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Reality check, are AMD just as bad as Nvidia.

The 4090 doesn't get flamed as much for being a ripoff. Do people think it's worth £1500? Or that its just not as overpriced as the others?
The 4090 doesn't get flamed as much for being a ripoff. Do people think it's worth £1500? Or that its just not as overpriced as the others?
I don't mind Nvidia pricing a halo card at silly prices, let them have a very high margin part as a halo product, that's fine. and it is over 60% faster than the 3090 at only 7% more money.

Please give it a go and share your results!

Yeah i'm not spending the value of a 4090 on the equipment to turn my 2070S in to a 16GB card and i doubt the oven trick would work :D
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The 4090 doesn't get flamed as much for being a ripoff. Do people think it's worth £1500? Or that its just not as overpriced as the others?
look at prices at ocuk - you're paying not even 20% more to get 50% or more in performance - that's why
I'm surprised the thread hasn't been axed!

But on topic AMD are perhaps slightly better but not good. The XT is more reasonable now with the price drops but is still more expensive than the 6800 XT with what I'd deem a small generational leap.

The 980 Ti to the 1080 Ti, that is the kind of leap that I'd like but doubt we'll see again at the high end in terms of launch price/performance.
I'm surprised the thread hasn't been axed!

But on topic AMD are perhaps slightly better but not good. The XT is more reasonable now with the price drops but is still more expensive than the 6800 XT with what I'd deem a small generational leap.

The 980 Ti to the 1080 Ti, that is the kind of leap that I'd like but doubt we'll see again at the high end in terms of launch price/performance.

Meh... nothing wrong with a bit of fun. :)

The is 7900XT 34% faster than the 6800XT at 15% more expensive with its new $750 price, that's still not good, but also much better than almost all of Nvidia's stuff.

The one thing with that is the 7800XT is very unlikely to be more expensive that the 6800XT was at $650, Actually given the 4070 is $600 its likely to be $550 at most and a 60 CU 7800 between $450 and $500, that would make the 4060Ti 16GB at $500 look absolutely ridiculous given the 7800 is likely to be very much faster.....

Again the 4060 series is just stupid, IMO that was Nvidia's biggest mistake being that greedy with such a crap card.
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