
When high alching do you really have to click it, then click the item, and keep doing that repetitively? Is there not a way to automatically do what's in your bag?

That would make training Magic even easier :P But yes you really have to click spell followed by the item.

In days of old, the trick was to put the items in a stack on the right hand side 3 row down and just activate mouse keys and hit 5 to register a click.

Not sure what it's like now though!
best thing for combat experience is doing slayer.

While its a bit slower. overall its going to be much better in the long run.

You'll get a good broad experience in all combat styles and against a wide range of creatures.

You'll learn a lot more about the game and the changing of slayer tasks helps break the monotony.

Nothing sucks more than getting all combat skill to 99 and still being 50 slayer. I did it like that and in the process of grinding 99 slayer out, i ended up with getting 99 attack 3 times (40m+ exp) and strength twice (30m ish) Like so.

Herb farm runs between slayer tasks or every 2 tasks and you'll bring in a nice little earner, lots of exp in many skills. and build a much better game knowledge and ability.

I fully agree with what it said here. It is exactly what I did to get my melee skills to 99 and I am currently on my way to 99 slayer.

Slayer is also a decent money maker. It is not as good as it used to be in years gone by (the price of rare drops and herbs/seeds has dipped significantly. E.g.abyssal whips have dipped from 3M to a measly 88k) but it isn't anything to shy away from. This alone is my slayer tab that I started on 1st Jan:

I purchased a number of Black Santa Hats at 179M each during the Christmas event, and promptly sold them when they peaked at 390M or so. The proceeds later attributed to the purchase of my first Party Hat since before the original trade limit was implemented. (I lost my Purple just prior, which was valued at 200M at the time.)
Woah. Some serious profiting there! Nice work. :)

It was more luck than good judgement. :)

I recently obtained my Veteran cape (10 year) - which is unbelievable considering how sub-par my account is. I was purely F2P from 2004 until September of last year. It seems I've got a lot of catching up to do as a member!

Should you wish to add me, my RSN is the same as my OcUK username. ;)
I miss the goold old runescape days, my account was hacked years ago, no idea if i could get it back or not, not sure what email i used, not sure what payments i used etc :(
Just made a new account. Everyone is a mad high level! Tips for a brand new player! Played this years ago.

Firstly, familiarize yourself with the new game mechanics via the tutorial system. Once you've done the aforementioned, feel free to speak to me in-game, and I'll provide you with any further help if required, or any basic provisions you may need. My RSN is the same as my OcUK username.
Tried getting back into this recently, EOC is just too hard to get used to. Sold all my gold (around 2b) last year.

Lucky for you they are introducing a new ability called "Revolution" which automatically uses basic abilities for you. Any of the abilities which require adrenaline to use you will still have to press manually however.

There is also a 99% chance of the old style of combat back into the game alongside EOC combat in the form of "Legacy Mode". There is a poll in game currently happening and as of this post 80% of the vote is yes to introducing this new mode. This is only a poll though so whether or not it will be implemented has not been decided.

E: As a side note any of you guys with high enough farming should consider farming lantadymes. They are amazing profit for me at the moment. Using juju farming potions, legendary greenfingers aura, scroll of life, and magic secateurs, I get around 400k profit per herb run. That is 400k profit for 5 minutes work every 1 hour 20 minutes. Add this up and it works out to 4.8M/hour.
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Lucky for you they are introducing a new ability called "Revolution" which automatically uses basic abilities for you. Any of the abilities which require adrenaline to use you will still have to press manually however.

There is also a 99% chance of the old style of combat back into the game alongside EOC combat in the form of "Legacy Mode". There is a poll in game currently happening and as of this post 80% of the vote is yes to introducing this new mode. This is only a poll though so whether or not it will be implemented has not been decided.

E: As a side note any of you guys with high enough farming should consider farming lantadymes. They are amazing profit for me at the moment. Using juju farming potions, legendary greenfingers aura, scroll of life, and magic secateurs, I get around 400k profit per herb run. That is 400k profit for 5 minutes work every 1 hour 20 minutes. Add this up and it works out to 4.8M/hour.

Think I'll invest in some lant's, used to do them but prices went a little weird but, seem to be back at a decent rate :)
I need to get my defence up to 70 anyone got any tips? What should I be killing and what armour and weapons should I have?
I need to get my defence up to 70 anyone got any tips? What should I be killing and what armour and weapons should I have?

I always got combat stats up whilst doing slayer. If you don't want to do that, kill experiments (ones you encountered doing creature of fenkenstrain) if you've not done that quest yet, do it and kill them. They don't really have decent drops but they are small risk and good/fast exp. Just take a whip.

Edit: also, if you go the slayer route. Vampyrism aura and a bunyip are great ways of regaining health on tasks. 70 shouldn't take too long though.
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So did anyone make use of the double XP weekend? I think i raked in about 4.5m xp in total. Just wished i'd saved the summoning charms up. Still, reached my 99 crafting goal though.
So did anyone make use of the double XP weekend? I think i raked in about 4.5m xp in total. Just wished i'd saved the summoning charms up. Still, reached my 99 crafting goal though.

Got 99 construc, hit 2400 total. Very close to 99 att and hp too :). Also gained around 7 herb levels.
So did anyone make use of the double XP weekend? I think i raked in about 4.5m xp in total. Just wished i'd saved the summoning charms up. Still, reached my 99 crafting goal though.

I didn't have much time to play over the weekend. I didn't have any resources stocked up either as Jagex said a long time ago that there would be no more bonus exp weekends.

An interesting statistic to know is that over 40,000 99s were achieved over the weekend, which is pretty mind blowing.

One of the pretty big RuneScape Youtubers AlkanRs managed to get 61M experience in herblore alone, among millions of experience in other skills.
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