCD:		2		0
LCD:		2		0
Total Cells:	3406497858		0
Data Cells:	231779036		0
Drop Cells:	0
Bit Errors:	0		0

ES:		7		111
SES:		0		0
UAS:		18		18
AS:		78769

			Path 0
INP:		3.00		0.00
PER:		2.08		6.12
delay:		8.00		0.00
OR:		92.20		203.67

Bitswap:	22159		3330

Total time = 21 hours 53 min 16 sec
FEC:		256562		1008
CRC:		17		150
ES:		7		111
SES:		0		0
UAS:		18		18
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
Latest 15 minutes time = 8 min 16 sec
FEC:		1118		4
CRC:		0		1
ES:		0		1
SES:		0		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC:		1558		9
CRC:		0		1
ES:		0		1
SES:		0		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
Latest 1 day time = 21 hours 53 min 16 sec
FEC:		256562		1008
CRC:		17		150
ES:		7		111
SES:		0		0
UAS:		18		18
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
Previous 1 day time = 0 sec
FEC:		0		0
CRC:		0		0
ES:		0		0
SES:		0		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
Since Link time = 21 hours 52 min 48 sec
FEC:		256562		1008
CRC:		17		150
ES:		7		111
SES:		0		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
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Just got BT Infinity installed today. FTTC has only been available here for about 6 weeks to get an idea of numbers hooked up to the cabinet.

Just stats off the HH5 here for anyone that's interested:

5. VDSL uptime: 0 days, 11:14:51
6. Data rate: 15919 / 67385
7. Maximum data rate: 15909 / 65618
8. Noise margin: 6.0 / 6.0
9. Line attenuation: 0.0 / 18.5
10. Signal attenuation: 0.0 / 18.5

Using google maps distance measurement tool I'm roughly 400 metres from the cabinet, so quite a way.
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HG612 Modem Stats r2.1 released


A version 2.1 revision to the HG612 Modem Stats package has now been released.

It is available here:-

Click the Blue Download Now! button & choose one of the Download Mirrors.

It is still currently aimed only at VDSL2/FTTC connections for Microsoft Windows users, using a Huawei HG612 modem or a ZyXel VMG8324-B10A combined modem/router.

The package has been fully tested on XP, Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8/8.1 systems.

What´s New in version 2.1:

• Added the option to record extra debugging information.
Along with Extensive event logging, this option can be turned OFF, with very minimal data stored.

Turning these options OFF speeds up the programs, so it *may* be necessary
to apply a different PC speed setting in the event of failed data harvests
for faster PCs.

• Added option to choose the PC speed setting.
FAST actually slows the programs down by adding slight pauses in order
to ensure the modem can keep pace with the PC.
SLOW adds no pauses. This speeds up the programs on slower PCs.
MEDIUM is the middle ground between FAST & SLOW settings.

• ONGOING_ISRUNNING files are now always deleted, but a record of
when 2 instances of HG612_stats.exe were running is stored in a log file.

• Moved various log files to a new folder named Event & Error Logs to keep them together

• Fixed error in modem_stats.log & in Ongoing stats graphs.
US_OHFErr(i.e. US CRC) data was incorrectly being stored as US_OHFErr
US_OHFErr.png was thus incorrectly plotting DS_OHFErr data
This error was carried into line_stats__FULL_MONTY_P-xxxxxxxx-xxxx.png

• Added support for ZyXel VMG8324-B10A combined modem/router.

Not actually tested, but it is believed this option will also
work with other ZyXel modem/router combinations.

• Fixed an issue with some user defined folder names that included spaces not beng recognised

• Added drop down list of modems in the GUI to select from.
If a modem isn't chosen or if using an older version of the ini file, the programs will default to using the HG612

• Added the option to choose/create a different folder for the ongoing modem_stats.log & xlogfile.txt

• Added US OHFErr (FEC) errors graph to FULL__MONTY montage of Ongoing Stats.

• Added more error checking in get_data() function, forcing a controlled exit if 'stuck' in a loop attempting to obtain data.

• Cosmetic graph appearance changes

• Added HG612's firmware version to pbParams stats window.

• Improved efficiency of snapshot graphing program (GRAPH6.exe)

HG612_current_stats.exe now passes a parameter to GRAPH6.exe to confirm
how the Plink log was generated i.e. via a scheduled or resync event,
manually generated via HG612_current_stats.exe or by dragging & dropping
a Plink log onto the GRAPH6.exe program icon.

• Added support for VDSL2 Profile 8a (as used in the Isle of Man)

New users should simply extract the contents of the zip file to Drive C:, ensuring "Expand Folders" or similar setting is selected for a default setup.

Existing users of version 2.0 should extract all the files & subfolders to the relevant existing folders to ensure the slightly different operation of the package is picked up.

Once all the files are in place, existing users should delete the original HG612 Stats Program task & create a new one via the Settings GUI.

By default, Current (snapshot) data will be harvested & plotted every 8 hours, starting at 06:00 & Ongoing data will be harvested every minute, being plotted at 06:00 each day.

These settings can be easily adjusted or logging and/or automated graphing turned off via the Settings GUI.

As always, your feedback, comments & suggestions for further enhancements are welcomed.
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Just been installed by an engineer. Smashing chap! Apparently we are only the second customer on the cab!

Gone from:



6. Data rate: 20000 / 79995
7. Maximum data rate: 37081 / 123489
8. Noise margin: 23.4 / 18.8
9. Line attenuation: 0.0 / 10.1
10. Signal attenuation: 0.0 / 10.1

Disappointingly it's the same poor(ish) ping we've had with ADSLMax and ADSL2+ though at ~16ms despite having a 5ms ping to the second hop.

Openreach Modem (HG612 type B) I bought off of Fleabay arriving tomorrow for unlocking and use so I can extract more detailed information! HH5 feels sluggish (Not as snappy) like all previous Home Hubs we've had compared to 3rd party routers so it will be interesting to see the difference (With our 7800N acting as the Router with the HG612).

Anyone have any idea how far the cabinet is with a 10.1dB line attenuation?
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Just been installed by an engineer. Smashing chap! Apparently we are only the second customer on the cab!

Gone from:



6. Data rate: 20000 / 79995
7. Maximum data rate: 37081 / 123489
8. Noise margin: 23.4 / 18.8
9. Line attenuation: 0.0 / 10.1
10. Signal attenuation: 0.0 / 10.1

Disappointingly it's the same poor(ish) ping we've had with ADSLMax and ADSL2+ though at ~16ms despite having a 5ms ping to the second hop.

Openreach Modem (HG612 type B) I bought off of Fleabay arriving tomorrow for unlocking and use so I can extract more detailed information! HH5 feels sluggish (Not as snappy) like all previous Home Hubs we've had compared to 3rd party routers so it will be interesting to see the difference (With our 7800N acting as the Router with the HG612).

Anyone have any idea how far the cabinet is with a 10.1dB line attenuation?

About 300 to 350 meters and the reason your ping is poor due to being routed through Sheffield.
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